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mus/edit/soundstretch-68k.zip |
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SoundStretch v1.4.0 - Written by Olli Parviainen 2001 - 2008
author e-mail: <oparviai@iki.fi> - WWW: http://www.surina.net/soundtouch
This program is subject to (L)GPL license. Run "soundstretch -license" for
more information.
This application processes WAV audio files by modifying the sound tempo,
pitch and playback rate properties independently from each other.
Usage :
soundstretch infilename outfilename [switches]
To use standard input/output pipes, give 'stdin' and 'stdout' as filenames.
Available switches are:
-tempo=n : Change sound tempo by n percents (n=-95..+5000 %)
-pitch=n : Change sound pitch by n semitones (n=-60..+60 semitones)
-rate=n : Change sound rate by n percents (n=-95..+5000 %)
-bpm=n : Detect the BPM rate of sound and adjust tempo to meet 'n' BPMs.
If '=n' is omitted, just detects the BPM rate.
-quick : Use quicker tempo change algorithm (gain speed, lose quality)
-naa : Don't use anti-alias filtering (gain speed, lose quality)
-license : Display the program license text (LGPL)
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Contents of mus/edit/soundstretch-68k.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//mus/edit/soundstretch-68k.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:19 00000000 src/
23900 Defl:N 6729 72% 07-11-09 22:18 f6c08d98 src/Makefile
245431 Defl:N 63918 74% 07-11-09 22:16 414f367d src/libtool
339 Defl:N 221 35% 07-11-09 22:16 629d692f src/soundtouch-1.4.pc
65706 Defl:N 18584 72% 07-11-09 22:16 b54ae295 src/config.status
27897 Defl:N 5938 79% 07-11-09 22:19 b8efe684 src/config.log
556821 Defl:N 116055 79% 07-11-09 22:13 1064beac src/configure.lineno
558467 Defl:N 113315 80% 01-25-09 08:33 48922eee src/configure
1377 Defl:N 553 60% 01-25-09 08:32 4112ecf0 src/make-win.bat
24388 Defl:N 8620 65% 01-25-09 08:32 b03c7a1e src/COPYING.TXT
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:19 00000000 src/include/
13046 Defl:N 4051 69% 07-11-09 22:19 1d3e206f src/include/Makefile
42 Stored 42 0% 07-11-09 22:16 7d0faa41 src/include/stamp-h1
2595 Defl:N 870 67% 07-11-09 22:16 f8596153 src/include/soundtouch_config.h
8171 Defl:N 2240 73% 01-25-09 08:32 9c57b4b7 src/include/FIFOSamplePipe.h
12801 Defl:N 3965 69% 07-11-09 22:17 fceeba63 src/include/Makefile.in
4985 Defl:N 1925 61% 01-25-09 08:32 6a6fce15 src/include/STTypes.h
1202 Defl:N 687 43% 01-25-09 08:32 ce970579 src/include/Makefile.am
10647 Defl:N 3591 66% 01-25-09 08:32 501249a6 src/include/SoundTouch.h
7252 Defl:N 2375 67% 01-25-09 08:32 10fe04aa src/include/FIFOSampleBuffer.h
6523 Defl:N 2436 63% 01-25-09 08:32 df4313ca src/include/BPMDetect.h
2308 Defl:N 792 66% 01-25-09 08:33 cb6a3a1f src/include/soundtouch_config.h.in
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:17 00000000 src/soundtouch/
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:17 00000000 src/soundtouch/Makefile.in
1377 Defl:N 553 60% 01-25-09 08:32 4112ecf0 src/soundtouch/make-win.bat
24388 Defl:N 8620 65% 01-25-09 08:32 b03c7a1e src/soundtouch/COPYING.TXT
2833 Defl:N 1423 50% 01-25-09 08:32 f7192b03 src/soundtouch/Makefile.am
4307 Defl:N 1596 63% 01-25-09 08:32 38e7c79a src/soundtouch/configure.ac
348 Defl:N 212 39% 01-25-09 08:32 e6ab3917 src/soundtouch/createsrcpack
1227 Defl:N 552 55% 01-25-09 08:32 b16ae19e src/soundtouch/bootstrap
29540 Defl:N 9469 68% 01-25-09 08:32 538b88f7 src/soundtouch/README.html
32831 Defl:N 10356 69% 01-25-09 08:33 1368f34e src/aclocal.m4
23684 Defl:N 6666 72% 07-11-09 22:17 a1915e5f src/Makefile.in
