Feel bored when no IFF Converter converts colours right for your ASM AGA
coding?? If so, just take this program, use it, trash it and if you think it
is good, pay me about 20DM in whatever currency to encurage me for writting
newer,bigger, better, faster version.
It is just for AGA machines and wants Kick3.0 and above. If you can't
afford that, leave it be. It supports just IFF CMAP chunks, so JPEG, GIF and
other sh*t may go to.... :) You can choose 2 different convertations:
one for using LoadRGB32() call and one for hitting hardware directly with
Copper. Do a "?" option when running CMap and it will display a little help,
which i won't mention here.
Before yelling at me, it doesn't work, I should say it will not write an
ASCII string, just a binary file, so other than ASM programmers can use it,
too. Using ASM u should type INCBIN "converted file name" at any position
in CopperList. Users of system must do first two words which describe how
many colours must be used and at what colour register must "colouring" begin.
The reason it is not added is that you can easily do great effects by not
giving that: DC.B 1st colur, DC.W lenght as it is written in CMAP chunk.
This is not supported in Copper mode, coz it is impossible to do. Beware of
BPLCON3 register which is not set to zero at the end. I didn't do that, coz
you might not needed value zero, so Copper would do 2 moves to BPLCON3, which
is rather odd.
If someone doesn't follow that, here is a little example what to do with
converted file:
- if you use system
dc.w colour1, lenght
incbin "converted file name"
- if you hate system:
incbin "converted file name"
cmove whatever,whatever
A tip for Copper users: as Copper is slower when using a lot of bitplanes,
first set display like using just one bitplane then INCBIN and then proper
bitplane display. Very usefull for 256 colour mode, when Copper must do more
than 500 instructions just for setting colours.
Any bug or other reports email to (add subject "for
Bulb") or IRC to Bulb. :)
By the way, if you are "multitasker" don't be scared when you will have to
convert colours from huge picture. No matter what size the picture is, CMap
will always use about 5Kb of memory. Done for the dudes like me. :)
V1.00 First working version.
V1.01 Just optimisations.
V1.10 Added -s option + option using, coz first version had only one option.
V1.11 Now deletes part of file which was written if "Volume is full" occours.