84782 packages online
util/dir/DiskMaster.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | DiskMaster2 - 68K & OS4 |
Author: | rudolph.riedel t-online.de (Rudolph Riedel) jodytierney earthlink.net (Jody Tierney) |
Uploader: | rudolph riedel t-online de (Rudolph Riedel) |
Type: | util/dir |
Version: | 2.6 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos,ppc-amigaos |
Date: | 2005-12-12 |
Distribution: | Aminet |
Download: | util/dir/DiskMaster.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/dir/DiskMaster.readme |
Downloads: | 12414 |
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2.6 (2005-12-11) 103072 Bytes
This is the most complete update ever, there were changes in all
modules since 2.5.32, some more prominent than others.
So please read the release-notes carefully, although this is only
a shortened list to inform you what changed for you.
- Renamed Startup.DM to DiskMaster2.prefs
Nothing else yet, just a little step for standardisation.
Just rename your Startup.DM and you are home again.
- Renamed DM2.catalog to DiskMaster2.catalog
As above, just rename your .catalog file or copy over
the one from the archive.
- The requesters use Reaction now
The 68K version of DiskMaster2 requires at least the V41 classes which is
what you find on Aminet in the ClassAct2Demo.lha archive.
The minimum *supported* version of Reaction is V45 however which
is what was distributed with OS3.9.
This should allow to still use the 68K version of
DiskMaster2 on MOS.
And yes, this makes it more difficult to boot DiskMaster2 from
a floppy-disk but then there are still older versions to do just this.
- All new preferences-requester: "AddCmd DMPrefs, 30,03, DMPrefs"
And before the discussion begins, no, this is not what made
DiskMaster2 23K bigger, it's impact is way less than that.
And no, this can not be added as external program, it has to access
data that is not available otherwise and creating an interface to
allow just this won't make the binary significantly smaller.
- Bugfix: A direct 'Delete' as in "Delete ram:xx" caused an Enforcer-Hit
- Bugfix: A 'Find' without arguments caused an Enforcer-Hit.
- Bugfix: 'Rename' may have caused an Enforcer-Hit.
- Bugfix: A check for a dir-window path caused an Enforcer-Hit
when there were no dir-windows.
- Bugifx: 'Check' caused an Enforcer-Hit when being called without
arguments and no dir-windows - somewhat esoteric...
- Bugfix: removed a potential buffer-overflow from 'SaveConfig' which
could occur in case ASL.library was not available.
- Bugfix: 'Read' did not display directly given files in case
the DEV/VOL/ASN list was displayed for the active window.
Thanks for reporting to Lorence Lombardo!
- Bugfix: the FORCE-flag was not reset so after deleting with
this option subsequent moves deleted protected files.
- Bugfix: volumes with InfoData.id_NumBlocks=0 caused a division-by-zero error.
Found with a "toasted" DVD-RW...
- Bugifx: Using empty lines for 'AddCmd' opens a requester again.
- Bugfix: sorting by extension could be trapped in an endless loop
for empty directories.
- Bugfix: When starting from the internal startup the default-name
for the startup was wiped out.
- Bugfix: Saved font names are now enclosed in quotes for 'NewScreen' and 'Font'.
Thanks for reporting to Javier de las Rivas <javierdlr@jazzfree.com>!
- Bugfix: 'SetList' was badly broken for OS4 since 2.5.31
- Bugfix: using 'Sort' with no window opened issued an enforcer-hit since 2.5b7.
Thanks for reporting to Javier de las Rivas!
- Bugfix: Due to a typo the OS4 version displayed negative values
in the window-title for dirs with 2gig+ of files.
Thanks for reporting to Javier de las Rivas!
- Bugfix: When opening a new command-window without actually adding a command to
it, it was converted to a dir-window - remained undetected since 2.1c at least...
Thanks for reporting to Javier de las Rivas!
- Bugfix: Arranging the windows' positions went unnoticed unless the window in question
also had been resized -> the wrong position was saved in this case.
- Bugfix: Jumping from one screen to annother is now possible.
- Bugfix: Screen-promotion does not mess-up window-scaling anymore.
- Bugfix: The "COMMENT" option for 'Select', introduced with 2.5b13,
fed MatchPatternNoCase() with NULL-strings for empty comments.
