84782 packages online
util/boot/BK_ResetCard.lha |
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Short: | CardReset in form of module for BlizKick |
Author: | artpo wp.pl (Artur Pogoda) |
Uploader: | artpo wp pl (Artur Pogoda) |
Type: | util/boot |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2001-12-18 |
Requires: | util/boot/BlizKick, A1200 with Blizzard turbo board, OS 2.0+ |
Download: | util/boot/BK_ResetCard.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/boot/BK_ResetCard.readme |
Downloads: | 2308 |
BK_ResetCard is pack of two modules for BlizKick (program written by
Harry "Piru" Sintonen). These modules include main procedure of CardReset
and force reset signal on Amiga PCMCIA slot. Module DosResetCard works
very similar to CardReset, but ColdResetCard is run before "boot" devices
are installed in system and boot block is loaded from disk.
BlizKick <path/name_ROM> <path/name_MODULE> EXTRESBUF=144
path/name_ROM Full path and name Kickstart file, or * if original ROM
should be used by BlizKick.
path/name_MODULE ColdResetCard or DosResetCard and names others modules
that you use with BlizKick. Full path is required only
if BKMODPATH variable has not been defined.
EXTRESBUF Size external buffer for modules. Both ColdResetCard and
DosResetCard require 144 Bytes buffer lenght.
Copy DosResetCard and ColdResetCard to Devs:Modules directory.
Modify parameters of BlizKick in your Startup-Sequence.
Remove pcmciafix hardware hack (capacitor between CC_RESET and VCC).
Thanks to:
Harry "Piru" Sintonen for cnet.device and BlizKick and more...
Luca "Hexaae" Longone for your idea CardReset as module for BlizKick.
And others Amiga people for good mails after release CardReset on Aminet.
Contents of util/boot/BK_ResetCard.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 794 1564 50.8% -lh5- 1f42 Dec 13 2001 BK_ResetCard.readme
[generic] 185 240 77.1% -lh5- e638 Dec 13 2001 ColdResetCard
[generic] 520 876 59.4% -lh5- 8d21 Dec 13 2001 ColdResetCard.ASM
[generic] 189 240 78.8% -lh5- 04d4 Dec 13 2001 DosResetCard
[generic] 555 968 57.3% -lh5- 5ddc Dec 13 2001 DosResetCard.ASM
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 2243 3888 57.7% Dec 17 2001
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