MultiCOPY Version 1.1
(c) copyright 1998 by Henning Peters -
68040 and 68000 binary
MCOPY is a program to copy many files in a faster way by reading as much files
as possible and then writing them in one go. Especially if you have only one
diskdrive and want to copy several files from disk to disk this avoids copying
the files first to RAM: or some temporarely space on your HD and then copying
them to the other disk and then removing the files from RAM: or your HD. MCOPY
does this in one go. MCOPY is pure and can be made resident.
MCOPY needs ixemul.library V47+ (unfortunately doesn't work without ixemul.
ixemul can be found on Aminet:util/libs or any GeekGadgets ftp-site (ie. Beside this, it should run on any AMIGA.