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Short:Serif fonts, in Intellifont format
Download:text/ifont/Serif04.lha - View contents

This is a collection of Compugraphic Intellifonts. This format is 
directly understood by the Amiga OS. To install, copy them anywhere
onto your hard disk and use the Intellifont (or Fountain) tool in
your System drawer to announce them to the system.

Note that the collection of Adobe fonts is bigger and that the
Adobe versions of the same fonts look slightly better.

All fonts in this collection have hints. These are instructions how to
make the fonts look good at low resolutions.

In the archive pix/illu/AminetPFonts.lha you find a set of images 
displaying all fonts of the whole font collection. Also, each archives
contains an archive index image and an image for each font. Note however
that these images were made from the .pfb versions of these fonts.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   31006   15504 49.9% 18-Jan-96 21:10:12  0Serif04_Index.iff
    2162    1140 47.2% 15-Jan-96 17:19:30  BrooklynThin.iff
   94070   57141 39.2% 10-Jan-96 15:22:12  BrooklynThin.type
    2086    1049 49.7% 15-Jan-96 17:19:44  BunionBold.iff
   43524   33114 23.9% 10-Jan-96 15:28:40  BunionBold.type
    1976    1048 46.9% 15-Jan-96 17:20:06  BurkeleyHeavy.iff
   85204   47349 44.4% 10-Jan-96 15:36:18  BurkeleyHeavy.type
    1978    1157 41.5% 15-Jan-96 17:20:12  BurkeleyHeavyItalic.iff
   94140   56304 40.1% 10-Jan-96 15:37:42  BurkeleyHeavyItalic.type
    2614    1383 47.0% 15-Jan-96 17:20:26  Burlesque.iff
   97772   60570 38.0% 10-Jan-96 15:42:04  Burlesque.type
    2738    1458 46.7% 15-Jan-96 17:20:30  BurlesqueItal.iff
   98798   65765 33.4% 10-Jan-96 15:43:30  BurlesqueItal.type
    2288    1196 47.7% 15-Jan-96 17:20:34  BurlesqueThin.iff
   94998   58776 38.1% 10-Jan-96 15:44:54  BurlesqueThin.type
    2462    1074 56.3% 15-Jan-96 17:20:40  Cairo.iff
   28584   20369 28.7% 10-Jan-96 15:46:30  Cairo.type
    1278     584 54.3% 15-Jan-96 17:20:44  Calgarry.iff
   43716   20546 53.0% 10-Jan-96 15:47:40  Calgarry.type
    1960    1133 42.1% 15-Jan-96 17:20:52  CalgaryItal.iff
   69826   42653 38.9% 10-Jan-96 15:49:48  CalgaryItal.type
    1288     750 41.7% 15-Jan-96 17:21:22  CambridgeNormal.iff
   36218   25839 28.6% 10-Jan-96 15:57:32  CambridgeNormal.type
    1834     981 46.5% 15-Jan-96 17:21:50  Caroliner.iff
   29246   19442 33.5% 10-Jan-96 16:07:56  Caroliner.type
    1772    1005 43.2% 15-Jan-96 17:22:10  CarolusRomanFont.iff
  104308   68704 34.1% 10-Jan-96 16:19:00  CarolusRomanFont.type
    1730     640 63.0% 15-Jan-96 17:22:38  CartWright.iff
   24026   15763 34.3% 10-Jan-96 16:40:34  CartWright.type
    2114    1170 44.6% 15-Jan-96 17:22:56  CasablancaBold.iff
   69150   44129 36.1% 10-Jan-96 16:52:08  CasablancaBold.type
    1756    1168 33.4% 15-Jan-96 17:22:58  CasablancaItalic.iff
   73660   47906 34.9% 10-Jan-96 16:53:00  CasablancaItalic.type
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 1150282  716810 37.6% 04-Nov-95 17:08:06   33 files

Contents of text/ifont/Serif04.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                15504   31006  50.0% -lh5- bc39 Jan 18  1996 0Serif04_Index.iff
[generic]                 1140    2162  52.7% -lh5- 8a35 Jan 15  1996 BrooklynThin.iff
[generic]                57141   94070  60.7% -lh5- f917 Jan 10  1996 BrooklynThin.type
[generic]                 1049    2086  50.3% -lh5- 74b9 Jan 15  1996 BunionBold.iff
[generic]                33114   43524  76.1% -lh5- a769 Jan 10  1996 BunionBold.type
[generic]                 1048    1976  53.0% -lh5- 6d3d Jan 15  1996 BurkeleyHeavy.iff
[generic]                47349   85204  55.6% -lh5- f75c Jan 10  1996 BurkeleyHeavy.type
[generic]                 1157    1978  58.5% -lh5- 80a5 Jan 15  1996 BurkeleyHeavyItalic.iff
[generic]                56304   94140  59.8% -lh5- 3699 Jan 10  1996 BurkeleyHeavyItalic.type
[generic]                 1383    2614  52.9% -lh5- ed01 Jan 15  1996 Burlesque.iff
[generic]                60570   97772  62.0% -lh5- 7d4b Jan 10  1996 Burlesque.type
[generic]                 1458    2738  53.3% -lh5- 8c1e Jan 15  1996 BurlesqueItal.iff
[generic]                65765   98798  66.6% -lh5- f22e Jan 10  1996 BurlesqueItal.type
[generic]                 1196    2288  52.3% -lh5- be54 Jan 15  1996 BurlesqueThin.iff
[generic]                58776   94998  61.9% -lh5- a480 Jan 10  1996 BurlesqueThin.type
[generic]                 1074    2462  43.6% -lh5- ee7e Jan 15  1996 Cairo.iff
[generic]                20369   28584  71.3% -lh5- fdee Jan 10  1996 Cairo.type
[generic]                  584    1278  45.7% -lh5- 3059 Jan 15  1996 Calgarry.iff
[generic]                20546   43716  47.0% -lh5- 67fa Jan 10  1996 Calgarry.type
[generic]                 1133    1960  57.8% -lh5- 07fc Jan 15  1996 CalgaryItal.iff
[generic]                42653   69826  61.1% -lh5- d504 Jan 10  1996 CalgaryItal.type
[generic]                  750    1288  58.2% -lh5- d47c Jan 15  1996 CambridgeNormal.iff
[generic]                25839   36218  71.3% -lh5- 0377 Jan 10  1996 CambridgeNormal.type
[generic]                  981    1834  53.5% -lh5- 55bd Jan 15  1996 Caroliner.iff
[generic]                19442   29246  66.5% -lh5- 7e12 Jan 10  1996 Caroliner.type
[generic]                 1005    1772  56.7% -lh5- 3028 Jan 15  1996 CarolusRomanFont.iff
[generic]                68704  104308  65.9% -lh5- c671 Jan 10  1996 CarolusRomanFont.type
[generic]                  640    1730  37.0% -lh5- ea2f Jan 15  1996 CartWright.iff
[generic]                15763   24026  65.6% -lh5- 43cd Jan 10  1996 CartWright.type
[generic]                 1170    2114  55.3% -lh5- 0b7d Jan 15  1996 CasablancaBold.iff
[generic]                44129   69150  63.8% -lh5- 1940 Jan 10  1996 CasablancaBold.type
[generic]                 1168    1756  66.5% -lh5- 00a4 Jan 15  1996 CasablancaItalic.iff
[generic]                47906   73660  65.0% -lh5- 9f3d Jan 10  1996 CasablancaItalic.type
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        33 files  716810 1150282  62.3%            Nov  4  1995
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