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Here is the ultimate collection of Game Icons. This collection includes
all my previous icons but I redone them to make them look sharper and cleaner
looking, I think you will appreciate the difference :-) I also included
another 85 or so new game icons to bring my total to 232.
Each icon contains 2 pics from the game, either an ingame pic or a title
screen. I like when an icon contains a different pic when selected :-)
The icons are all in the GlowIcon format and are all 120x96 in size.
They are DEFINETLY 120x96 now (someone brought to my attention that some
icons from my last collection were a pixel off the 120x96 size) But not
this time! :-)
So anyone who uses these icon feel free to email me with ANY feedback about
them or if you have any requests for a certain game. I will try to include
them in my next collection.
Once again a BIG THANK YOU to all the JST and WHD guys for giving me the
inspiration to do these and especially Ian (CODETAPPER) for helping me in
times of icon troubles :-) You are a very patient man!
Contents of pix/gicon/GameIcons3.lha
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