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util/misc/FlipSide_v2.2.lha |
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F l i p s i d e - v 2.2
Flipside's job is simply to flip between public screens
when the middle mouse button is pressed, for those who
don't want to run MCP, MCX or anything big like that just
to do this job.
Apparently I never uploaded this version to Aminet 20 years ago :)
1) Dump Flipside into your WBStartup Folderd.
The SILENT tooltype turns off Flipside Enable/Disable confirmation requesters.
REQUESTERS=YES Use Flipside enable/disable requesters.
REQUESTERS=NO Don't show Flipside enable/disable requesters.
* That's It! On your next boot it will become activated.*
Middlemouse Button: Cycles through all open screens
Ctrl-Middlemouse Button: Enables/Disables Flipside. Good for those apps
that make extensive use of the Middle-Mouse Button.
Alt-Middelmouse Button: Temporarily disables Flipside. Useful for quick
single clicks that require the Middelmiuse button.
Amiga-Middlemouse Button: Brings the Workbench Screen to the Front.
Shift-Middlemouse Button: Quits Flipside.
James L Boyd - Mastermind, original code (jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk)
Allan Versaevel - Programmer from v1.2 on! (splayer@rogers.com)
1.0 - ?
1.1 - Aminet Release
1.2 - Fixed a bug that showed up on GFX cards. CPU loop occured.
Now works with GFX cards and AGA/ECS/OCS
- Program Priority is set to 2. Higher than most apps run at.
That way you can flip screens as screens as fast as you want,
even while rendering! :)
1.3 - Flipside is now CLI only. Had to do this to make Flipside OS 3.9
1.4 - Holding the middle mouse button down will not continously
cycle windows. Good for those with slow reflexes :)
v2.0 - Fresh new code.
- Holding Shift down while clicking the middle mouse button will
bring you to the Workbench screen.
- Holding Ctrl down while clicking will the middle mouse button
will enable or disable Flipside.
- Tooltype support added.
v2.1 - Added temporary disable using the ALT key
v2.2 - Changed Priority to +19. Uses verly little CPu but will
now respond quickly even under heavy system load.
Visit my Youtube Channel and watch over 30 Amiga and Commodore related Videos!
Allan Versaevel
Contents of util/misc/FlipSide_v2.2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 12992 25292 51.4% -lh5- bf6b Feb 11 23:06 Flipside
[unknown] 1002 1595 62.8% -lh5- 1c00 Feb 11 23:06 Flipside.info
[unknown] 1266 2574 49.2% -lh5- 3508 Feb 11 23:06 FlipSide.readme
[unknown] 810 1369 59.2% -lh5- f2ca Feb 11 23:06 Flipside.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 4 files 16070 30830 52.1% Feb 13 03:23
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