84782 packages online
pix/gicon/lch-JapIcons3.lha |
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Every TM and © belongs to respective owners.
Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2730 1660 39.1% 28-Sep-00 11:44:06 +Arcade_Pool_AGA.info
2280 1582 30.6% 18-Sep-00 14:39:00 +ArmageddonMan.info
2586 1965 24.0% 18-Sep-00 14:40:54 +ArmageddonManGlow.info
3066 2372 22.6% 16-Aug-00 14:38:46 +BallyHoo35.info
2708 1897 29.9% 30-Dec-00 14:28:04 +Colonel_Bequest.info
2686 1969 26.6% 30-Dec-00 02:06:32 +iceman.info
9154 5925 35.2% 08-Oct-00 18:09:44 +ProjectX35.info
5498 3543 35.5% 12-Jan-01 21:35:52 +r-type1.info
7196 4691 34.8% 12-Jan-01 21:35:48 +r-type2.info
23742 20808 12.3% 08-Oct-00 18:30:22 +SmashTV35.info
5928 4820 18.6% 29-Dec-00 02:15:04 +sq1e.info
3852 2947 23.4% 09-Feb-01 14:43:08 +dot.info
4649 3713 20.1% 09-Feb-01 14:42:16 +pinky.info
3488 2647 24.1% 09-Feb-01 14:41:36 +slappy.info
6544 5360 18.0% 09-Feb-01 14:32:36 +trade.info
4332 3272 24.4% 09-Feb-01 14:40:18 +wakko.info
3576 2067 42.1% 09-Feb-01 14:39:30 +yakko.info
2354 1616 31.3% 11-Aug-00 18:39:00 +disk-purple.info
1754 1130 35.5% 18-Sep-00 19:53:26 +dora.info
1902 1271 33.1% 19-Sep-00 17:42:10 +doradown.info
1754 1118 36.2% 19-Sep-00 17:54:42 +doraside.info
2364 1721 27.1% 20-Sep-00 11:08:24 +giayan.info
2038 1392 31.6% 20-Sep-00 11:09:24 +nobitakun.info
1930 1276 33.8% 19-Sep-00 18:21:58 +suneo.info
2040 1399 31.4% 20-Sep-00 11:10:40 +suneo2.info
2122 1457 31.3% 19-Sep-00 18:19:36 +susy.info
2090 1432 31.4% 20-Sep-00 11:11:22 +susy2.info
1838 1194 35.0% 17-Sep-00 20:23:52 +pika2.info
1990 1274 35.9% 26-Jul-00 17:11:26 +yukidaruma2.info
2510 1848 26.3% 31-Aug-00 19:05:56 +Shapeshifter.info
2690 2041 24.1% 31-Aug-00 19:09:24 +Shapeshifter2.info
2416 1673 30.7% 14-Aug-00 21:41:18 +What-Config35.info
2313 1407 39.1% 17-Sep-00 18:48:46 +Yam35.info
5972 5182 13.2% 18-Oct-00 18:32:58 +Bkground.lbm
1130 752 33.4% 18-Sep-00 15:31:24 +DoraBluPat.bru
2186 1164 46.7% 18-Sep-00 19:40:34 +DoraRedPat.bru
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
137408 101585 26.0% 26-Mar-101 15:36:06 36 files
Operation successful.
Contents of pix/gicon/lch-JapIcons3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1660 2730 60.8% -lh5- 49f3 Sep 28 2000 Games/Arcade_Pool_AGA.info
[generic] 1582 2280 69.4% -lh5- a5a6 Sep 18 2000 Games/ArmageddonMan.info
[generic] 1965 2586 76.0% -lh5- fb6b Sep 18 2000 Games/ArmageddonManGlow.info
[generic] 2372 3066 77.4% -lh5- 5eb0 Aug 16 2000 Games/BallyHoo35.info
[generic] 1897 2708 70.1% -lh5- 7c15 Dec 30 2000 Games/Colonel_Bequest.info
[generic] 1969 2686 73.3% -lh5- 513a Dec 30 2000 Games/iceman.info
[generic] 5925 9154 64.7% -lh5- 26b2 Oct 8 2000 Games/ProjectX35.info
[generic] 3543 5498 64.4% -lh5- 18f3 Jan 12 2001 Games/r-type1.info
[generic] 4691 7196 65.2% -lh5- 0a27 Jan 12 2001 Games/r-type2.info
[generic] 20808 23742 87.6% -lh5- 34ba Oct 8 2000 Games/SmashTV35.info
[generic] 4820 5928 81.3% -lh5- 6817 Dec 29 2000 Games/sq1e.info
[generic] 2947 3852 76.5% -lh5- 31dd Feb 9 2001 misc/Animaniacs/dot.info
[generic] 3713 4649 79.9% -lh5- 24a7 Feb 9 2001 misc/Animaniacs/pinky.info
[generic] 2647 3488 75.9% -lh5- 7c4b Feb 9 2001 misc/Animaniacs/slappy.info
[generic] 5360 6544 81.9% -lh5- 9d0f Feb 9 2001 misc/Animaniacs/trade.info
[generic] 3272 4332 75.5% -lh5- c57a Feb 9 2001 misc/Animaniacs/wakko.info
[generic] 2067 3576 57.8% -lh5- ba3f Feb 9 2001 misc/Animaniacs/yakko.info
[generic] 1616 2354 68.6% -lh5- 5cc5 Aug 11 2000 misc/disk-purple.info
[generic] 1130 1754 64.4% -lh5- 8259 Sep 18 2000 misc/doraemon/dora.info
[generic] 1271 1902 66.8% -lh5- 1453 Sep 19 2000 misc/doraemon/doradown.info
[generic] 1118 1754 63.7% -lh5- a8b5 Sep 19 2000 misc/doraemon/doraside.info
[generic] 1721 2364 72.8% -lh5- 67f4 Sep 20 2000 misc/doraemon/giayan.info
[generic] 1392 2038 68.3% -lh5- 6205 Sep 20 2000 misc/doraemon/nobitakun.info
[generic] 1276 1930 66.1% -lh5- 995b Sep 19 2000 misc/doraemon/suneo.info
[generic] 1399 2040 68.6% -lh5- adc6 Sep 20 2000 misc/doraemon/suneo2.info
[generic] 1457 2122 68.7% -lh5- 16a6 Sep 19 2000 misc/doraemon/susy.info
[generic] 1432 2090 68.5% -lh5- e420 Sep 20 2000 misc/doraemon/susy2.info
[generic] 1194 1838 65.0% -lh5- 0229 Sep 17 2000 misc/pika2.info
[generic] 1274 1990 64.0% -lh5- ff8d Jul 26 2000 misc/yukidaruma2.info
[generic] 1848 2510 73.6% -lh5- d401 Aug 31 2000 programs/Shapeshifter.info
[generic] 2041 2690 75.9% -lh5- fee0 Aug 31 2000 programs/Shapeshifter2.info
[generic] 1673 2416 69.2% -lh5- e1ee Aug 14 2000 programs/What-Config35.info
[generic] 1407 2313 60.8% -lh5- ce02 Sep 17 2000 programs/Yam35.info
[generic] 5182 5972 86.8% -lh5- bf69 Oct 18 2000 wbpatterns/Bkground.lbm
[generic] 752 1130 66.5% -lh5- 9daa Sep 18 2000 wbpatterns/DoraBluPat.bru
[generic] 1164 2186 53.2% -lh5- b68b Sep 18 2000 wbpatterns/DoraRedPat.bru
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 36 files 101585 137408 73.9% Mar 29 2001
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