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Short:Gives you a tip of the day on bootup!
Author: gazy at
Uploader:Gareth Murfin (gazy globalnet co uk)
Download:util/boot/AmiTip.lha - View contents

             AmiTip v1.0b - By Gareth Murfin aka Gaz

This is a little program I made because I was using a PC and I saw the
'Tip of the day' thing on Word. I  decided that  the Amiga should have
that too but maybe on BootUp so it happens more  often. Then I decided
to do it and  created this. Its a simple little  utility which must be
dragged  into your  WBstartup drawer and will amuse you on bootup with
serious, funny and jokey tips which are picked at random from 46.

It has  some extra  features because I  tried to  get the  most out of
using BlitzBasic, they are :-

o Needs NO installation, drag into your WBstartup drawer and its done!
o Can be ran simply by double clicking too
o Makes rebooting more interesting!
o Supports Tools types!
o Works on ALL versions of Workbench and Setpatch *
o Works on ALL Amiga's *
o No special requirements *²
o Supports the NEW $Poo Command! *³

*  This is TRUE in theory although it has only been tested on :-
   Workbench 3.1 + Amiga International® SetPatch 97 running on my
   A1200Tg 040/25/25/MMU + 18Meg RAM + 2xCD,520HD,

*² Well actually there are very basic requirements, these are :-
   A battery backed up clock (Most Accelerators have these)

*³ Poo is a revolutionary new command like Version. Download it from AmiNet
   or the Alpha URL today!

NOTE: AmiTip only has 46 tips because I couldnt think of anymore, over
      the next few versions I  will try and  add many, many  more tips
      but it would  be handy if  you, the user could give me ideas for
      new tips! If you want to add some tips and get a mention in this
      doc  for it then please do  the tips as text in the format below
      and email them to me for me to add. This tip must be like this:-

          "Must be 50 characters enclosed within speech marks"

      If you have many ideas for tips then simply send me  a big  list
      of them in  this format and Ill  add them all and credit  you in
      this doc :))


  it has been brought to my attention that this program sometimes suffers
  from a 'Window Error'. This is actually caused by a display bug in
  the Blitz Basic programming language. It happens when AmiTip tries to
  open a window over another one. Ie, The Wb has another screen already
  opened. This could be for example a game, BootPic or maybe even a
  browser. The point is to get AmiTip to work the WB has to be empty of
  other screens, for instance if you double click on the amitip icon
  after bootup has finished it should be fine. So if AmiTip fails to
  work turn off all your boot pics etc and see if it works then.
  If you think AmiTip is being executed too early in the WbStartup
  drawer you could try renaming it to 'ZamiTip', this would make it
  the last thing which the wb loads before bootup is finished. It May
  work now, but if it doesnt then please eMail me with details of your
  setup. If you're a coder then you might even be able to help me solve
  the problem.

Right then, install this and then let me know what you think via email
( Also look out on AmiNet for my other creations
which are :-

Dwarfx24.lha    - The Ultimate AmIRC enhancement package
Theme040.lha    - An 040 patch for ThemePark
ZombieFest.lha  - A small Zombie Music and Gfx demo
Dwarfdemo.lha   - A small Music and Gfx demo with nice scrolling text
JoyMouse.lha    - Mouse emulator for CD³² pad
Zippyxdemo      - GFX & SFX MegaDemo
Hoppyxdemo      - GFX & SFX MegaDemo
Carnlevels      - Replacement levels for Carnage

Other Cool Utilities Ive made in Blitz Include :-

AmiClock10a.lha    - A nice Blitz Clock with date
AmiGreet10a.lha    - Greets you on BootUp
AmiBlank10a.lha    - Funky ScreenSaver!
AmiTip10a.lha      - Gives you a Tip every day of the year!

At the moment I have coded in BlitzBasic, Arexx, Dos and Reality, I hope to learn
C++ in the future but right now Im working on a game in BlitzBasic, let me know if
you want to help or you just want details...

C O M I N G  S O O N  * * *  DAWN OF THE DEADER RPG  * * *  C O M I N G  S O O N
Gaz (Alpha Software)                            +-+

Email -
URL   -  (Alpha Software URL)
  _  //
  \\// Amiga Makes it possible....®

Contents of util/boot/AmiTip.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  713    1352  52.7% -lh5- f844 Jul 20  1997 AmiTip!.info
[generic]                19475   36464  53.4% -lh5- 60e7 Jan 30  1998 AmiTip!/AmiTip
[generic]                  272     397  68.5% -lh5- 9012 Jan 30  1998 AmiTip!/
[generic]                 2258    4615  48.9% -lh5- e056 Jan 30  1998 AmiTip!/Amitip.readme
[generic]                  583    1501  38.8% -lh5- f63f Jul 20  1997 AmiTip!/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         5 files   23301   44329  52.6%            Feb  1  1998
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