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Short:Produces statistics web pages from IRC logs
Author:see the docs
Uploader:Diego Casorran <dcr8520 amiga org>
Download:util/cli/gruftistats.lha - View contents


gruftistats is a program to read IRC logs. It produces a web page, with various 
statistics and quotes from the channel; the idea was got from the cool 
MircStats program. 

See the AUTHORS file for credits and contacting information. gruftistats is 
free software, see the file COPYING for details.

Get the latest gruftistats information at


First compile (and if you want, install). This is covered in the INSTALL file.

Next, get some IRC logs for your channel. gruftistats supports a few different
log file formats, each described by a spec file. There are several such
files supplied in the formats/ dir of this distribution (installed to
/usr/local/share/gruftistats/). If there isn't one there for your client/bot,
you can write one (TODO: document how :-).

Next, copy the supplied sample.conf (installed to /usr/local/share/gruftistats) 
and adapt it for your channel. At least, set the channel name, and your name 
and email. The format is hopefully clear :-).

Then, run gruftistats like so:

gruftistats -r your_conf_file -p format_spec_file list_of_log_files > output.html

Then fire up a browser and see the results. If you want to see the graphics,
copy the .png graphics into the dir with the output.html (they are supplied
in the pipes/ dir of this distribution, or installed to

For an example (or to be truthful to fit in a credit to the excellent text
browser w3m, which was invaluable in testing gruftistats), here is how I would 
do a stats run on my BitchX log of #debian and read it in w3m:

gruftistats -r /usr/local/share/gruftistats/sample.conf -p /usr/local/share/gruftistats/bitchx.lrx ~/.irclog.\#debian | w3m -T text/html

Writing a log format file

The first thing to do is try your logs with each of the existing format
files in the formats/ dir. If any of them work even partly, that'll save you
some work. bitchx.lrx is the most likely one.

The next thing is to take a look at some of your logs. There are various
things that are worth noting at once:

- If each line in the log isn't time stamped, then gruftistats isn't going
to like it. It may work, but you'll get meaningless crap in the time of day
stuff. Look for an option in the program making the logs to enable time
- There should be a date stamp at the start of the log, and at the turning
of each day. This is definitely not essential, but without the per day usage
will be boring :-).

Gather a sample of lines from the log showing each of the following: normal
text, actions (/me), kicks, joins, parts, quits, nick changes, topic sets,
mode changes, and the data stamp.

Now, what you need to write is a .lrx file. This will contain 1 line
specifying the format of each of the above line types. The format of each
line is:


Yes, it uses regular expressions. Yes, you might need to know regexps to do
this. There are tutorials on the web; also some systems will discuss them in
man egrep or man re_format.

gruftistats has some build in stuff to make life easier:

[[:nick:]]	matches any character that's legal in a nickname
[[:uh:]]	matches any character that's legal in a user@host

How it works is this: gruftistats tries to match each line in the log to
each regexp in the .lrx. If the line matches none, it's ignored. (Use the
-vvv for debugging, to see failed lines).

If a line matches, gruftistats needs to which parts of the line are the
nickname, the text, the time etc. That's where the name_part's some in. 
In the regexp, each variable part like the nickname and the text is
bracketed. The name_part's correspond to the bracketed parts, and tell
gruftistats what that part is.


text=^\[([0-9:]*)\] <([[:nick:]]*)> (.*)$,time,nick,string

This says that normal text lines come in 3 parts in my log: a time (a string
of digits and :'s) enclosed by []'s; a nickname enclosed by <>'s, and the
rest of the string is the text typed. note that there are 3 pairs of ()'s on
the left, one each for time, nick, text, and these are named as such by the
",time,nick,string" at the end.

Well that's about all I have to say. If this is all too much, just post some
examples of your logs to the gruftistats bug tracking system, and wait for
us to add a .lrx for you :-).


Latest update of this package can be found at


LhA Freeware Version 2.2
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.

