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util/misc/GuruStatistix.lha |
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I want to make a global GuruChart for Internet, that everone can visit and look for
tasks, which causes the amiga to go down
Because of that and for you I`ve made a script called GC2EMail that gets the
information I need from the GC-File and send it with YAM to me.
No more work for you!!!!
For what is GuruStatistix? GuruStatistix analyse the Guruhistory (of MCP) for the
following things:
-when was the first guru
-when was the last guru
-how many gurus you have produced
-what causes of guru and how often
-the tasks that produces errors and how often
-the days of registered gurus and how often at these days
New since version 1.60:
+-* V1.82 18.Oktober 1997 *-+ (AMINET-RELEASE)
+V0.10 Gauge added, it shows the work still left (11.10.1997)
+V0.05 Gauge comes with prefs program (17.10.1997)
+V0.01 big error in installer script discovered and eliminated (18.10.1997)
+V0.05 build a preferences program for GuruStatistix.prefs (18.10.1997)
Aber wozu ist nun GuruStatistix? GuruStatistix analysiert die Guruhistory nach folgenden
-wann war der erste Absturz
-wann war der letzte Absturz
-wieviele Abstürze gab es bisher
-was war die Ursache der Abstürze und wie oft gab es sie
-die Tasks die die Abstürze verursachten und wie oft machten sie es
-die Tage an denen es Abstürze gab und wie oft an diesen
Neu seit Version 1.60:
+-* V1.82 18.Oktober 1997 *-+ (AMINET-RELEASE)
+V0.10 eine Gauge hinzugefügt, die anzeigt wieviel noch zu bearbeiten ist (11.10.1997)
+V0.05 Gauge ist konfigurierbar (Prefs Programm) (17.10.1997)
+V0.01 großen Fehler im Installerscript gefunden und eliminiert (18.10.1997)
+V0.05 Preferences Programm für das GuruStatistix.prefs entworfen (18.10.1997)
Contents of util/misc/GuruStatistix.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3574 10793 33.1% -lh5- f0c8 Oct 5 1997 gurustatistix/GuruStatistix.info
[generic] 955 1922 49.7% -lh5- 8840 Oct 4 1997 gurustatistix/script.info
[generic] 120 198 60.6% -lh5- a1dc Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/script/gui/GuruStatistix.def
[generic] 320 718 44.6% -lh5- 6eee Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/script/gui/GuruStatistix.gui
[generic] 898 2808 32.0% -lh5- c47b Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/script/GuruStatistixPrefs
[generic] 280 513 54.6% -lh5- ca78 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/script/GuruStatistixPrefs.info
[generic] 956 1922 49.7% -lh5- dd77 Oct 4 1997 gurustatistix/Icons.info
[generic] 8168 17496 46.7% -lh5- bafe Oct 5 1997 gurustatistix/icons/GuruStatistix1.info
[generic] 5107 11433 44.7% -lh5- e782 Oct 5 1997 gurustatistix/icons/GuruStatistix2.info
[generic] 3574 10793 33.1% -lh5- e1df Oct 5 1997 gurustatistix/icons/GuruStatistix3.info
[generic] 353 1460 24.2% -lh5- b4e0 Oct 5 1997 gurustatistix/icons/GuruStatistix4.info
[generic] 3343 11672 28.6% -lh5- 9a9d Oct 7 1997 gurustatistix/script/GC2EMail_Deu
[generic] 1312 1786 73.5% -lh5- 7b37 Oct 5 1997 gurustatistix/script/GC2EMail_Deu.info
[generic] 2990 11185 26.7% -lh5- e9da Oct 7 1997 gurustatistix/script/GC2EMail_Eng
[generic] 1314 1785 73.6% -lh5- b3a0 Oct 5 1997 gurustatistix/script/GC2EMail_Eng.info
[generic] 2830 9566 29.6% -lh5- e493 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/GuruStatistix
[generic] 971 2597 37.4% -lh5- 2960 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/GuruStatistix.readme
[generic] 249 1108 22.5% -lh5- a48e Oct 5 1997 gurustatistix/icons/GuruStatistix.info
[generic] 4660 19734 23.6% -lh5- 8545 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/Install
[generic] 2452 9149 26.8% -lh5- 922b Apr 25 1997 gurustatistix/source/GuruStatistixV121
[generic] 2489 8901 28.0% -lh5- 8055 Jul 13 1997 gurustatistix/source/GuruStatistixV133
[generic] 2425 8799 27.6% -lh5- 5d61 Sep 9 1997 gurustatistix/source/GuruStatistixV135
[generic] 2998 11426 26.2% -lh5- 2f18 Oct 3 1997 gurustatistix/source/GuruStatistixV149
[generic] 3109 11728 26.5% -lh5- 9e26 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/source/GuruStatistixV150
[generic] 8187 14476 56.6% -lh5- cc75 Feb 26 1997 gurustatistix/c/EditPrefs
[generic] 3470 12150 28.6% -lh5- ff32 Feb 26 1997 gurustatistix/c/EditPrefs.guide
[generic] 4999 18817 26.6% -lh5- 3663 Feb 26 1997 gurustatistix/c/MPGui.doc
[generic] 1254 2883 43.5% -lh5- 7425 Feb 26 1997 gurustatistix/c/MPGui.guide
[generic] 3668 5744 63.9% -lh5- ef15 Feb 26 1997 gurustatistix/c/RunMPGui
[generic] 961 1922 50.0% -lh5- 79d2 Oct 4 1997 gurustatistix/docs.info
[generic] 3805 9776 38.9% -lh5- 2f28 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/docs/GuruStatistixD.guide
[generic] 2984 7699 38.8% -lh5- 1d02 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/docs/GuruStatistixE.guide
[generic] 16221 35388 45.8% -lh5- 63b3 Feb 26 1997 gurustatistix/libs/MPGui.library
[generic] 46160 97088 47.5% -lh5- a699 Feb 26 1997 gurustatistix/libs/MPImage.library
[generic] 945 1922 49.2% -lh5- f876 Apr 19 1997 GuruStatistix.info
[generic] 48128 48128 100.0% -lh0- 7bdf Sep 13 1997 gurustatistix/docs/FunnyPicGerman.jpg
[generic] 970 1722 56.3% -lh5- ad6c Oct 3 1997 gurustatistix/docs/GuruStatistixD.guide.info
[generic] 979 1722 56.9% -lh5- 9216 Oct 3 1997 gurustatistix/docs/GuruStatistixE.guide.info
[generic] 543 1259 43.1% -lh5- 0925 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/Install-Deutsch.info
[generic] 544 1259 43.2% -lh5- 05e3 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/Install-English.info
[generic] 633 1228 51.5% -lh5- 9824 Oct 9 1997 gurustatistix/locale/deutsch/GuruStatistix.catalog
[generic] 531 1025 51.8% -lh5- 4e66 Oct 18 1997 gurustatistix/locale/english/GuruStatistix.catalog
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 42 files 200429 433700 46.2% Nov 10 1997
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