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Short: | French Catalogs for Directory Opus Magellan 5.65 |
Author: | "Georges 'Melkor' Goncalves" melkor lords.com (catalogues)"& Kersten 'Emmy' Emmrich" emmy isicom.fr |
Uploader: | Dr Greg Perry (greg gpsoft com au) GPSoftware |
Type: | util/dopus |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1997-10-20 |
Download: | util/dopus/DOpus56FR.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/dopus/DOpus56FR.readme |
Downloads: | 582 |
This archive contains catalog files for Directory Opus Magellan version 5.65
GPSoftware expresses its thanks to those who have contributed their work to
support Opus 5. These programs, images and scripts are provided free of
charge to registered users of Opus 5 and but remain joint © by their
original authors and GPSoftware. GPSoftware and assocated distributors
cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the performance or
merchantisability of these products. Please consult the original authors
as detailed in the programs if you have any correspondance relating to
these products.
Dr Greg Perry October 21st 1997
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
Internet Email: greg@gpsoft.com.au
WWW : http://www.gpsoft.com.au
Contents of util/dopus/DOpus56FR.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 5612 13144 42.7% -lh5- 0666 Jul 12 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/ConfigOpus.catalog
[generic] 6523 16146 40.4% -lh5- bda2 Jul 12 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/DOpus.catalog
[generic] 753 1410 53.4% -lh5- f2e9 Jul 12 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Icon.catalog
[generic] 609 1078 56.5% -lh5- 2452 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Print.catalog
[generic] 669 1150 58.2% -lh5- 1ec3 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Read.catalog
[generic] 270 402 67.2% -lh5- 5bce Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Register.catalog
[generic] 548 970 56.5% -lh5- cd65 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Show.catalog
[generic] 274 360 76.1% -lh5- f004 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Update.catalog
[generic] 298 438 68.0% -lh5- 54bc Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/ViewFont.catalog
[generic] 896 1918 46.7% -lh5- 750f Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/FileType.catalog
[generic] 730 1320 55.3% -lh5- 1e48 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Format.catalog
[generic] 2016 4192 48.1% -lh5- 5468 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/FTP.catalog
[generic] 189 242 78.1% -lh5- b4f7 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/IconClock.catalog
[generic] 694 1246 55.7% -lh5- 2f4d Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Join.catalog
[generic] 470 750 62.7% -lh5- 2d10 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/ListerFormat.catalog
[generic] 192 250 76.8% -lh5- 5deb Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Misc.catalog
[generic] 293 432 67.8% -lh5- 393f Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/PathFormat.catalog
[generic] 301 470 64.0% -lh5- e238 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/Play.catalog
[generic] 660 1958 33.7% -lh5- e610 Jan 6 1997 opus56fr/buttons/vertical1_fra
[generic] 882 2598 33.9% -lh5- d1c4 Jan 6 1997 opus56fr/buttons/Vertical_fra
[generic] 215 292 73.6% -lh5- cd28 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/CleanUp.catalog
[generic] 735 1514 48.5% -lh5- 868e Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/DiskCopy.catalog
[generic] 450 750 60.0% -lh5- bb47 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/DiskInfo.catalog
[generic] 379 582 65.1% -lh5- 5049 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/catalogs/franíÂis/DOpusLib.catalog
[generic] 578 1134 51.0% -lh5- 869d Feb 3 1997 opus56fr/extracats/Compare.catalog
[generic] 369 566 65.2% -lh5- 37da Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/extracats/DiskInfo.catalog
[generic] 803 1698 47.3% -lh5- 76b6 Feb 3 1997 opus56fr/extracats/HotList.catalog
[generic] 1384 2715 51.0% -lh5- 1117 Jul 8 1997 opus56fr/LisezMoi
[generic] 210 464 45.3% -lh5- f02d Jan 6 1997 opus56fr/LisezMoi.info
[generic] 272 628 43.3% -lh5- ef30 Jan 6 1997 Opus56FR.info
[generic] 875 2894 30.2% -lh5- 687c Jan 6 1997 opus56fr/buttons/Dopus4Samples_fra
[generic] 469 1354 34.6% -lh5- 6910 Jan 6 1997 opus56fr/buttons/FTP_buttons_fra
[generic] 225 688 32.7% -lh5- bb38 Jan 6 1997 opus56fr/buttons/Hotkeys_fra
[generic] 602 4374 13.8% -lh5- eaf8 Jan 6 1997 opus56fr/buttons/Lister menu_fra
[generic] 459 2060 22.3% -lh5- 05ef Jan 6 1997 opus56fr/buttons/User menu_fra
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 35 files 30904 72187 42.8% Oct 20 1997
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