- Bugfix: Parser - "\" (escape char) handling was broken.
- Changed the format of the $VER string to fully comply with
the specifications for AmigaOS.
- Broken soft-links are now displayed as files with a size of zero
and a comment that this is a broken link.
- Rewrote 'Archive' to generate longer argument strings.
In addition using "#" for the name argument suppresses the target-requester thus
making 'Archive' better suitable for generic multi-select actions.
- Most requesters feature a context-help now accessible thru a button
or by just pressing the HELP key which opens DiskMaster2.guide from
progdir or what is configured thru 'SetX' "Guide".
Note that some commands do not feature a dedicated requester and use
'Confirm' or 'ReqPattern' instead.
- "ASNYC" option for 'View' and 'Info'.
- 'SetX' - new "LongCmd", "WheelMult", "DragDelay", "ReqHideHelp" and "Guide" options.
- Rewrote 'Delete' to let it handle links better and to speed it up somewhat.
- Implemented a new sortmode: sort by name-length -> L/L-
- The minimum window width and height are now calculated based on the sizes of the borders
and the sizes of the gadgets. The defaults for the commands have been raised to 100.
- 'FileStat' - Returns file time (<stem>.TIME = "HH:MM:SS").
- 'Dirlist' - TIME option (<stem>.TIME.<idx> = "HH:MM:SS").
- 'Color' can use 24 bit values now and has a new "Offset" option.
- Added "CmdReq" command. Opens a req, and executes the input as a DM command.
- Added support for OS4 mouse-wheel events - with configurable multiplier of 1 to 5.
- Added SHIFT-qualifier to mouse-wheel scrolling on OS4 to allow
scrolling sideways with a standard 1-wheel mouse.
- Added sort-by-length and 'DMPrefs' entries to the internal startup.
- Changed the internal startup to use "#" chars as indicator for empty
- Replaced hardcoded "G" and "T" with msgUnitGigB and msgUnitTerB.
- Improved the up/down/left(right scrolling delay by actually reading the
system-prefs and using KeyRptSpeed and KeyRptDelay.
- Replaced a WaitTOF() call in drag-selection with a conditional delay configurable
thru 'Setx' to 3...9 milli-seconds.
So if drag-selecting the next entry takes less than e.g. 5 milli-seconds
the further execution is delayed by the difference.
Helps with fast machines, should not affect slow machines too much.
- In preparation for the support of proportional fonts in the directory
listviews a large portion of the display code has been rewritten.
The code already is more complicated but should not work significantly
slower than before - but the final step to prop-fonts will make
things a little slower.
- 'Read' - new "TabSize" option.
- Removed ReqTools code. 'Color', without any args, opens the "Colors"
page of 'DMPrefs'.
- DM flag %R always returns not quoted text as suggested
by Javier de las Rivas.
Have fun - Rudolph
Contents of util/dir/DiskMaster.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3364 7261 46.3% -lh5- d5eb Dec 11 23:29 DiskMaster.readme
[generic] 1757 2044 86.0% -lh5- efe9 Nov 27 23:07 DiskMaster2.info
[generic] 4840 18505 26.2% -lh5- 98e9 Mar 29 2004 DiskMaster2/Bonus/DiskMaster2.prefs
[generic] 9285 9285 100.0% -lh0- a7c9 Nov 27 21:05 DiskMaster2/Bonus/Pegasos-config.lha
[generic] 383 877 43.7% -lh5- 44c1 Nov 3 21:43 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/Catalog names in OS4.txt
[generic] 2517 7424 33.9% -lh5- 580d Nov 26 16:30 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2.cd
[generic] 1432 3303 43.4% -lh5- 6ff1 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_dutch.ct
[generic] 2530 7336 34.5% -lh5- a926 Nov 26 16:31 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_empty.ct
[generic] 2840 8138 34.9% -lh5- 5c85 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_french.ct
[generic] 3254 8970 36.3% -lh5- e4d2 Nov 26 16:31 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_german.ct
[generic] 2464 6152 40.1% -lh5- 7236 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_greek.ct
