Kill68k is a simple multiboot tool written for BPPC/CSPPC MorphOS users.
It detects if you are in 68k or PPC mode and if 68k is detected this tool
can be used to launch your MorphOS startup script.
In addition you can add other conditions to check, i.e. run script only if
left mouse button is down (or middle/right respectively).
for AmigaOS partition add following line right after SetPatch command in
your Startup-Sequence:
Kill68k CHECKLEFT EXECUTE="C:Execute MOS:MorphOS/MorphOS/Start"
And on your MorphOS partition you can use following:
Kill68k EXECUTE="C:Execute MOS:MorphOS/MorphOS/Start"
On AmigaOS partition startup script is executed only if left mouse button
is down. On MorphOS partition startup script is executed if a 68k is
detected. This way you can set your MorphOS partition to be your default
boot partition.
68k/PPC detection
Kill68k uses very simple PPC detection. If exec.library version is lower than
V50 it assumes you are on 68k AmigaOS. No further checkings made this regard.
If exec version is V50 or newer then provided startup script *never* gets
executed. This is enough for me because I don't need multiple startup scripts
for MorphOS.
If you are using OS2 or OS3 then Kill68k serves as multiboot utility as well
although it was written for MorphOS usage in mind only. Also OS4 users might
find this util useful. You can have upto 8 different mouse button
Kill68k EXECUTE="C:Execute S:Startup1" CHECKLEFT
Kill68k EXECUTE="C:Execute S:Startup2" CHECKMIDDLE
Kill68k EXECUTE="C:Execute S:Startup3" CHECKRIGHT
Enjoy. It is only 444 bytes!
Ilkka Lehtoranta ·