Empire DOPUS Scripts
Note that Empire is a C64 group, nothing to do with the one on Amiga.
I did need a name for these anyway, so...
RELEASE1.1, 20/10/1997.
Here is a bunch of scripts and modules to make Dopus usable not as a
pretty workbench window manager but as a real file manager (basically,
these help you replace Diskmaster with Dopus). They will of course work
in WBR, but they are oriented towards the needs of a file manager like
Dopus4 more than towards a Wb replacement tool.
Bug fixes, quite a lot actually :(
Improved signal traps,
Made a bunch of code into functions,
Requesters will be centered on the lister window whenever possible,
Fixed a stupid endless loop bug which was probably present in lots
of crunched stuff because the semicolon can be used just like the
colon it seems - So beware of Rexx crunchers that pack all the
lines into big ones without breaking DO blocks with linefeeds!
$VER: Assign.rexx 1.1 (18.10.97)
$VER: DragD2D.rexx 1.1 (18.10.97)
$VER: ToLower.rexx 1.2 (18.10.97)
$VER: ToUpper.rexx 1.2 (18.10.97)
$VER: UnAssign.rexx 1.2 (18.10.97)
$VER: VisageShow.rexx 1.2 (18.10.97)
$VER: emp_D2D.dopus5 1.1 (19.10.97)
$VER: emp_delete!.dopus5 1.1 (19.10.97)
$VER: emp_parent.dopus5 1.0a (14.10.97)
$VER: emp_PlayDT.dopus5 1.1 (20.10.97)
$VER: emp_rescandir.dopus5 1.0a (14.10.97)
$VER: emp_root.dopus5 1.0a (14.10.97)
- Reqtools requesters (when RexxReqTools is available) - Improved,
all requesters will now center over the calling lister, Dopus's and
Reqtools alike.
- Fast! The PlayDT (Delitracker manager) module is even faster than
the 100% C module called Deliplay - although that was easy to beat ;)
A new, faster Deliplay, with features Arexx can only dream of, is in
the works so if you use Deliplay just hold a little while longer -
Those who just want a simple script can use mine.
- Source/Compressed forms are provided - FIXED! There is a "hidden"
feature of the ";" in ARexx that made some of these compressed scripts
loop forever, that has been corrected.
- All understand the {Ql} parameter (modules have this built-in) so you
can use them in any active lister (no matter if it's a DEST) provided
you call the scripts from a lister toolbar.
- You are responsible for installation, if you never stepped into a CLI
before, or never saw an A/Rexx script before, you might want to skip
this one and keep on playing with your Win95 machine...
- Most of the scripts are rather easy to install, but the docs to all
of them are included only in the source code and I strongly
recommend you read them before you use the scripts.
A better Assign, works on the selected drawer(s) or the lister's
path when no directory is selected.
-Lister is refreshed after each entry is processed.
-Removed close/delete calls from the BreakC: routine, oops!
-Removed tracing output I had left in by mistake.
-Minor change to how I handle volumename length.
An updated version of Charles Patterson's script, understands all
types of assigns, doesn't need the list of your HDnames anymore,
and works on the lister's path when no directory is selected,
handles assigns with spaces in them, as well as the "Ram Disk."
-No longer deletes the tmp files on error, it was way too dangerous.
-Indicates what it's using (Selected/Current Dir) in ListerTitle.
-Simpler code to remove leading and trailing defer indicators <[()]>
Unfortunately, you wont see any speed increase because of the new
code to handle spaces and that damn Ram Disk :(
-Now handles LOGICAL/ASSIGN names with spaces WITHIN, but NOT VOLUME
names that contain spaces -with the exception of the Ram Disk- or
assign names that begin/end with spaces! You should know better
anyway. It does handle spaces in directory names though (this was
always the case). I'd like to have it handle any volume name, but
there's just no way to do it with the output Assign gives, I can't
figure out when the assign name ends and when the volume name
starts if they all have spaces in them...
-NOTE that you can't REMOVE a directory from a defered-type assign,
the system just doesn't handle it - Assign.rexx will now show you
if the assigns it finds are defered.
Small script to facilitate the use of Drag'N'Drop of directories
onto destination listers for reading.
-ReEnabled the signal traps in case something goes wrong,
BreakC especially should never be left out...
Convert filenames to lower/upper case, works on all selected
files and/or subdirs...
-Use DOPUS to do the actual renaming, mucho faster ;-) Doh!
Updated version of Magnus Holmgren's script, works better for me,
supports logging of Visage output.
-No longer deletes the tmp files on error, it was way too dangerous.
-Zapped the "T" variable, screw it, the temp files are in T:
-LOG switch can now be in lowercase ;-) Now uses DOS Rename to
rename the logfile, since Dopus's doesnt support QUIET; Doesn't
try to do all of this if the LOG switch wasn't specified (oops).
Parent/Dir2Dest, complete rewrite of Timo Kaikumaa's, almost
GARANTEED to give a lister the selected path/dir/parent; will
even give a DeviceList lister the other lister's directory
if you call D2D from the DeviceList lister!
When you need to delete a big bunch of files and do not want
Dopus to annoy you with those silly requesters when it can't
delete a file. The initial "confirm" requester can also be
aknowledged with the press of the spacebar like Diskmaster's.
-Shows "Working" in the window titlebar while it deletes the files.
-Delete loop now uses ";" which just /might/ make it faster...
Here's the one you've been waiting for! What is the parent to
a root directory??? Isn't it the damn DeviceList?! Well cry no
more, those two scripts will bring you to the DeviceList when
you reach the top of a volume. You can also have them Unselect
entries before moving up.
Simple, effective, FORCES Dopus to ReRead the lister's current
directory - for when nofitication fails.
Simply the absolute King of the CURRENT Delitracker managers!
FAST!, 8 Commands, pass startup commandline options to DT,
use a DT.cfg config for Dopus use, no need for the Delipath
env variable, play Single/Modlists, etc! Most of the speed
comes from using only 1 file to play all the selected mods,
so that we don't have to hang around waiting for DT to start
before the lister can be released.
-Amount of FADE for modlists can now be "configured" at the top
of this script via the variable dtFade.
More scripts! ;-)
Updated version of the ArcDir script so that it supports/traps more
commands, supports Lzx1.20r, works with archives within archives, etc,
last time ;) If I don't, I will have to start from scratch, and a full
ML/C module might be more appropriate in that case (which I aint sure
is worth the time).
As well as my own versions of a bunch of other scripts (Compare, callCmd,
etc, whatever comes to mind basically), and if at all possible I will
give a try to a recursive filetype/action, so you can define crunched
filetypes and once decrunched, pass'em again to Dopus for analysis.