First there was DisplayBeep that alerts the user by flash the screen, then
came DisplayBeep with sound extension that alerts the user with a beep or
sampled sound and/or flash the screen. Now comes BeepAManiac, a small
Commodity that patches the standard Intuition DisplayBeep function.
BeepAManiac lets you play infinite number of sounds. Each time the
DisplayBeep is called, BeepAManiac plays a random sound. This is much more
pleasant to listen then the same old standard boring sound.
BeepAManiac V0.7 requires WB2.0 or higher. BeepAManiac is very small and
uses very little memory. You can configure BeepAManiac to use from 8K to
128K size sampled sounds. BeepAManiac can also play two simultaneous sounds
at the same time if the DisplayBeep is call twice in the row.
V0.7 is now a Commodity.