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Short:batch rename, renumber and convert pics
Author: birkenfeld at
Uploader:birkenfeld geobiz de
Requires:24Bit picdatatypes, zlib.library, jpeg.library, wizard.library, lots of RAM (at least for digicam pics)
Download:gfx/conv/iBatch.lha - View contents


iBatch allows users to easily convert/rename/renumber/resize/rotate/manipulate a bunch of pictures at once. The pictures to be processed
can be collected in a "Batchlist". In order to organize your batchlist ibatch provides a "Viewer" and "Batchlistbrowser" tool.
A fast workflow is guaranteed even on slow systems. This is accomplished by using preprocessed thumbnails/preview images 
or Exif embedded images for the "Viewer" or "Batchlistbrowser" tool. All thumbnails will be kept in sync with their 
corresponding source directory. Before you start the "Viewer" tool, iBatch will therefore check for existent thumbnails 
and add missing thumbnails from the given sourcedir.
Watermarks, Gammacorrection etc. is also available via FXPlugin System.

The whole program can be perfectly used for organizing/resizing digicam pics. Furthermore it becomes handy, when you
have to convert whole image directories at once.

- convert/resize and rename/autonumber a "bunch" of pictures
- Exif based renaming (e.g. renaming by capture date...)
- use wildcards for renaming. (cameramodel, capturedate, sourcefilename, resolution, autonumber)
- sourcedir/outputdir history for quick access to your favourite image directories
- add/organize the "bunch" (pictures to be converted) easily with integrated "Batchlistbrowser" and "Picviewer"
- for speed reasons pictures will be converted to preview thumbnails first.
  (iBatch checks wether thumbnail already exisits / had been converted before. Therefore only creates thumbnails
   if necessary)
- Exif embedded thumbnails can also be used (about 200% speed increase)
- support for external thumbnail/picviewer (LowViewThumb will get iBatch integration soon !)
- supported formats: jpg, bmp, ilbm, png
- resize image by percent or pixel (longest side/if necessary shorter side as well)
- suitable scaling algos (linear, cubic and window) will be autoselected
- rotating images by 90° left or right
- sharpen images
- conversion profiles
- Easy GUI
- Plugin capability
- Comment Plugin (addcomment-plugin) - add text/Exifinfo to your images (e.g. usable by Addhtml-Plugin...)
- Html Generator/Image Gallery Plugin (addhtml-plugin) included
- Workflowmanager Plugin (start one plugin after another automatically)
- Exifinfo.txt file will be created holding Exifinfos of original image (original Exif Metainformation (especially Date !) 
   will be preserved throughout all conversion steps. Only image size will be updated)
- FXPlugins e.g. Gamma, Watermark

On Aminet/OS4depot you can also find an old Arexx based "iBatch" Version. The features of old iBatch compared to 
iBatch_WZ are nearly the same. But iBatch was rewritten from scratch. This means:
- it is not an ARexx Script anymore
- c:ImageConverter is not required anymore
- it is not an AWNPipe base GUI anymore. A Stormwizard Gui was chosen instead.
- considered to be more "robust"
- progress bar
- same executable runs on OS 3 upto OS 4.x
- support for locale.library
- Preferences File
- runs on small screen resolutions as well

Three steps are necessary to convert and eventually rotate selected pictures.

Step 1/Tab "1) directories"
Choose sourcedir and outdir. In your program path you can find empty
"../Input" and "../Output" directories. These are the default source and outputdir.
If you choose not to select your own source- and outputdir, you can just use the
default options. If you do so, donnot forget to copy the pictures to be converted into

Step 2/Tab "2) batchlist"
This is where you select the pictures to be converted (edit your "batchlist"). If you
want to add pictures to you batchlist press "MAKE/CHANGE BATCHLIST". iBatch will then
create previewpics and start a "Viewer" (thumbnailviewer). In case you are not satisfied with 
thumbnail qualitiy, switch of "Exif" button, this will create better thumbnails for jpeg images.
Inside the thumbnailviewer you can select pictures / add them to your batchlist. 
If pictures should be rotated by 90/-90 degrees  during processesing, 
press the corresponding buttons inside the thumbnailviewer.
The picture will not (!) be rotated until you press "START" (start final conversion)
inside iBatch.
By pressing "show" you can browse your current batchlist ("Batchlistbrowser")

Step 3/Tab "3)conversion profile"
Choose your conversion options here. E.g. "Fast 640 - JPEG" converts all selected pics
into jpeg files, resizes them into 640 Pixels x XXX Pixels. Pictures will be autonumbered
and renamed to "Fast640-XXX", where XXX is a three digit number. It uses no interpolation
and compression methods, therefore it is the fastest possibility to convert into JPEG.
You can also define your own "conversion profiles" by pressing "new".
If you want to choose another rename method for the converted pics click on the appropriate
cyclegadget. Press "START" to convert/resize/rotate/rename all pictures on your batchlist.

