Insert this (shell-only) command into your startup-sequence
and enjoy the random backdrop-picture :-)
It selects a random file from a given directory and simply
copies it to the given destination-file (your backdrop-pic).
In fact, you can use this command for the original Workbench
as well (if you do not prefer DirOpus).
RandomPattern {source-dir} {target-file}
source-dir: A directory where you have stored all possible
pictures, e.g. "iff:backdrops/"
target-file: THE file you have selected in DirOpus (or WBpattern)
as your backdrop picture, e.g. "Dopus5:backdrop.pic"
My startup-sequence contains this line:
random.exe iff:backgrounds/ dopus5:g_background.jpg
(well, in real it is in the user-startup, you can place it in your
startup-sequence OR the user-startup)
The programm was written with BlitzBasic in a couple of minutes...
Please write any bugs (are there any in this really SHORT program?)
or suggestions to me.
Have Fun!