ArcDir.dopus5 is an ARexx script for Directory Opus 5 that allows you to
show the contents of an LhA or LZX archive in an Opus lister and operate on
the files and directories inside the archive as if it is a normal directory.
With ArcDir.dopus5 you can:
- Browse through the directory structure of an archive file by using the
normal controls available in Opus 5 (double-click, parent, root, path
gadget, etc.).
- Double-click on files in an archive to view them.
- Delete files and directories with the delete button.
- Extract or add files and directories with the copy button or through drag
and drop.
ArcDir.dopus5 has been tested with Directory Opus 5 (5.11, 5.5 and 5.6),
LhA 1.50r and LZX 1.21 (Evaluation).
ArcDir.dopus5 is a complete rewrite of LhADir.dopus5. It now supports LZX
archives, drag and drop, 'addtrapped' commands and is up to four times
faster. It also takes advantage of some new features in Directory Opus 5.5.