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This was one idea from Jesper Skov. Since redirecting a shell to
a FrexxEd buffer doesn´t work for real, this is not a real shell.
File: FrexxShell.FPL
Author: Carsten Orthbandt
Email: s6357@fb1.fhtw-berlin.de
Short: gives you a virtual shell in FrexxEd.
Version: 1.0
Date: 5.7.95
Local settings:
Global settings:
Keysequence: "Enter","Tab"
Type: Key/Function
Prereq: FrexxEd v1.6 fpl.library v12.1
This little hack gives you a shell in a FrexxEd buffer. It includes a nice
file name completion feature (assigned to TAB).
When started, this scripts opens a new buffer, sets up a shell environment
for it and does a little echo. From now on you may use it as a real shell.
You enter commands BEHIND the prompt "Sys:>" and get the output.
To quit this little shell, simply kill the buffer. There is no real shell
behind it´s functionality.
You need a fpl.library supporting string catenation with "+". This works
since version 12.1.
You need a path to the following commands:
- Execute
- Delete
It might be useful to have these commands resident.
FrexxShell uses four temporary files:
FConCmd_xxx - the command script
FConOut_xxx - the commands output
FConDir_xxx - the current dir after execution
FConErr_xxx - error messages
Although temp file names are unique you can´t run two shell buffers from
the same FrexxEd session. This would require all variables to be local
info vars. In my opinion, this is not very useful.
The output (FConOut) is deleted after it has been loaded into Fred because it
can get very long (try "list SYS: ALL"). All other files remain. I tried to
get them deleted too, but somehow FrexxEd crashed everytime I did.
You shouldn´t mind it since they all sum to a total of 7 lines (maximum).
FrexxShell searches the last line of the buffer for ">". This char marks
the end of prompt. You may change any contents of shell buffer, but commands
are only executed if enterd behind that first ">".
FrexxShell assigns it´s routine to the "Enter" key (means "Return" too). It
simply does a Output("\n") if the current buffer is not the shell buffer.
I wanted to execute the old function of this key, but KeyPress() seems not
to work by now.
1) You can´t use interactive input. This should not be a real problem since
FrexxShell redirects all input to NIL:. So all that happens if you
type "DIR ?" is what happens you if press Return on every request in a
real shell.
2) You can´t get a return code. Since FrexxShell has to know the current
directory after execution of the command line (might be "cd ram:"), it
does a "cd" directly after command execution. To get information about
failed statements all error outputs are displayed.
3) You should never re-use a shell buffer for normal text editing since
every time you press Return the last line will be interpreted as a shell
4) FrexxShell should not be run twice from the same FrexxEd.
5) Since there is no real shell behind it, no Shell-Startup, Aliases or
local variables are possible.
6) Change count is reset after each command to avoid that annoying requester
if you quit a FrexxShell buffer.
7) If you quit one Buffer and open a new directly after chances are high to
get the same buffer id again. So you get a new shell without calling
FrexxShell.FPL for that new buffer. This could be solved by hooking into
Quit(). I´ll surely add this when KeyPress() gets fixed, which is required
for a real clean-up.
- Proper clean-up: Will be done when KeyPress() works finally.
Contents of text/edit/FrexxShell.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 930 2256 41.2% -lh5- 671f Jul 10 1995 FrexxShell.FPL
[generic] 1722 3569 48.2% -lh5- 1ea7 Jul 7 1995 FrexxShell.FPL.README
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 2652 5825 45.5% Jul 10 1995
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