As the author of ReqAttack states, the anims load far too slowly on an
030/50, or even my 040/25 for that matter, so i set about replacing the
static images provided with some more adventurous ones...
To install these images, copy them to your ReqAttack/Logos drawer, and paste
the script lines from the 'ReqAttack.PasteMe' file provided into your own
ReqAttack.prefs file, removing any conflicting scripts you may have...
I have only been able to provide images for requesters i have been able to
find (and finding the 'read error' one was a nightmare, let me tell you, all
those dead disks i used to have, and could i find one when i needed it? nope
;) - so if you have any requestrrs you would like images providing for,
email me at '' with a short description of the requester,
complete with the entire text contained within it so i can add it to the
Hope you like them... you can always preview them first with the ReqAttack
image datatype and multiview =^_^=
Lightning SnowLeopard
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