Listing of archive 'gruftistats-0.2.4.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     974     349 64.1% 15-Jul-01 19:30:02 +axur.lrx
     921     364 60.4% 24-Jun-01 10:48:16 +dancer.lrx
    1083     471 56.5% 06-Feb-00 13:45:08 +eggdrop-1.4.x-mel.lrx
    1029     396 61.5% 06-Feb-00 11:31:28 +eggdrop2.lrx
     991     375 62.1% 27-Feb-00 15:29:56 +grufti.lrx
     889     355 60.0% 16-Sep-01 10:46:08 +irssi-some-theme.lrx
     927     379 59.1% 16-Sep-01 10:46:08 +irssi.lrx
     927     398 57.0% 26-Apr-00 07:43:32 +xchat.lrx
    1898    1005 47.0% 11-Aug-01 11:39:06  AUTHORS
    1073     459 57.2% 20-Jan-00 22:31:52 +bitchx.lrx
     161     161  0.0% 02-Dec-99 18:47:20 +pipe1h.png
     144     144  0.0% 02-Dec-99 18:47:20 +pipe1v.png
     161     161  0.0% 02-Dec-99 18:47:20 +pipe2h.png
     144     144  0.0% 02-Dec-99 18:47:20 +pipe2v.png
     161     161  0.0% 02-Dec-99 18:47:20 +pipe3h.png
     144     144  0.0% 02-Dec-99 18:47:20 +pipe3v.png
     161     161  0.0% 02-Dec-99 18:47:22 +pipe4h.png
     144     144  0.0% 02-Dec-99 18:47:22 +pipe4v.png
    4986    2415 51.5% 16-Sep-01 10:50:08  ChangeLog
   18007    7009 61.0% 01-Oct-99 22:14:12  COPYING
   63540   31897 49.8% 31-Dec-01 07:46:50  gruftistats.020
   63116   31620 49.9% 31-Dec-01 07:39:00  gruftistats.060
    3050    1356 55.5% 11-Aug-01 11:38:44  gruftistats.1
     933     513 45.0% 31-Dec-01 07:15:04  gruftistats.spec
    1804     886 50.8% 16-Sep-01 10:50:30  NEWS
    1759     843 52.0% 11-Mar-00 13:32:02  README
    2614    1265 51.6% 16-Mar-00 08:54:50  README.log-formats
     636     388 38.9% 11-Aug-01 12:09:42  sample.conf
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  172377   83963 51.2% Operation successful.

.Readme created with:  MRea  \
>»>»>»>»> Some additional info about this archive:

FileSize: 85066 Bytes

CRC: 50806D24
MD5: A8E8FF438071891D27107782C1C466F8
SHA: 3EFF5E0262EE0CD87087277B8BE64242FDDA0F33

Contents of util/cli/gruftistats.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  349     974  35.8% -lh5- 9c05 Jul 15  2001 formats/axur.lrx
[generic]                  364     921  39.5% -lh5- 3b6c Jun 24  2001 formats/dancer.lrx
[generic]                  471    1083  43.5% -lh5- ffe1 Feb  6  2000 formats/eggdrop-1.4.x-mel.lrx
[generic]                  396    1029  38.5% -lh5- 88a1 Feb  6  2000 formats/eggdrop2.lrx
[generic]                  375     991  37.8% -lh5- 9081 Feb 27  2000 formats/grufti.lrx
[generic]                  355     889  39.9% -lh5- f87a Sep 16  2001 formats/irssi-some-theme.lrx
[generic]                  379     927  40.9% -lh5- eba4 Sep 16  2001 formats/irssi.lrx
[generic]                  398     927  42.9% -lh5- 8948 Apr 26  2000 formats/xchat.lrx
[generic]                 1005    1898  53.0% -lh5- 7999 Aug 11  2001 authors
[generic]                  459    1073  42.8% -lh5- 9dd8 Jan 20  2000 formats/bitchx.lrx
[generic]                  161     161 100.0% -lh0- 1921 Dec  2  1999 pipes/pipe1h.png
[generic]                  144     144 100.0% -lh0- bdeb Dec  2  1999 pipes/pipe1v.png
[generic]                  161     161 100.0% -lh0- 2f05 Dec  2  1999 pipes/pipe2h.png
[generic]                  144     144 100.0% -lh0- 2dca Dec  2  1999 pipes/pipe2v.png
[generic]                  161     161 100.0% -lh0- cb9f Dec  2  1999 pipes/pipe3h.png
[generic]                  144     144 100.0% -lh0- 9528 Dec  2  1999 pipes/pipe3v.png
[generic]                  161     161 100.0% -lh0- 594e Dec  2  1999 pipes/pipe4h.png
[generic]                  144     144 100.0% -lh0- 0bf6 Dec  2  1999 pipes/pipe4v.png
[generic]                 2415    4986  48.4% -lh5- 2ae0 Sep 16  2001 ChangeLog
[generic]                 7009   18007  38.9% -lh5- fa00 Oct  1  1999 copying
[generic]                31897   63540  50.2% -lh5- d511 Dec 31  2001 gruftistats.020
[generic]                31620   63116  50.1% -lh5- 40b7 Dec 31  2001 gruftistats.060
[generic]                 1356    3050  44.5% -lh5- f7cd Aug 11  2001 gruftistats.1
[generic]                  513     933  55.0% -lh5- be26 Dec 31  2001 gruftistats.spec
[generic]                  886    1804  49.1% -lh5- 5d4e Sep 16  2001 news
[generic]                  843    1759  47.9% -lh5- 6c34 Mar 11  2000 readme
[generic]                 1265    2614  48.4% -lh5- 8039 Mar 16  2000 README.log-formats
[generic]                  388     636  61.0% -lh5- 4425 Aug 11  2001 sample.conf
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        28 files   83963  172377  48.7%            Aug 24  2003
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