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Short: | Watch Amiga Boot Sequence Happen! + More :-) |
Author: | ronnie bobsobol.freeserve.co.uk |
Uploader: | Ron Hackett ronnie bobsobol freeserve co uk |
Type: | util/boot |
Version: | 1.62 (03/01/1999) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-03-19 |
Download: | util/boot/PipeCon.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/boot/PipeCon.readme |
Downloads: | 541 |
Extracts from PipeCon.Doc in Archive...
The perpose of this program was oridginally to have a more useful alternative
to the usual Boot Screen utility. You know how those Pee See things used to
boot before W95, screaming through all the output from the execution of
I actually find that kind of junk useful, cos I can see what commands are
takeing up the most time in my boot sequence and improve them (maby?) and the
whole thing usually freezes for a while if it's going to crash, giving me the
oppertunity to at least see just how far it definatly DID get through the
boot proceedure.
What I need (I thought) is some kind of console on a screen other than the
public Workbench screen. Well I tried to open a Public screen and place the
Shell Con onto that, and it really didn't work all that well. I thought of
shoving all this info out to a file that I could look at later, but then that
dosn't make booting any more interesting, and if I KNOW the machine is going
to crash I'd really rather minimise the amount of HDD work it's doing at the
It works on three fixed files in RAM: - Con,Note and Exit.
You don't even need to use the exit file since 1.1 as you can now issue a
BREAK to PipeCon provided you know it's process number, (2?) You may like to
look up BreakName on the Aminet! The 'exit' file remains for compatability.
If no-one wants it, it may go in version 2.
Lines read from note will come up in the Highlight colour (Currently Red?
v1.4 May still change) This means you can (as do I) redirect comments from
ECHOs out to the note file whilst all other StdIO is sent to Con, or you
could send StdErr to Note or (and this seems a really neat idea to me) you
could send the output from your fave monitor program (SnoopDOS say) to it.
Reasently I have used PipeCon to send the startup output from ADoom or
AmigaDoom to it so it looks more professional and a bit more like Doom on
the PC. Troble is they both send the AHI sound setup information to the Con:
device in a manner not via the 'StdIO', It may be 'StdErr' I haven't checked.
Since 1.5 it has aquired a percentage bar.
/ /|
/ \ / |
/ \/ *
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()()/\ /\)()(
___)( \ / ()___ .______________________
( ()\ \_/ /)( ) __ /
| | )( \ |0| / () | | |_) . / .
| \ ()/|\/|\/|/@ / . /
/ |/
/ !
Contents of util/boot/PipeCon.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 276 637 43.3% -lh5- 3222 Aug 9 1998 PipeCon.info
[generic] 22318 33644 66.3% -lh5- b647 Feb 17 1999 PipeCon/PipeCon
[generic] 3903 9510 41.0% -lh5- d085 Mar 13 1999 PipeCon/PipeCon-Install.Doc
[generic] 771 4281 18.0% -lh5- d994 Mar 13 1999 PipeCon/PipeCon-Install.Doc.info
[generic] 8067 17042 47.3% -lh5- 7964 Feb 17 1999 PipeCon/PipeCon.Doc
[generic] 795 4342 18.3% -lh5- 6162 Feb 17 1999 PipeCon/PipeCon.Doc.info
[generic] 2638 5528 47.7% -lh5- 46c6 Mar 13 1999 PipeCon/PipeCon.Hist
[generic] 799 4343 18.4% -lh5- 5fce Mar 13 1999 PipeCon/PipeCon.Hist.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 39567 79327 49.9% Mar 18 1999
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