All "Addhtml...." conversion profiles will automatically start addhtml-plugin in order to create a
html website with your pics.

All "Extension...." conversion profiles will automatically start extension-plugin (edit file extensions..)

All "Workflow..." conversion profiles will automatically start workflow-plugin (string up plugins...)

After processing your pics, the choosen Inputdir will hold a textfile called "pairship.syn".
This textfile holds the path to the correspondig thumbnaildir. If you press "MAKE/CHANGE BATCHLIST",
ibatch will only create/exif extract thumbnail/previewpics for pictures which donnot already have a
corresponding thumbnail (=> "Sync").
Therefore iBatch can also handle the "syncpairship" of old ibatch Arexx Version. But compared to old
ibatch Version, you can not define corresponding thumbnaildir yourself: If ibatch cannot find a
"pairship.syn" file and the correspondig thumbnaildir, it will check for a thumbnaildir inside your
given sourcedir, if ibatch cannot find it, a subdir called "thumbnails" will be created. A "pairship.syn"
textfile will be created either way.

V 1.0 to V 1.1
- spanish language added
- italian language added
- after process plugin capability*
- option to autocreate thumbnaildir for outputdir as well

* plugins/external programs can automatically executed after processing.
Program-/pluginname to be used is stored/depend in/to conversion profile

V 1.1 to V 1.2
- Support for Exif embedded thumbnails (200% speed gain)
- Date based renaming options (Exif extracted capture date)
- Exifinfo.txt file will be created holding Exifinfos of original image 
   (original Exif Metainformation (especially Date !) will be preserved  
   throughout all conversion steps. Only image size will be updated)
- updated Picviewer (iThumb) shows Exif Metainformation
- updated addhtml-plugin in order to use #?.cmnt files (comment text files)
- addcomment-plugin creates #?.cmnt files (text file holding comments for each picture)
- workflow-plugin (start one plugin after another automatically)
- list-plugin

V 1.2. to V 1.3
- jhead-capsule (write Exif Header into new image/create Exif Header for images)
- image2icon capsule (create thumbnail icons/info files for each image)

V 1.3 to V 1.4
- new scaling engine:
fast: no interpolation will be used
good and fast: upscaling=linear interpolation, downscaling = window interpolation (usually near 100% results for photos)
quality: always cubic (bicubic), if needed lowpassfilter will be applied

- sharpen images
- not only longer image side can be used for scaling, also shorter side (non proportional scaling)

- FXPlugins:
Gamma correction
add Watermark

- Use wildcards when renaming (use wildcards for renaming. (cameramodel, capturedate, sourcefilename, resolution, autonumber)

- EXIF support was inspired from 
Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori's Code example (Hollywood based)
- "Howto's" on coding and wizard.library from
Marco "Blackbird" Moering, Thilo "Der_Wanderer" Köhler, _bernd, BruZard
- Translations
Gianluca Girelli, Javiar de las Rivas, Tomasz Paul, Mike Brantley (correcting my english here and there)
- Icons/Artwork
Martin "Mason" Merz, Thomas "tommysammy" Blatt

Support is free:
Suggestions, translation always wellcome
Todo: Batchprintmode ala Windows (that will be hard !!)