[generic] 2684 7604 35.3% -lh5- 6d52 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_italian.ct
[generic] 2843 8018 35.5% -lh5- 2001 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_norwegian.ct
[generic] 3045 8158 37.3% -lh5- 951c Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_polish.ct
[generic] 2779 7884 35.2% -lh5- f488 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_portuguese.ct
[generic] 2989 8378 35.7% -lh5- 88a7 Nov 27 1980 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_spanish.ct
[generic] 2317 6366 36.4% -lh5- 4142 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/DiskMaster2_swedish.ct
[generic] 1111 2338 47.5% -lh5- a7ed Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/dutch/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1238 2798 44.2% -lh5- b2e5 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/french/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1211 2456 49.3% -lh5- 55e1 Nov 26 16:36 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/german/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1206 2184 55.2% -lh5- ac84 Nov 26 17:46 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/greek/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1161 2366 49.1% -lh5- 4116 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/italian/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1040 2122 49.0% -lh5- b604 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/norwegian/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1195 2352 50.8% -lh5- b1a5 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/polish/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1192 2550 46.7% -lh5- d0d7 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/portuguese/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1345 2826 47.6% -lh5- 3aa6 Nov 27 1980 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/spanish/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 1092 2124 51.4% -lh5- 7338 Jan 31 2003 DiskMaster2/Catalogs/swedish/DiskMaster2.catalog
[generic] 60885 103072 59.1% -lh5- 1987 Dec 11 16:05 DiskMaster2/DiskMaster2
[generic] 68493 216254 31.7% -lh5- 164d Dec 11 15:36 DiskMaster2/DiskMaster2.guide
[generic] 2592 3211 80.7% -lh5- a9bf Nov 27 21:23 DiskMaster2/DiskMaster2.guide.info
[generic] 1330 1709 77.8% -lh5- ec97 Nov 27 21:23 DiskMaster2/DiskMaster2.info
[generic] 130046 295488 44.0% -lh5- 9d6d Dec 11 16:10 DiskMaster2/DiskMaster2.OS4
[generic] 1330 1709 77.8% -lh5- 8a7b Nov 27 21:23 DiskMaster2/DiskMaster2.OS4.info
[generic] 25183 63383 39.7% -lh5- c5b6 Nov 27 11:24 DiskMaster2/history.old
[generic] 1309 1655 79.1% -lh5- 6f58 Nov 27 23:07 DiskMaster2/Icons.info
[generic] 3230 6345 50.9% -lh5- 5c82 Nov 27 21:24 DiskMaster2/Icons/DM2_Alan_Bailey.info
[generic] 567 1567 36.2% -lh5- bf7b Nov 27 21:24 DiskMaster2/Icons/DM2_Eddie_Ivanov.info
[generic] 1512 2310 65.5% -lh5- 33bd Nov 27 21:24 DiskMaster2/Icons/DM2_Fabrizio_Bartoloni.info
[generic] 817 1344 60.8% -lh5- 0fbb Nov 27 21:24 DiskMaster2/Icons/DM2_Glenn_Edward.info
[generic] 1290 1519 84.9% -lh5- 884c Nov 27 21:24 DiskMaster2/Icons/DM2_Nils_Goers.info
[generic] 529 1586 33.4% -lh5- 542c Nov 27 21:24 DiskMaster2/Icons/DM2_Original.info
[generic] 364 565 64.4% -lh5- 3365 Nov 27 21:24 DiskMaster2/Icons/DM2_PatGiver_EdVishoot.info
[generic] 3397 10830 31.4% -lh5- e900 Nov 27 23:08 DiskMaster2/MyDiskMaster2.prefs
[generic] 1806 2167 83.3% -lh5- cd11 Nov 27 21:23 DiskMaster2/MyDiskMaster2.prefs.info
[generic] 1211 3146 38.5% -lh5- 84d4 Mar 22 1998 DiskMaster2/Rexx/ArcMast.rexx
[generic] 1164 2861 40.7% -lh5- 4aeb Dec 17 1997 DiskMaster2/Rexx/ArcTrans.rexx
[generic] 904 1723 52.5% -lh5- 4e21 Jan 8 1997 DiskMaster2/Rexx/AssignList.rexx
[generic] 321 533 60.2% -lh5- 11e8 Nov 18 1998 DiskMaster2/Rexx/Decrunch.rexx
[generic] 1119 2765 40.5% -lh5- 3132 Aug 13 1996 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM-Vir.DM
[generic] 562 1008 55.8% -lh5- 7b07 Jul 9 2004 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_CmtAll.rexx
