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Short:Sync picture dirs, batch rename/convert
Author: birkenfeld at
Uploader:birkenfeld geobiz de
Version:0.4b BETA
Requires:AWNPipe 2.54 see
Download:gfx/conv/ibatch4b_eng.lha - View contents


The Arexx script iBatch creates a Thumbnaildir for a given sourcedirectory. The thumbnaildir will always be kept uptodate by onewaysyncing the source an thumbnaildir. From the thumbnaildir you can copy pics of interest to a "batchlist". Those pics can then be converted.
Using "precalculated" thumbnails for preview and creation of a batchlist is in my opinion much faster then creating thumbnails over and over again, when opening a pic- or thumbnailviewer.
List of features:

- "oneway" directory synchronisation
- Batchmode for renaming and autonumbering Picfiles
- Batchmode for left- and right rotation of Picfiles - Converting Images in Batchmode using ImageConverter:
  - JPEG, PNG, ILBM in- and output
  - resizing Pics (longest side absolut and percentagel)
  - different interpolation and compressions for JPEG files

Install AWNPipe with included installerscript (
Copy the iBatch directory somewhere onto your Harddisk. Copy the CLI command from iBatch:C called "ImageConverter" to C:. This little program was coded by Thilo Köhler and is actually in charge of converting all images (see also: If you not already have install  "zlib.library" and "jpeg.library" ( und I also recommend a thumbnailviewer or a file manager to be able to copy thumbnails easylie into on of the "rotateRight", "rotateLeft" and "keepORIG" dirctories (copy = add to batchlist). Your Thumbnailviewer/filemanager can be started directly from iBatch. You have to change the path manually inside the Script:
1) open iBatch with Notepad 2) search for this text on the top of the script:

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------                        PFAD GGF. ÄNDERN --------------------------------------*/
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
thumbprogdir = "Work-1:PicShow"
thumbprog = "thumb"

3) replace "Work-1:PicShow" with path of your thumbnailviewer 4) replace "thumb" with the name/executeable of your thumbnailviewer
5) Save Script
6) Personally I use the thumbnailviewer out of the PicShow pakage

All Pictures from a given Sourcedir (Assign CAM:) will be copied and resized into a Syncdir (Assign THUMB:). If Pictures already exist inside the THUMB: dir no action will take place.
If you convert the images, iBatch will look for all files (!) inside the directories "keepORIG", "rotateRIGHT" and "rotateLEFT" (Assign ORIG: ,
ROTR: and ROTL:) and write the filenames (!!!) into a list. All files from the list will now be converted according to your settings. Source is always the sourcedir "CAM:" . So it does not really matter wether you have textfiles or thumbnails inside ORIG: ROTL: or ROTR: directories, as long as they have the same filename as the source images from "CAM:"
But however, I suggest you copy the thumbnails of the pictures you want to process from "THUMB:" into "ORIG:". If you copy them intor "ROTR:" or "ROTL:" they will also be rotated while beeing processed.
Thumbnail pics or other data inside "ROTR:", "ROTL:" and "ORIG:" will not (!) be deleted after you exit iBatch. So your Batchlist will still available after restart (press "statistics") to get infos about your current Batch list. If you want to delete the Batchlist press "delete".
The Source dir will also hold information about the assigned/"pairshipped" thumbnaildir. You can find the path to the belonging thumbdir inside the File "pairship.syn" .
If you delete the file "Sync.log" inside the thumbdir, iBatch suggests that there is syncrelationsship established, yet. A requester will pop up, when trying to sync, and you can delete eventually existing files in your thumbdir.
The options for converting and processing (Size, outputformat, renameoptions....) will be stored in the so called templates (Templates dir). The templatefiles are straight forward textfiles. You can edit them with editpad or use the "new" button to get a "template editor".
If the sourceimage has the same format (e.g. JPEG) as the targetimage plus compression = 0 and Size = "-" (original) then your Images will just be copied, because there is no processing necessary.


A. Example:

Copy Images into the dir iBatch/Input. Start iBatch from Workbench. Press "SYNC" Button.
Now you can find thumbnailpics of your Images inside the "THUMB:" dir. (iBatch/Input/Thumbnails is in this case the defaultpath). Copy then all thumbpictures which should be roteted by 90 degrees to the right into the ROTR: dir. Copy the rest into "ORIG:".  Use "WEB-800-JPEG-comp30-" as convertingmode and press "START" . After processing all pics can be found as JPEG, resized to 800 Pixels (longest side) in your ram: disc. All Pics are numbered and will have a prefix called "Webimage-"


B. Details

- TAB dirs -

Choose source and destination directory.

- TAB sync -

Choose any (thumb)dir and press "def syncpairship", to assign the thumbdir to the sourcedir. If you press "SYNC" all images of your sourcedir will be saved as thumbnails into the chosen dir. THE SOURCEDIR WILL REMEMBER ITS ASSIGNED THUMBNAILDIR FROM NOW ON !! If you choose an already assigned/synced sourcedir, the sync/thumbnaildir will automatically chosen. IBatch call this assignment/relationsship a "syncpairship". When using removable media such as digicams I suggest to choose a thumb/syncdir inside the sourcedir on the media itself. The button "syncdir in sourcedir " will create such a directory automatically and will also establish a "syncpairship".

The sourcedir has been formated or its files have been deleted, what happens with the assigned THUMB: directory ?
Just delete the file "Sync.log" inside the thumbdir. When syncing the next time you can choose to delete the thumbnailfiles as well..

Can I unassign/delete a syncpairship ?
Yes, just delete  "pairship.syn" inside your sourcedir. A new syncpairship can then be assigned with iBatch.

