Catalog Managment for GED
There are many programs available which make translating catalogs for Amiga
easier. But none of them does exactly, what I need. Not that they wouldn't be
useful - I use them regularly while I do the translation work - but there are
tasks, which can't be elegantly solved using these programs.
And this is, where my package proves useful. I wrote two GoldEd scripts which
I believe will make the life of every translator easier. I certainly find them
very useful and I don't see any reason, why anybody else wouldn't.
This archive contains the following scripts:
CDtoCT.ged v1.0 (07.04.99) - converts a *.cd file to a *.ct
CopyOrig.ged v1.0 (30.08.99) - copies strings from *.cd to comments in *.ct
StrToCom.ged v1.1 (30.08.99) - makes comments out of strings in a *.ct file
More details can be found in the guide which is a part of the archive.
(C)1999 Digital Amiga Dream