TurboMathTrans FPU Library V43.1
(c) 1997 Jess Sosnoski
We like the freeware, the freeware is good.
I like it, you like it!!!
That's right, some support for the Amiga for *FREE*
Inspired by fmath406 from aminet, here's an even faster FFP mathtrans.library
for you all to enjoy :)
It's not ultra-faster or anything, but it IS faster :)
(every function call is at *LEAST* 12 clock cycles faster--or close to it)
Just install it in libs over your old one.
If you want to speedtest-compare this against the fmath406 version, download
fmath406 from aminet (use their www search to find it), and the author
has included a speedtester program for it.
Use this program at your own risk!
I assume no responsibility or liability for problem(s) and/or damage(s)
that occur by the use, modification, and/or existence of this product,
and/or its parts in any form.
040/060 Notes:
The 040/060 FPU doesn't have trig functions, this library isn't likely
to make things faster on those CPU's...but, if you want to try, and you
have a damn good cyberpatcher-like patcher, let me know what happens.
This probably will be slower than the specifically designed 040/060 libs
from fmath406.lha on Aminet.
The only function I'm not sure of is the SPPow function--someone test
it and make sure it's giving the right results for:
Raising real #'s to a power, raising negative #'s to an odd power.
(let me know too :) )
43.0 Internal test release, works pretty good, got almost 1/2 second faster
results with the testprogram on some tests...I like it, you like it!
(internal testers got to have fun with it too)
43.1 First Public Release.
Iain "ook" Barclay-optimization ideas, opatch, etc
Adam "dc1" Polosnik-for library-ifying my code, without which this
library would not exist. AND ADpatch
Martin Berndt-for the fmath406 libraries :)
Tom Gralinski-for the "I like it, you Like it" thing :)
Updates will appear on my webpage before they appear in aminet's RECENT list.
If you feel the insatiable need to send cigarettes, money. praise, complaints,
comments, ideas, A4060T's, etc.... I will be very happy :)
Jess Sosnoski
651 Hillside Drive
Mount Carmel, PA 17851-2463