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Short:New Rainboot Config, very neat (I think :-))
Author: pcomm at (Nicholas Piper)
Uploader:pcomm inorbit com (Nicholas Piper)
Download:util/boot/RB_PComm.lha - View contents

     Piper Communications Presents the First PComm Boot Config and Script
                              for Rainboot 2.2beta

---- missing from documentation inside the archive ----
 If you don't have four devices, and you want to remove
 some from the intro screen mail me and ask how if you
 are unsure. I'm here to help :-)


This config will give you a very nice looking (I think, please email
if you think differently, or even if you agree :-) bootup visual sequence
using Rainboot 2.2beta (included, documentation for Rainboot is in the main
archive on Aminet (util/boot/Rainboot2.lha).

Features (Mostly thanks to Rainboot :-) :
	*	Nice Gradient with Amiga Logo
	*	Shows your config (Ram, CPU, WB version etc.)
	*	Shows date/time
	*	Nice "animated" Welcome to Amiga Graphic
	*	Neat picture of an A1200
	*	Prints a funny cookie, from your own cookie.txt file
	*	176 cookies supplied
	*	Nice Gradient'd progress bar to show how far the boot
		has gotten, and how long you gotta wait still..
	*	Shows free space on up to four devices, and shows
		the total size of those dev's too

At the minute, the screen is in DBLPal 672x550, but just load the main
graphic (data/mainbg.ilbm) into something like PPaint, and change the
screen mode to what you like. Resave, and it'll be in that mode from
then on :-)


This archive includes Rainboot2.2beta, and it doesn't have to be copied
out of this directory system to be used with this config. Therefore,
if you have Rainboot already you don't have to overwrite it with this
beta version.

You can replace the cookies.txt with anything. Each line is taken
to be a single cookie, and a single cookie can be 80*4 chrs long before
it is rejected. This will linewrap at 80 chrs when it displays
the cookie, and only has room for 4 lines you see.


1.  Copy the Fonts into Fonts:, If you have MCP, remember to delete
    and rebuild your font cache, I always forget :-)

2.  Delete the fonts directory if you like (the one in the archive, NOT
    Fonts: !)

3.  Copy PCommBoot.1 somewhere (try Sys:)

4.  Add this to your startup-sequence, AFTER IPrefs
	Assign PCommBoot.1: Sys:PCommBoot.1/
	Run <>NIL: Execute PCommBoot.1:PConfig/Scripts/StartRainboot.script
    Of cause, change the assign to point to the correct place.

5.  Add this to the END of your start-sequence, but BEFORE EndCli command
	Execute PCommBoot.1:PConfig/Scripts/StopRainboot.script
	Assign PCommBoot.1: Remove

6.  Your devices are probably named differently to mine, so you'll have to
    edit Pconfig/Data/PcommBoot.Config to suit your own machine. That file
    contains instructions on what to do, so go edit that now :-)

7.  Done ? Reboot :-)

8.  Mail me and tell me what went wrong ;-)

Misc Info

This is by Nicholas Piper, a member of Piper Communications, or PComm
for short. Piper Communications or Nicholas Piper can be contacted
via The PComm web pages are at
with a US mirror at, please check it out
and mail me your comments :-)

Remember, The Amiga lives as long as we help it live :-)


Contents of util/boot/RB_PComm.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  769    1238  62.1% -lh5- 0550 May 21  1997
[generic]                  755    1238  61.0% -lh5- 5075 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/
[generic]                  141    2864   4.9% -lh5- 5c54 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica.font
[generic]                 1463    4724  31.0% -lh5- 62ce May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/10
[generic]                 1633    3000  54.4% -lh5- 8a6c May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/11
[generic]                 1636    5096  32.1% -lh5- 5a30 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/12
[generic]                 1799    3392  53.0% -lh5- 6fbd May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/13
[generic]                 2122    3936  53.9% -lh5- 7932 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/15
[generic]                 2886    5228  55.2% -lh5- 08c6 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/18
[generic]                 2707    7424  36.5% -lh5- fae1 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/20
[generic]                 3147    8092  38.9% -lh5- 90e5 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/22
[generic]                 4057    7796  52.0% -lh5- ab8c May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/24
[generic]                  987    4124  23.9% -lh5- 9eb6 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/5
[generic]                 1328    2652  50.1% -lh5- 643a May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/helvetica/9
[generic]                   33     264  12.5% -lh5- 74f5 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/Workbench.font
[generic]                 1946    3740  52.0% -lh5- 5652 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Fonts/Workbench/12
[generic]                  703    1238  56.8% -lh5- 4d37 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/
[generic]                  637    2657  24.0% -lh5- 20cd May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/
[generic]                 9475   13108  72.3% -lh5- 20b1 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/a1200.ilbm
[generic]                 4696    5644  83.2% -lh5- a54e May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/amiga.ilbm
[generic]                 6840   12924  52.9% -lh5- a67c May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/chiptext.ilbm
[generic]                19424   43810  44.3% -lh5- bf80 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/cookies.txt
[generic]                23661   42822  55.3% -lh5- ace3 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/mainbg.ilbm
[generic]                 1299    5368  24.2% -lh5- c623 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/
[generic]                  911    2149  42.4% -lh5- 15e6 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/PCommBoot.config
[generic]                 4315    5070  85.1% -lh5- d5dd May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/powered.ilbm
[generic]                  475     865  54.9% -lh5- aaab May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/Readme.TXT
[generic]                  616    1403  43.9% -lh5- a00d May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/RunMe.Arexx
[generic]                 5595    6850  81.7% -lh5- 37e0 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/usedby.ilbm
[generic]                 1900    3454  55.0% -lh5- 4cb2 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/wel1.ilbm
[generic]                 2366    4622  51.2% -lh5- fc4a May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/wel2.ilbm
[generic]                 2991    5804  51.5% -lh5- ed5b May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Data/wel3.ilbm
[generic]                  633    2657  23.8% -lh5- acb3 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/
[generic]                  117     141  83.0% -lh5- 8c60 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Scripts/StartRainboot.script
[generic]                   67      78  85.9% -lh5- 8b33 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/PConfig/Scripts/StopRainboot.script
[generic]                  686    1197  57.3% -lh5- cf01 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/
[generic]                 6627   22496  29.5% -lh5- cadb May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Rainboot2.2Beta/Rainboot2
[generic]                 1931    3914  49.3% -lh5- 3739 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Rainboot2.2Beta/Rainboot2.2beta.README
[generic]                13724   37500  36.6% -lh5- 2df0 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/Rainboot2.2Beta/
[generic]                 1538    3144  48.9% -lh5- 88c5 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/ReadMe
[generic]                  512    1396  36.7% -lh5- e929 May 21  1997 PCommBoot.1/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        41 files  139148  295119  47.1%            May 23  1997
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