This is a few images/skins to use with 3PMGUI by Richard Kapp (
and latest info about 3pmGUI can be found at Also go here for lots
of other cool things, plus, some real great music downloads! :) Wanna music?.. go Kapp!
search Aminet for R Kapp!
Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1978 1265 36.0% 12-Jan-01 15:24:34 +Artisitc-Humor.iff
4014 2602 35.1% 13-Jan-01 07:36:34 +Artisitc.iff
1612 1062 34.1% 09-Jan-01 20:23:24 +FlatXEN.iff
1830 986 46.1% 12-Jan-01 15:39:58 +Folder-Play.iff
3854 2374 38.4% 09-Jan-01 19:44:40 +Funky.iff
2174 1148 47.1% 09-Jan-01 19:58:02 +GlowBrown.iff
2152 1185 44.9% 12-Jan-01 16:15:46 +Musical.iff
1958 774 60.4% 12-Jan-01 16:40:42 +Simple3D.iff
2065 1502 27.2% 22-Jan-01 19:17:24
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
21637 12898 40.3% 22-Jan-101 19:19:08 9 files
Operation successful.