I made two arexx scripts which will:
a) Create datafiles for .info files left alone, and
b) Create .info files for files with no icon...
Mainly, i did those two scripts to easily use the superb utility IconUpdate,
which can copy icons using drag'n drop without destroying the tooltypes..
Anyway, IconUpdate won't work if there isn't any file/drawer together with the
.info file, and therefore: CData was born! And since IconUpdate won't update
files with no icons, i had to do an utility to create infofiles aswell, and
i named it CInfo.
The usage is the same for both utils:
Usage: CData/CInfo [drawer] [-r]
The -r switch stands for Recursive..
Plans for the future:
o Pattern matching and single file operation (currently it operates on all
files, but it doesn't overwrite existing files)
o Some use of some file-id library or something to be able to use create
icons for all types of files.. Currently only files and drawers are
supported. Ideas are welcome...
Thanks to: o Martin Huttenloher for the MagicWB standard
o The author of iconupdate (whoever he is)...
o Urban Müeller for the incredible Aminet.
o Amiga Technologies, Team 17 and everybody who supports the
superior Amiga computer..
Go to hell: o Datormagazin (swedish magazine) for leaving the Amiga now when
it's reborn again...
¢ Christer Bjarnemo (NEW!) ¢
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