2833 Defl:N 1423 50% 01-25-09 08:32 f7192b03 src/Makefile.am
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:18 00000000 src/source/
15103 Defl:N 4562 70% 07-11-09 22:18 c65bb0a7 src/source/Makefile
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:31 00000000 src/source/SoundTouch/
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:31 00000000 src/source/SoundTouch/.libs/
16445 Defl:N 4985 70% 07-11-09 22:21 1b83e61f src/source/SoundTouch/Makefile
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:23 00000000 src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/
495 Defl:N 159 68% 07-11-09 22:23 eefb043d src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/PeakFinder.Plo
1198 Defl:N 307 74% 07-11-09 22:23 8f6ba59d src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/BPMDetect.Plo
9765 Defl:N 862 91% 07-11-09 22:23 d9437255 src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/cpu_detect_x86_gcc.Plo
10230 Defl:N 975 91% 07-11-09 22:23 97d287e8 src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/TDStretch.Plo
10337 Defl:N 994 90% 07-11-09 22:23 eef59939 src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/SoundTouch.Plo
10087 Defl:N 941 91% 07-11-09 22:23 2d1dcb9f src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/RateTransposer.Plo
204 Defl:N 101 51% 07-11-09 22:23 bad72066 src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/sse_optimized.Plo
176 Defl:N 88 50% 07-11-09 22:23 6702ab96 src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/mmx_optimized.Plo
9911 Defl:N 903 91% 07-11-09 22:23 bdac75ee src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/FIFOSampleBuffer.Plo
9960 Defl:N 919 91% 07-11-09 22:22 43e30e77 src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/FIRFilter.Plo
999 Defl:N 265 74% 07-11-09 22:22 522514f7 src/source/SoundTouch/.deps/AAFilter.Plo
2105 Defl:N 1060 50% 07-11-09 22:12 00a0c6ac src/source/SoundTouch/Makefile.am
2386 Defl:N 1023 57% 01-25-09 08:32 6244202a src/source/SoundTouch/cpu_detect.h
7164 Defl:N 2409 66% 01-25-09 08:32 756f7786 src/source/SoundTouch/PeakFinder.cpp
5221 Defl:N 1984 62% 01-25-09 08:32 35d9acad src/source/SoundTouch/AAFilter.cpp
10627 Defl:N 3502 67% 01-25-09 08:32 d9e10390 src/source/SoundTouch/TDStretch.h
4635 Defl:N 1637 65% 01-25-09 08:32 46728232 src/source/SoundTouch/cpu_detect_x86_win.cpp
17095 Defl:N 4973 71% 07-11-09 22:17 62bee9cc src/source/SoundTouch/Makefile.in
14769 Defl:N 4344 71% 01-25-09 08:32 6b3d83f1 src/source/SoundTouch/SoundTouch.cpp
604 Defl:N 247 59% 01-25-09 08:32 e69bfe1e src/source/SoundTouch/SoundTouch.dsw
3085 Defl:N 1324 57% 01-25-09 08:32 127a8a01 src/source/SoundTouch/AAFilter.h
30111 Defl:N 7205 76% 01-25-09 08:32 ad5acd30 src/source/SoundTouch/TDStretch.cpp
5676 Defl:N 1990 65% 01-25-09 08:32 248ce41f src/source/SoundTouch/RateTransposer.h
4721 Defl:N 1176 75% 01-25-09 08:32 22c7d528 src/source/SoundTouch/SoundTouch.dsp
9041 Defl:N 1281 86% 01-25-09 08:32 1cebd510 src/source/SoundTouch/SoundTouch.vcproj
5258 Defl:N 1624 69% 01-25-09 08:32 2bffe049 src/source/SoundTouch/FIRFilter.h
10289 Defl:N 3711 64% 01-25-09 08:32 d059c0d2 src/source/SoundTouch/BPMDetect.cpp
8112 Defl:N 2471 70% 01-25-09 08:32 765063d7 src/source/SoundTouch/FIRFilter.cpp
8343 Defl:N 2678 68% 01-25-09 08:32 11543249 src/source/SoundTouch/FIFOSampleBuffer.cpp
5206 Defl:N 1809 65% 01-25-09 08:32 d019749d src/source/SoundTouch/cpu_detect_x86_gcc.cpp
17083 Defl:N 4879 71% 01-25-09 08:32 0b3b3e65 src/source/SoundTouch/sse_optimized.cpp
11430 Defl:N 3543 69% 01-25-09 08:32 619a5ecd src/source/SoundTouch/3dnow_win.cpp
10454 Defl:N 3252 69% 01-25-09 08:32 7df5ea69 src/source/SoundTouch/mmx_optimized.cpp
