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mods/kicko/madeonamphetaminermx.mp3 |
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Amphetamin Remix was made after getting the idea to remix our old tune.
The old one was my first girlfriends favourite tune as it was heavy and
deep. It was some kind of my favourite too but it was little to old and
i wanted to freshen it up making it more energy and more dance friendly.
I really think it's great, better in a way, suiting me more than the old
one. Not much of my friends like it as i do but then it's not many that
heard it. I hope you enjoy it like me.
Stuff we used for it:
Tune: 192kbps, stereo
Computer: A4000 060
Synthesizer: Roland JD-800
Miditracker: Tracks & Fields
Mp3 encoder: Lame, TheMpegEncGui
Contents of mods/kicko/madeonamphetaminermx.mp3
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