patch1230scsi patch1230scsi
patch1230scsi 39.3 by Thomas Kessler (09.11.95)
Copyright ©1995 by
Thomas Kessler, Sonnenstrasse 95, D-91564 Neuendettelsau, Germany.
This program is SHAREWARE.
If you like it and if you use it longer than 14 days, send me
something (DM 10 or US $10 (cash) is appropriate) and you will
become a registered user. Please include also a detailed system-
configuration. You will receive every update for free via email
as registered user (send DM 30 or US $30 (cash) to receive every
update via 'normal' mail on 3,5" or 5,25" disk).
It is illegal to distribute this program on disks which cost
more than US $5 per floppy disk, or more than US $20 per CD.
This software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied. In no event will the author be liable
for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages or data
loss resulting from the use or application of this software. The
entire risk as to the results and performance of this software is
assumed by the user.
* The registered version is able to replace 'PrepareEmul' *
* which does not work on most Blizzard 1230 I/II configs. *
* 'PrepareEmul' is required for ShapeShifter MAC-Emulation *
* (c) by Christian Bauer (aminet/misc/emu/ShapeShift*). *
patch1230scsi is for all users of the Blizzard 1230-I and
1230-II board with scsi-controller (scsi Version 1 Rev. 22).
It fixes a small bug in the device-code, removes the long
boot-delay and can install a work-around for the memory-bug.
D=DELAY/N/K You can specify delay-values from 1 to 15.
The original value is 15 (very slow), the default
value is 1 (very fast). Use a higher value, if you
should have problems with the scsi-initialisation.
T=TIMER/S Set this switch if you want to use the original
timer.device wait-routine. Default: Don't use the
original routine. Use this switch, if you should
have problems with the scsi-initialisation.
M=MEMPATCH/S Use this switch only if you have 2 (two) SIMMs
installed on your Blizzard 1230 board. If you use
it with only 1 (one) SIMM installed, your memory
will be fragmented without any reason or your Amiga
will stop booting with a white screen.
This switch enables a work-around for the memory-
bug, which can cause heavy system-crashes if you
read very big files from hd to a big buffer in
your FAST-Ram. It splits your memory in two parts.
The first part should be as big as your first
SIMM and the second part should be as big as your
second SIMM. You can see that with the program
'ShowConfig' which should be in the 'Tools' drawer
of your Workbench.
Your largest available memory-block will be smaller
with this switch enabled, but your system will be
R=REBOOT/S Set this switch if you want to reboot immediately
after installing the patches. Without this switch
the patch will be installed during the next system-
reboot. Default: Don't reboot.
Note: Patch will become active only after reboot!
Set this switch if you want to replace 'PrepareEmul'
which is required for ShapeShifter (see: FEATURES).
You can set this switch also in the unregistered
version, but it will NOT do anything.
Q=QUIET/S Set this switch to avoid text-output.
A small resident kicktag, which patches the 1230scsi.device
during system-initialisation. You can see a successfull patching
if a short blue flash appears during reboot.
If you should have problems with the scsi-initialisation, first
try to add the TIMER switch. If your hd (or similar) still won't
be recognized by the workbench, try to increase the DELAY=1 value.
If you can't solve the problems, write some email to me.
All changes will become active only after a reboot!
Since patch1230scsi will do nothing if it has been installed
already, it is very easy to just have it as the first line of
the startup-sequence. You can place it also before 'SetPatch'.
If you have installed the patch and you change the DELAY-value,
the TIMER switch or the MEMPATCH switch in your startup-sequence,
the (already installed) patch will be updated with the new values.
Don't use the MapROM Jumper with patch1230scsi, because MapROM
has been reported to kill all resident ram-kicktags on a 1230-I
Patch1230scsi 39.0 (1.0)
- first release
- simple OpenDevice() work-around
patch1230scsi 39.1
- rewritten (100% Asm)
- resident (survives resets)
- patches now device-code (no more work-arounds :-)
- works also for 1230-I boards now
- added timer and delay control (for advanced users)
patch1230scsi 39.2
- added memory-bug work-around
- new patch-routine (earlier in system-init)
- reboots a little bit faster
- changed program-status to shareware
patch1230scsi 39.3
- added more memory-bug work-around
patch1230scsi 39.3r (for registered users only)
- added more memory-bug work-around
- added shapeshifter support
Thomas Kessler (
Fell free to contact me if you have any suggestions for
future releases or if you find any bugs.