[generic] 1042 2386 43.7% -lh5- c117 Feb 24 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_CopyChkVer.rexx
[generic] 406 701 57.9% -lh5- 63bf Feb 20 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_CopyCmt.rexx
[generic] 581 1298 44.8% -lh5- 00b4 Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_Dest2Source.rexx
[generic] 376 597 63.0% -lh5- d621 Feb 24 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_Dir2Key.rexx
[generic] 320 480 66.7% -lh5- 068f Jun 25 1992 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_Dir2Menu.rexx
[generic] 819 1734 47.2% -lh5- 6dce Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_DirLevel.rexx
[generic] 903 2045 44.2% -lh5- af53 Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_ExecOnMany.rexx
[generic] 884 1723 51.3% -lh5- 2849 Feb 24 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_Filter.rexx
[generic] 242 413 58.6% -lh5- 77a9 Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_FontsToo.rexx
[generic] 229 294 77.9% -lh5- 0b0f Jun 22 1992 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_GotoDelDir.rexx
[generic] 536 981 54.6% -lh5- cb01 Mar 1 1999 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_IBrowse2CmtURL.rexx
[generic] 280 437 64.1% -lh5- 14f5 Dec 31 1998 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_IBrowseShowFile.rexx
[generic] 207 304 68.1% -lh5- 02a0 Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_IconsToo.rexx
[generic] 945 2016 46.9% -lh5- 5a36 Jul 4 2004 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_IdxRename.rexx
[generic] 617 1099 56.1% -lh5- eb61 Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_MultiExec.rexx
[generic] 1441 3427 42.0% -lh5- e1fb Jul 4 2004 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_MultiRename.rexx
[generic] 623 1040 59.9% -lh5- a4b0 Feb 20 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_PathHist.rexx
[generic] 1054 2229 47.3% -lh5- a56c Feb 20 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_PathHistAll.rexx
[generic] 1782 5702 31.3% -lh5- a271 Jul 9 2004 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_PatternRename.rexx
[generic] 323 951 34.0% -lh5- c2ed Feb 24 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_QuickDirList
[generic] 306 524 58.4% -lh5- 113a Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_Rename2Cmt.rexx
[generic] 647 1218 53.1% -lh5- 620b Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_RootRAM.rexx
[generic] 483 758 63.7% -lh5- 58fb Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_SelectByDate.rexx
[generic] 271 452 60.0% -lh5- e80d Jul 17 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_SelectBySize.rexx
[generic] 829 1655 50.1% -lh5- ea5c Oct 15 1998 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_TTMLoadIcon.rexx
[generic] 369 599 61.6% -lh5- 3905 Feb 24 2003 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DM_VirusCheck.rexx
[generic] 1601 3285 48.7% -lh5- 888b Nov 30 1980 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DMArcList2Win2.rexx
[generic] 861 1603 53.7% -lh5- f9aa Dec 5 1980 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DMArcSelExt2.rexx
[generic] 388 1162 33.4% -lh5- ff8b Mar 11 1997 DiskMaster2/Rexx/DMSpopper.rexx
[generic] 125 135 92.6% -lh5- 746d Mar 22 1993 DiskMaster2/Rexx/Duplicate.rexx
[generic] 363 680 53.4% -lh5- 2a13 Sep 30 1998 DiskMaster2/Rexx/FastDMView.rexx
[generic] 2288 9000 25.4% -lh5- 37ed Aug 25 1996 DiskMaster2/Rexx/FileShow.rexx
[generic] 1052 2150 48.9% -lh5- d9d5 Feb 1 1998 DiskMaster2/Rexx/Parents.dmrx
[generic] 1064 3344 31.8% -lh5- e3a1 Jan 7 1997 DiskMaster2/Rexx/Sub_FileRecog.REXX
[generic] 634 1118 56.7% -lh5- 97cd Feb 1 1998 DiskMaster2/Rexx/VisageDMSlide.dmrx
[generic] 186 246 75.6% -lh5- 351b Apr 19 1997 DiskMaster2/Rexx/WindowTest.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 86 files 398152 934355 42.6% Dec 12 00:00
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