Program: WBStartup+
Version: 2.8
Date: December 12, 1996
Coded by: John Hughes
Compiled with: SAS/C 6.56
Machine: A4000 68EC030/25 AmigaDOS 3.1
Distribution: Postcardware (public domain)
Required: AmigaDOS 2.0 or above
The Prefs program requires AmigaDOS 3.0 or above
Included: WBStartup+ for OS2.x and 3.x
WBStartup+ for OS3.x
Documentation in AmigaGuide format
MagicWB icons
o Easy to use GUI preferences program for OS3.x.
o Lets you choose the order in which the startup programs run.
o Lets you enable and disable the running of each program quickly.
o Allows you to have access to Workbench while all of your
startup programs are being loaded.
o Can be disabled at startup by holding left shift key down.
o Progress window shows the icon of the program that is being loaded,
and a progress bar with userdefine window background.
New Features in Version 2.8:
WBStartup+ Prefs now moves programs across volumes if the enabled and disabled paths
are located on two different volumes.
The WAIT tooltype was accidently disabled. It now works again.
Lots of people complained about launch.library, so the WBStartup+ for Amiga OS 3.x
now uses the new version of WBStart.library.
WBStartup+ Prefs now tells the user if it can not lock the enabled or disabled directories.
This is the last version of this program that intend to compile and distribute, since I
may not own an Amiga for much long. RIP
Therefore the Source Code is now included.
Included more catalog files: Español, Magyar, Russian.
New Features in Version 2.7:
Now uses launcher.library instead of WBStart-Handler. Local variables and paths are
now inherited by launched applications. (Sorry it took so long.)
Included more catalog files.
New Features in Version 2.6:
When no program is highlighted in WBStartup+Prefs, and the menu item "Icon Window" is selected,
a requester appears telling the user to select a program first. However this requester is
NOT localized, because not all of the catalog authors gave me a translation.
Changed all MEMF_ANY's to MEMF_PUBLIC.
If the "Choose Group" window failed to open and set up properly, the program still would cycle
through the list nodes and return an invalid pointer and crash. It now will return NULL.
Increased the height of all the button gadgets by 2.
Better calculations on the listview gadget's height and the button gadgets positions.
I'm Working on fixing the alias/local var environment problem. The problem IS in WBStart-Handler,
which I did not write, and the author doesn't reply to mail. I have found the bug in his
program, but can not include my updated version due to copyright laws.
New Features in Version 2.5:
Now supports Localization. Included catalogs: Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Norsk, Svenska.
Holding the Ctrl key down when WBStartup+ is run will cause WBStartup+Prefs to be
run before any programs are loaded, allowing you to choose which programs get loaded.
Holding the left Alt key when WBStartup+ is run causes the user to be asked which of the
enabled programs should be run.
Added PREFSPATH tooltype to WBStartup+ icon. This is the location of the preferences file.
Program names are shown in WBStartup+'s progress window.
If the case of the letters in the filename and icon name varied, the same program name
would be recognized as two different programs. This is now fixed.
Added Cancel and Ok gadgets to the Copy File window.
The OS3.x version of WBStartup+ was getting it's bottom border of the prefs window
overwritten by the background pattern under the right icon image, if the user was
using sysihack.
WBStartup+ now recognizes the WAIT= tooltype as the # of seconds to wait before loading the next program.
WBStartup+ now recognizes the TOOLPRI= tooltype as the priority that the program should have when running.
The DELAY= tooltype is now obsolete, therefore it has been removed.
WBStartup+ now knows if it has already been run, and if it is run more than once, the user
will see a requester asking if it is ok to run it again.
The STARTUPPRI tooltype is no longer recognized, please use STARTPRI instead.
When the WBStartup+Prefs window is opened on a virtual screen, it is centered
vertically in the visible section, and is 100 pixels to the right of the leftmost
visible section.
The Amiga Workbench x.x text is now properly centered in WBStartup+'s progress window.
The busy pointer is now shown when a secondary window is opened, such as the Priority Window.
Sizing the main window is now impossible when a secondary window is opened since IDCMP is cut off.
Priority Window is now activated when opened.
You may use the keyboard up and down arrow keys to change the selected element in the listview gadget.
New Features in Version 2.4:
Was allocating one byte less than needed for groupnames when creating them from the menu.
When resizing the window, the gadgets are remade, but glist was not initialized to NULL again.
WBStartup+ now sets the stack size for each loaded program, although WBStart-Handler seems
to not always use the exacts stack size specified.
Was allocating sizeof(struct Node) instead of sizeof(struct WBStartupNode) in the OS2.x version of WBStartup+.
New Features in Version 2.3:
The WBStartup+Prefs window is now a WB AppWindow, so ou can drop icons into it
and a requester appears asking you if you want to copy or move the files to
the enabled or disabled directory.
Was allocating pathname size, and deallocating filename size.
Possible program crash removed due to another forgotten glist=NULL.
Add "..." to some menu items.
New Features in Version 2.2:
Bug Fix: WBStartup+ sometimes crashed when the PROGRESSWINDOW tooltype was diabled.
New Features in Version 2.1:
Now uses Memory Pooling instead of AllocVec().
Fixed potential bug in a list structure when alphabetizing.
Received permission to include L:WBStart-Handler in this archive.
Archive has moved to Aminet:util/boot
Removed accidental FreePool() when "Delete Group" was done, and there were no groups.
Enforcer Hit removed: forgot to initialize glist=NULL before CreateContext().
Did I release V2.0 WBStartup+Prefs with a missing tail parenthesis in two path tooltypes? Sorry.
A requester now appears when you quit without saving, and there was a group modification.
WBStartup+ now has an optional Progress Indicator when it runs, whick can have a user defined background.
Changed the name of drawer icon images, so they don't have parenthises in them, that way
they can be archived with lzx. They are copyied by the installer script and given their
proper default names with parenthises.
Included a WBStartup+ version for OS2.x and OS3.x
Updated installer script to recognize OS2.x and OS3.x