Contents of gfx/conv/iBatch.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[Amiga]                   3884    6510  59.7% -lh5- 6a51 Feb 14  2012
[Amiga]                  11851   59046  20.1% -lh5- b8f4 Jul 15  2010 iBatch/banner.iff
[Amiga]                  11272  138438   8.1% -lh5- 73d2 Nov 14  2011 iBatch/Black.iff
[Amiga]                   5726   40940  14.0% -lh5- a6bd Nov 14  2011 iBatch/blacks.iff
[Amiga]                   3549    6056  58.6% -lh5- a46c Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                   3196    6056  52.8% -lh5- 5076 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/catalogs/
[Amiga]                   2746    7656  35.9% -lh5- 0aba Nov 26  2011 iBatch/catalogs/deutsch/ibatch.catalog
[Amiga]                    221     364  60.7% -lh5- d9a2 Aug 31  2010 iBatch/catalogs/deutsch/ibrowser.catalog
[Amiga]                   3411    6056  56.3% -lh5- bb99 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/catalogs/espa?
[Amiga]                   2443    6640  36.8% -lh5- ba09 Dec 28  2011 iBatch/catalogs/espa?ol/ibatch.catalog
[Amiga]                    220     352  62.5% -lh5- 1127 Feb 19  2011 iBatch/catalogs/espa?ol/ibrowser.catalog
[Amiga]                   3287    6056  54.3% -lh5- 4782 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/catalogs/
[Amiga]                   2915    8106  36.0% -lh5- d36d Jan 12  2012 iBatch/catalogs/italiano/ibatch.catalog
[Amiga]                    221     378  58.5% -lh5- 09cc Nov 21  2010 iBatch/catalogs/italiano/ibrowser.catalog
[Amiga]                   3356    6056  55.4% -lh5- 2f37 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/catalogs/
[Amiga]                   2557    6788  37.7% -lh5- 976f Jul 18  2011 iBatch/catalogs/polski/ibatch.catalog
[Amiga]                    222     356  62.4% -lh5- b53f Jul 18  2011 iBatch/catalogs/polski/ibrowser.catalog
[Amiga]                     36      50  72.0% -lh5- 09eb Jan 17  2012 iBatch/dirhist
[Amiga]                   3563    6056  58.8% -lh5- 65e8 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                      9       9 100.0% -lh0- 9e1c Oct 14  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/---none---
[Amiga]                  81590 1443071   5.7% -lh5- 48bd Nov 22  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/boing_wm.png
[Amiga]                  71076 1443071   4.9% -lh5- 4a9a Nov  6  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/copyright-1_wm.png
[Amiga]                  12503 1443071   0.9% -lh5- efea Nov 21  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/copyright-2-grey_wm.png
[Amiga]                  12741 1443071   0.9% -lh5- 3889 Nov 21  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/copyright-2_wm.png
[Amiga]                  18214 1443071   1.3% -lh5- 82d5 Nov 22  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/copyright-geobiz-grey_wm.png
[Amiga]                  18183 1443071   1.3% -lh5- 1b81 Nov 22  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/copyright-geobiz_wm.png
[Amiga]                  10336   46652  22.2% -lh5- 8e4a Nov 14  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/fxblack.iff
[Amiga]                  98131  323652  30.3% -lh5- 3e72 Nov 15  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/Gamma
[Amiga]                   4138    6330  65.4% -lh5- dc90 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/FXPlugins/
[Amiga]                   8335  362271   2.3% -lh5- 5fe4 Nov 15  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/geobiz_wm.png
[Amiga]                  85659  288016  29.7% -lh5- d249 Dec 19  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/Grayscale
[Amiga]                   4057    6330  64.1% -lh5- 2341 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/FXPlugins/
[Amiga]                  29868 1443071   2.1% -lh5- b50c Nov 14  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/ibatch-plain_wm.png
[Amiga]                  43135 1443071   3.0% -lh5- 46cf Nov 15  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/ibatch_wm.png
[Amiga]                  47917 1443071   3.3% -lh5- 703f Nov 22  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/muster_wm.png
[Amiga]                  46149 1443071   3.2% -lh5- 420f Nov 22  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/sample_wm.png
[Amiga]                  10995   94908  11.6% -lh5- 9231 Nov 14  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/waterblack.iff
[Amiga]                 117116  436516  26.8% -lh5- 1356 Nov 27  2011 iBatch/FXPlugins/Watermark
[Amiga]                   4026    6330  63.6% -lh5- ed51 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/FXPlugins/
[Amiga]                 164947  575480  28.7% -lh5- 437c Jan 23  2012 iBatch/iBatch
[Amiga]                   4356    5848  74.5% -lh5- 6c6c Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                   1444    6376  22.6% -lh5- b716 Nov  6  2011 iBatch/ibatch.prefs
[Amiga]                   4462    6566  68.0% -lh5- baf7 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                   1497    6479  23.1% -lh5- e06a Sep  9  2010 iBatch/ibatchD.prefs
[Amiga]                   4573    6552  69.8% -lh5- f8d2 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                   1517    6389  23.7% -lh5- ab85 Sep 30  2010 iBatch/ibatchESP.prefs
[Amiga]                   4462    6566  68.0% -lh5- f40c Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                   1505    6525  23.1% -lh5- c261 Nov 21  2010 iBatch/ibatchITA.prefs
[Amiga]                   4550    6566  69.3% -lh5- 44a6 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                   1572    6525  24.1% -lh5- bb64 Jul 18  2011 iBatch/ibatchPL.prefs
[Amiga]                   4461    6566  67.9% -lh5- 74f2 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                  75945  235880  32.2% -lh5- aa8e Jan 16  2011 iBatch/ibrowser
[Amiga]                   3436    6056  56.7% -lh5- 7737 Feb 14  2012 iBatch/
[Amiga]                     21      21 100.0% -lh0- d8f1 Nov 28  2011 iBatch/input/pairship.syn
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        54 files 1067602 17202079   6.2%            Feb 15  2012
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