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Short:Powerful text editor w/Arexx support
Author: pwright at (Phil Wright)
Uploader:pwright crash cts com (Phil Wright)
Version:2.0 Demo
Requires:OS 2.04+
Download:text/edit/QEDV2Demo.lha - View contents

                                Version 2.0

               Copyright © 1988-1990 by Darren M. Greenwald
                  Copyright © 1996 by Phillip M. Wright
                           All rights reserved

     QED is a fast, and easy-to-use text-editor suitable for a variety of
text editing purposes.  Unlike other programs of this type, QED is not
meant strictly for programmers.  QED also offers a variety of text
formatting tools, and can be configured to behave in a variety of ways. 
The beginner can start using QED immediately, however underneath the easy
to use interface lies a powerful command mode language, ARexx interfacing,
macro capabilities, keyboard definitions, and much more.


o Easy to use
o An Amiga oriented program in every sense
o 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030 and 68040 compatible
o Compatible with Amiga O.S. 2.04 on up
o Fast response, and efficient memory utilization
o Full Intuition interface.  Mouse, and keyboard supported

o Unlimited multiple text editing windows
o Edit files of virtually any size, number of lines, or line length
  (DEMO version cannot save files larger than 10K)
o Binary files may be opened, edited, and saved
o Fast reading, and writing of files
o Automatic memory management, and reallocation as text is inserted

o Automatically adjusts everything to use your system font
o Non-proportional system fonts of virtually any size may be used
o Automatically adjusts to your system's Workbench screen size
o Keyboard decoding using your system's keymap
o Dead-keys are supported

o Full CLI, and Workbench support
o Multiple files can be automatically opened from the CLI, or Workbench
o Can be made resident, and is fully reentrant

o Many powerful text editing tools
o Full support for the Amiga IFF clipboard.device
o Block, and Column cut, copy, insert, and save
o Many text formatting tools
o Fast search, and replace forward, backwards, prompted, global, etc.
o Fast global search, and replace in block, or in column
o Character case toggle (single, in block, or in column)
o Bracket, brace, and parenthesis match search for C programmers

o Unique settings for text editing windows
o Optional simple word-wrap
o Insert, or overstrike modes
o Left, and right margin settings
o Variable size soft, or hard tabs
o Tab insert, or move cursor to tab stop
o Margin locking to simplify text entry within margins
o End-of-line limited, or free-form cursor movement
o Optional Auto-Indent
o Variable pen, paper, and border colors
o Variable horizontal scrolling rate
o Option to detab output to files, or printer
o Option to create backup files
o Option to create icons when saving files
o Option to save files in append mode

o Full ARexx support
o Nameable ARexx ports
o Powerful command mode with full line editing, and history
o Over 100 powerful commands with many options
o Can be run as a hidden background process
o Send a variety of information back to ARexx
o Fully documented error codes
o QED's own macro mechanism
o Macro recorder
o User callable custom requesters

o Assign any command(s), or macro to any of over 350 keypress combinations
o Quick user definable function keys menu
o Assign any command(s), or macro to single, or double mouse clicks
o Multiple commands per line

Contents of text/edit/QEDV2Demo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  342     900  38.0% -lh5- 8f8f Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/
[generic]                 7623   23613  32.3% -lh5- b5bb Feb 10  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/Appendix
[generic]                  175     374  46.8% -lh5- ca88 Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/
[generic]                 3681    9312  39.5% -lh5- f905 Feb 15  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/Copyright
[generic]                  176     374  47.1% -lh5- 66d0 Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/
[generic]                 2678    6149  43.6% -lh5- d2b2 Feb 10  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/Introduction
[generic]                  180     374  48.1% -lh5- 5570 Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/
[generic]                 9520   36977  25.7% -lh5- cb73 Feb 10  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/Menus
[generic]                  178     374  47.6% -lh5- 7cf9 Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/
[generic]                 4242   12347  34.4% -lh5- c9c8 Feb 10  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/Startup
[generic]                  179     374  47.9% -lh5- 73a5 Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/Documents/
[generic]                38971   71080  54.8% -lh5- 5a3b Feb  8  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/QED_Demo
[generic]                  251     546  46.0% -lh5- 05bc Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/
[generic]                 1361    2709  50.2% -lh5- 7ac2 Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/ReadMe
[generic]                  177     373  47.5% -lh5- ec89 Feb 29  1996 QED_V2.0_Demo/
[generic]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- ed3c Feb 29  1996
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        16 files   70004  166504  42.0%            Mar  8  1996
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