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mus/edit/KaraokeSP2.lha |
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1/dec/2005 corrected tons of errors on lyrics and added lot of songs to the pack
also I included somes of latin songs
28/nov/2002 added 15 new songs to the pack
SongPlayer have a nice feature named "karaoke" using thist feature you can see
and read what your favourite artist is singning while you are listen the song
(if you have or if you make yourself a .kok file first) be intuitive cause
SongPlayer have this feature but the original author forgot write documentation
about this interesting point even the new author of Songplayer haven't writed
any docs about this point or fixed bugs on Karaoke side
-SongPlayer' requeriments of course...OS3.0+ or MorphOS or UAE
-one or more mp3 files corresponding to the .kok files included in the pack
for example: you need the file, Madonna - Material girl.mp3 for the
file Madonna - Material girl.kok included in this lha file
-using a PC (easy) : get Kazaalite or Emule (progrmas to share mp3 files)
-using the Amiga ( hard) : use your head on the net due there are not proggys
now to share mp3 songs
-buy the cd and make yourself the mp3 file using Lame or another mp3 encoder
1 make a dir on SongPlayer directory...name it "karaoke" or copy included dir
to Songplayer'dir
2 copy all .kok files included to that dir
3 go to SongPlayer options, and browse for the path to that created dir in
4 load your prefered mp3 file....
5 press PLAY and open karaoke window in SongPlayer
6 be romantic and enjoy
1 you can learn another lenguage while you are listening a song
2.while you are reading and singing, you can dream that you are a famous artist
4 you will learn a bit about love,lovers and sad romantic people
5 your girlfriend will be impressed and will love you a little more
due you will be transformed into a latin lover
-don't blame if you see some of the included files cutted,
is not my fault see a few lines down
-please note that the .mp3 file and the .kok file must have same name or
at least the first 26 characters of both files must be identical for
make it work, if not of course nothing will happen....see a few lines
down why
-check always character by character the name of the two files
ppl often do some errors
-the name of the .kok file can be or not case sensitive
-please note that there's a bug on Songplayer and the lenght of the .kok
file is limited to 30 characters .... for example for the file:
George Michael - Careless whisper.mp3 the mirror is Gerorge Michael -
Careless .kok
-plese note that SongPlayer'karaoke not only works with mp3 files....it
works also with all supported SongPlayer' audio formats like wav,aiff,8svx
use SongPlayer karaoke editor and be intuitive like me
Stéphane Tavenard (SongPlayer' author)
Have fun !
bye, Aldo
A-ha - take on me.kok
ABBA - Gimme Gimme Gimme.kok
Ace of base - Happy nation.kok
Alphaville - big in japan.kok
Alphaville - forever young.kok
Annie lennox - why.kok
Berlin - take my breath aw.kok
Black - it's a wonderful l.kok
Bon jovi - thank you for l.kok
Boney m - kalimba de luna.kok
Bonnie tyler - holding out.kok
Century - lover why.kok
Chris de burgh - the lady .kok
Cindy lauper - girls just .kok
Duran duran - ordinary wor.kok
Eagles - hotel california.kok
Elton john - nikita.kok
Enanitos verdes - te vi en.kok
Europe - Carrie.kok
Europe - superstitious.kok
Europe - the final countdo.kok
F.r david - sahara night.kok
Foreigner - i wanna know w.kok
Foreigner - waiting for a .kok
George michael - careless .kok
Gilda - megamix.kok
Git - siempre fuistes mi a.kok
Guns'n roses - november ra.kok
Guns'n roses - sweet child.kok
Heart - alone.kok
Heart - these dreams.kok
Laura branigan - self cont.kok
Leo sayer - orchard road.kok
Leo sayer - when i need yo.kok
Lionel ritchie - say you s.kok
Madonna - material girl.kok
Mana - como dueles en los .kok
Mana - vivir sin aire.kok
Mecano - hijo de la luna.kok
Natalia oreiro - me muero .kok
Natalino - Desde que te vi.kok
Pet shop boys - it's a sin.kok
Raul porcheto - bailando e.kok
Ricardo montaner - dejame .kok
Right said fred - i'm too .kok
Righteous brothers - uncha.kok
Scorpions - still loving y.kok
Scorpions - winds of chang.kok
Soda stereo - cuando pase .kok
Soda stereo - nada persona.kok
Starship - we built this c.kok
Thalia - amor a la mexican.kok
Thalia - entre el mar y un.kok
The cars - shake it up.kok
The human league - don't y.kok
The police - every breath .kok
Toto - africa.kok
U2 - with or without you.kok
Van halen - jump.kok
Village people - ymca.kok
Virus - amor descartable.kok
Virus - imagenes paganas.kok
Virus - pronta entrega.kok
Virus - una luna de miel e.kok
Yazoo - don't go.kok
Yazoo - situation.kok
Contents of mus/edit/KaraokeSP2.lha
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