- TAB list -

Here you can preselect images for batchprocessing. If your press "MAKE/CHANGE" a thumbnailviewer or a filemanager will pop up, allowing you to copy thumbnails into different directories:

ROTR: original pics will be rotated by 90 degress right
ROTL: same as ROTR: but 90 degrees left
ORIG: Original pics will not be rotated.

Remember: Not the thumbnails will be rotated an processed, only the original pics from sourcedir will be rotated accordingly and will end up in your destination dir.

Some useful Options:

1) statistics
Information about the files to be processed will be calculated and shown

2) delete
After exiting iBatch your batchlist will be preserved for a second/further processings. If you donnot wish though press "delete".
Your batchlist will be deleted. Therefore all files in ROTR:, ROTL: und ORIG: will be ereased. A new Batchlist has to be created via the "MAKE/CHANGE" button.

TAB - mode -

Choose a preconfigured conversions/process template here. "web -800-jpeg-comp 30-" will for example convert all pics into JPEG, resize them to 800 Pixels (longest side). All Pics are numbered and will have a prefix called "Webimage-", jpeg compression will be 30%.

"del": The selected template will be deleted

"new": "Template Editor" Window will pop up. New templates can be created:

"rename options... ignore:" The rename options of the template will be ignored, you can enter another prefix into the string gadget (e.g. you want to have the pics called birthday-xx instead of Webimage-xx as seen in the example above: enter "birthday-". Numbering will then be automatically. DONOT FORGET TO PRESS ENTER AFTER EDITING A STRING GADGET !!!

WINDOW - "Template Editor..."

Enter processing/conversion and renaming Options for your "targetimage" here:


Enter longest side of image in pixels or percentage - confirm with RETURN. Predefined sizes can be chosen with the cyclegadget. original = size will not be changed (this might result, depending on the other options chosen, in just copying the original data into the destination dir.)

JPEG compression
1 = good quality/lots of memory 99 = low quality/less memory
0 = best quality, if not changing format and picsize, your image will just be copied !!

I suggest "good and fast" as picformat you can choose  JPG, PNG and IFF. Original = no format conversion will take place 

like original = filename of sourcefile will be taken append number  = append number at the end of your originalfilename
new name + number = filename will be replaced by a new one entered into the stringgadget, autonumber will be appended (see "webimage-" example above)

template name:

This is the name of the new template, how it will be listed in the main windows listview. 
When the "Template Editor..." Windows is open, you can define as many templates as you want at once. Use "SAVE" to store each template. After pressing the "EXIT" button, iBatch will return to the main window where all the new templates will be listed.

DEPENDOG ON WHAT YOU ENTERED IN THE "Template Editor..." WINDOW iBatch WILL DECIDE WETHER THE CONVERSION FUNCTION IS ACTUALLY NEEDED OR NOT !!! E.g.: A picture which is set to "Original" in size, format and renaming + a compression set to "0" will just be copied to the output dir. !  But as soon as size or outputformat are different to original size and format the conversions algorithm (of ImageConverter) will be used.
Batchprocessing can be started by pressing "START" as soon as all options are set...

A graphic progress bar ist planed, maybe some GUI "eyecandy" things like Icons. Support is free:

Contents of gfx/conv/ibatch4b_eng.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3123    6056  51.6% -lh5- 9c62 Oct  5 21:55 iBatch/
[generic]                78714  255496  30.8% -lh5- effd May  8 19:57 iBatch/C/ImageConverter
[generic]                 7959   38506  20.7% -lh5- 20fd Oct  2 14:12 iBatch/iBatch
[generic]                 1819    2112  86.1% -lh5- aae1 Oct  5 21:58 iBatch/
[generic]                 3463    6298  55.0% -lh5- 3449 Oct  5 21:55 iBatch/
[generic]                   23      23 100.0% -lh0- 5c05 Jun  5 19:05 iBatch/Input/pairship.syn
[generic]                 5356    6178  86.7% -lh5- 81dc Oct  5 21:55 iBatch/Input/
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jun  5 18:35 iBatch/Input/Thumbnails/Sync.log
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Oct  5 21:50 iBatch/keepORIG/
[generic]                 3491    6298  55.4% -lh5- c5a1 Oct  5 21:55 iBatch/
[generic]                 1493    5354  27.9% -lh5- ce25 Sep 30 13:39 iBatch/prefer.rx
[generic]                 4357   10966  39.7% -lh5- 4a74 Oct  5 12:58 iBatch/readme04b.txt
[generic]                 3272    6315  51.8% -lh5- 9796 Oct  5 21:55 iBatch/
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Oct  5 21:50 iBatch/rotateLEFT/
[generic]                 3466    6298  55.0% -lh5- e4ec Oct  5 21:55 iBatch/
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Oct  5 21:50 iBatch/rotateRIGHT/
[generic]                 3491    6298  55.4% -lh5- 9371 Oct  5 21:55 iBatch/
[generic]                 3462    6298  55.0% -lh5- 0298 Oct  5 21:55 iBatch/
[generic]                   32      38  84.2% -lh5- 432b Sep 30 13:36 iBatch/Templates/optimum  -like original turn-
[generic]                   39      43  90.7% -lh5- ed35 Sep 30 13:36 iBatch/Templates/optimum jpeg  -best quality-number-turn
[generic]                  492     953  51.6% -lh5- e997 Sep 30 13:36 iBatch/Templates/vorlage.ibt
[generic]                   69     182  37.9% -lh5- 99f8 Sep 30 13:36 iBatch/Templates/web  -640-jpeg-comp 40-
[generic]                   68     182  37.4% -lh5- b6e6 Sep 30 13:36 iBatch/Templates/web  -800-jpeg-comp 30-
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        23 files  124189  363894  34.1%            Oct  5 21:10
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