17999 Defl:N 4065 77% 01-25-09 08:32 fadd75be src/source/SoundTouch/RateTransposer.cpp
909 Defl:N 342 62% 01-25-09 08:32 1a091b67 src/source/SoundTouch/SoundTouch.sln
4095 Defl:N 1442 65% 01-25-09 08:32 5a130b11 src/source/SoundTouch/PeakFinder.h
14861 Defl:N 4483 70% 07-11-09 22:17 97ece195 src/source/Makefile.in
1172 Defl:N 675 42% 01-25-09 08:32 b722f112 src/source/Makefile.am
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:31 00000000 src/source/SoundStretch/
19953 Defl:N 4971 75% 07-11-09 22:19 cdc3feab src/source/SoundStretch/Makefile
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:24 00000000 src/source/SoundStretch/.deps/
9631 Defl:N 842 91% 07-11-09 22:24 31cab9ed src/source/SoundStretch/.deps/soundstretch-WavFile.Po
9789 Defl:N 869 91% 07-11-09 22:24 02b5db43 src/source/SoundStretch/.deps/soundstretch-RunParameters.Po
10080 Defl:N 946 91% 07-11-09 22:24 6d933781 src/source/SoundStretch/.deps/soundstretch-main.Po
1586 Defl:N 422 73% 01-25-09 08:32 77bae80c src/source/SoundStretch/soundstretch.sln
2338 Defl:N 1000 57% 01-25-09 08:32 e376b3cd src/source/SoundStretch/RunParameters.h
4828 Defl:N 1321 73% 01-25-09 08:32 f392919f src/source/SoundStretch/soundstretch.dsp
21224 Defl:N 4966 77% 07-11-09 22:17 0c064fce src/source/SoundStretch/Makefile.in
2255 Defl:N 1152 49% 01-25-09 08:32 a17081f9 src/source/SoundStretch/Makefile.am
8713 Defl:N 2630 70% 01-25-09 08:32 2932eca5 src/source/SoundStretch/WavFile.h
6479 Defl:N 1301 80% 01-25-09 08:32 1f863a59 src/source/SoundStretch/soundstretch.vcproj
19135 Defl:N 4955 74% 01-25-09 08:32 99226192 src/source/SoundStretch/WavFile.cpp
8337 Defl:N 2581 69% 01-25-09 08:32 889eb2d3 src/source/SoundStretch/RunParameters.cpp
845 Defl:N 268 68% 01-25-09 08:32 9b0792ed src/source/SoundStretch/soundstretch.dsw
9988 Defl:N 3195 68% 01-25-09 08:32 a75f315b src/source/SoundStretch/main.cpp
4307 Defl:N 1596 63% 01-25-09 08:32 38e7c79a src/configure.ac
0 Stored 0 0% 01-25-09 08:32 00000000 src/bin/
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:08 00000000 src/config/
13620 Defl:N 5328 61% 01-25-09 08:33 96b58057 src/config/install-sh
1598 Defl:N 895 44% 01-25-09 08:32 f8000864 src/config/am_include.mk
33387 Defl:N 9746 71% 01-25-09 08:33 b2d2240f src/config/config.sub
129 Defl:N 106 18% 01-25-09 08:32 9ca60a83 src/config/README.TXT
17867 Defl:N 5789 68% 01-25-09 08:33 9e6166c4 src/config/depcomp
225293 Defl:N 58147 74% 09-01-08 10:32 230e57e8 src/config/ltmain.sh
0 Stored 0 0% 07-11-09 22:08 00000000 src/config/m4/
258231 Defl:N 59848 77% 09-01-08 10:32 9cc17c5e src/config/m4/libtool.m4
701 Defl:N 414 41% 09-01-08 10:32 5ce0274f src/config/m4/ltversion.m4
5707 Defl:N 1640 71% 09-01-08 10:32 4f0321d1 src/config/m4/lt~obsolete.m4
11927 Defl:N 2987 75% 09-01-08 10:32 5e017fd4 src/config/m4/ltoptions.m4
4274 Defl:N 1576 63% 09-01-08 10:32 0c004e57 src/config/m4/ltsugar.m4
11135 Defl:N 3716 67% 01-25-09 08:33 afbc2cb3 src/config/missing
44892 Defl:N 13551 70% 01-25-09 08:33 e0b80112 src/config/config.guess
2391 Defl:N 1015 58% 01-25-09 08:32 97517bb7 src/soundtouch.m4
330 Defl:N 215 35% 01-25-09 08:32 b38b3697 src/soundtouch-1.4.pc.in
1227 Defl:N 552 55% 01-25-09 08:32 b16ae19e src/bootstrap
29540 Defl:N 9469 68% 01-25-09 08:32 538b88f7 src/README.html
0 Stored 0 0% 01-25-09 08:32 00000000 src/lib/
29540 Defl:N 9469 68% 01-25-09 08:32 538b88f7 README.html
52696 Defl:N 52538 0% 07-11-09 22:29 d38e653f soundstretch
1424 Defl:N 751 47% 07-11-09 22:36 676d28e7 soundstretch-68k.readme
-------- ------- --- -------
2910024 753734 74% 120 files
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