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this is a program you will find very useful, if you have an AMIGA equipped
with ECS or AGA.
Have you ever changed your monitor driver with MonEd or the like ?
If you increased e.g. vertical resolution about the overscan limit
the lower area which exceeds overscan is not reachable.
Yes, you can patch "ENVARC:sys/overscan.prefs", but that's not an ideal solution.
Additionally you must turn autoscrolling on to be able to reach the lower area.
So, increase the max/video overscan with this program and patching overscan.prefs
should belong to the past.
This program can change the overscan settings for video, max, and nominal overscan.
NOTE: Changing horizontal overscan about the limits is somewhat a bit tricky and
most of the time it doesn't function at all.
If you do it you will notice strange effects like "hidden right edge".
Example for the EURO36 monitor:
ID: a monitor id, like in include:graphics/modeid.h
Find it out with ModeIDList (also included in this package)
Starting with version 1.5, you can also type 'T' for the actual displayed
modeid. (if started from WB.)
O: overscan type, one of N (Nominal), M (Maximal), V (Video)
MINX: lower horizontal bound for overscan rectangle (can be < 0)
MINY: lower vertical bound for overscan rectangle (can be < 0)
MAXX: upper horizontal bound for overscan rectangle (must be > MINX)
MAXY: upper vertical bound for overscan rectangle (must be > MINY)
PatchOverscan ID=79000 O=M 0 0 723 299
This gives you a max overscan of 724 * 300 for the "EURO36: HighRes" screenmode.
(This is HIGHRES, NOT LACE OR something ELSE!)
Start "Prefs/Overscan", select "EURO36" and now you can edit between 640 * 200
and 720 * 300 pixels.
Best place to start this program is in your s:user-startup, but it must be placed
AFTER IPrefs !!
In any case:
1. PatchOverscan
2. Prefs/Overscan
3. Prefs/Screenmode
If you change the overscan, you must select the right modeid, because there are
different modeid's for LACEd, SCANDBLed or LORES incarnations of a screenmode.
This is a HACK and will not work for standard PAL and NTSC monitor
drivers, because they don't seem to build a fully featured entry in the
display database.
This is a simple program.
As reported from some users, horizontal overscan stretching seems to work very
randomly, so you should use this program only for vertical stretchings.
Please don't report this further, because i don't have any influence on it.
This program has been only tested under version 3.1 of the operating system,
so if you have 3.0 or 2.1 i would recommend that you get the updated monitor
drivers (somewhere on Aminet) for OS 3.1. (don't know if they work for OS 2.1)
As I have now a working (after six months of waiting for my computer)
CyberVision64 graphics board, i myself doesn't use this program anymore.
This program uses an undocumented function of the AmigaOS (graphics.library $2ee),
so don't expect it to work with future versions of the OS. (>3.1).
This has been tested on my A4000/EC030 and on my friends A1200/030
This was compiled with SAS/C 6.56 on an A4000/EC030 (OS3.1, KS40.68/WB40.42)
with 10 MB RAM, ARXON Scandoubler, Cybervision64 2MB, Monitor miro D1786T (30 - 86 kHz),
blah, blah, blah
Thanks to the SAS people for making such a good compiler.
My Address:
Thomas Krafzik
Belforter Str. 20
45884 Gelsenkirchen
Phone: (+49)209 12386 (international)
0209 12386 (german)
or you can use email:
(this is not my address, but from a friend)
If you have any questions you can contact me by phone or the supplied email address
or by snail mail. If you send mail and expect an answer, include return postage
AirMAIL to USA costs 3DM which is approximately 2US-$.
Thank you.