This is an Amiga (68k+PPC) port (*) of Everett Lipman's
GNU tools sfwjpg, pwpjpg and flipjpeg plus the shell script
pwpext for conversion of SFW JPEG files to normal JFIF files
(SWF seems to be a somewhat strange non-standard JPEG derivate,
which isn't very well documented)
Enjoy the Amiga port of the 9/May/99 version. See Everett's
homepage under for the
complete, original archive (tar archive with precompiled ELF
versions for Linux and Solaris) or any source updates.
I've also added a copy of the GNU license, which
was missing (COPYING) - you may as well obtain it
from the GPL site under
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent
JPEG Group. Not included is the source of libjpeg - so, for
recompilation you will have to obtain and compile a copy
yourself, first.
PPC binaries have the ".elf" extension and are useable from Shell
when being used with ppc.library V46+
Following is an excerpt from the original docs (still 1st draft).
Have fun.
-- (*) added smakefile, SCOPTIONS
ARK, 24/May/99 and an additional header;
for source changes, see
amiga.h and pwpjpg.c
The programs sfwjpg and pwpjpg convert from Seattle
FilmWorks's private file formats to JFIF (JPEG File Interchange
Format). As far as I am aware, Seattle FilmWorks does not
make public the specifications of these formats. The format
specifications were deduced by examining a number of
.sfw and .pwp files, and may not be entirely accurate. In
particular, some .sfw files which were downloaded from the SFW
web site were not properly converted to JFIF. All .pwp files
which were downloaded from SFW and tried have been converted
without any problems.
pwpext is a UNIX (Bourne) shell script, and will not work
unless pwpjpg and flipjpeg are in the search path ($PATH)
when it is invoked.
flipjpeg is written using the Independent JPEG Group's free
JPEG software. It has only been tested under UNIX. Because
of some attributes of the JPEG compression scheme, flipjpeg
will only work on images whose height in pixels is a multiple
of 8, and sometimes only on those whose height is a multiple
of 16. Since SFW scans at 640x480, flipjpeg will work for
converted SFW images. See details.txt for more info.
sfwjpg will take a single .sfw file and convert it into a
.jpg (JFIF) file. The image in the newly created .jpg file
will then need to be flipped vertically. sfwjpg takes a
single argument, the name of the .sfw file to be converted:
sfwjpg mypic.sfw
This will create the file mypic.jpg in the current directory.
mypic.sfw will not be altered or removed. Under Microsoft
Windows, sfwjpg.exe must be invoked from the run window
command line.
pwpjpg will take a .pwp file and extract the images in the
file. A .pwp file typically contains the scanned images from
an entire roll of film. The names of the images are contained
within the .pwp file. pwpjpg takes a single argument, the
name of the .pwp file from which to extract the images:
pwpjpg mypics.pwp
This will extract all of the images contained in mypics.pwp
and write them in the current directory as .jpg (JFIF) files.
The file names will correspond to the names of the images
stored in the .pwp file. mypics.pwp will not be altered or
removed. Under Microsoft Windows, pwpjpg.exe must be invoked
from the run window command line.
flipjpeg will do a lossless vertical inversion of the image in
a .jpg file. This is a complicated process which is described
in details.txt. flipjpeg was written to run under UNIX, and
uses standard input and output:
flipjpeg < mypic.jpg > myflippedpic.jpg
This will create the file myflippedpic.jpg, which will contain
the same image as mypic.jpg, except that the vertical ordering
of the scan lines will be reversed in myflippedpic.jpg. This
flipping can be done by most image processing programs, though
usually not without some gain in file size and/or loss in
image quality.
pwpext is a UNIX (Bourne) shell script which extracts and
flips the images from a .pwp file. It takes a single
argument, the name of the .pwp file:
pwpext mypics.pwp
This will extract, flip, and store as .jpg files all of the
images contained in mypics.pwp. mypics.pwp will not be
altered or removed.
Due to previous events, this note seems to be necessary.
While I've nothing against ports to other kernels, in my opinion it would
be quite unfair to remove all references to my own efforts and contributions
and simply replacing those with others, while also removing all references
to PPC-Lib/ELF and replacing those with other references and maybe some flames
or even offenses against the competing kernel and porter - without actually
rewriting the readme text itself in a major way (for example, if I describe what
*I* specifically did for the port - and what someone else wouldn't have to do a
*second* time, of course - and if then that one does not even remove/change *those*
notes and/or give me credit).
You know - since even developing free software costs some money (especially
phonecosts), at least give some fame and credits back... ;-)
This leads to the strange situation, that I hereby have to copyright this
.readme text, to claim its authorship and forbid changes which aren't
clearly marked as being changes to the original: While quotes may have
been derived from other parts of the distribution, the whole .readme as
such now is (C)opyrighted by Andreas R. Kleinert in 1998.
Copyrights to the other files remain as such. Nevertheless I'd ask anyone
to give me credit for the changes which I did myself and which of
course have been labeled/marked/documented as such. Even free software
lives from respecting the intellectual work and property of others. Thank you.