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gfx/conv/SmartScale.lha |
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SmartScale v2.4a (C) 1996-2009 Lorence Lombardo.
What the #@$% is SmartScale ?
SmartScale is a little program I wrote intended for graphic conversion
script files. It has 5 output modes. Con, env, ask loc & askl. You can even
use it just for graphics info. It will look at a picture or animation and
tell you the dimensions of that picture and output the information to the
con, env or local. It has internal ILBM support and will use datatypes for
other graphic types. If you use the ask modes you will be able to enter an X
& Y scale or %. The entered scale will be recalculated in order to keep the
aspect ratio of the picture or animation the same, if you choose to do so.
Ideal for script files. If no file argument is given when in "ask" or "con"
mode a file requestor will be automatically opened. It can be executed from
the WorkBench or with no parameters purely just to get information about the
selected graphics file.
When the ask modes are in use and the close gadget is activated a return
code of 5 (warn) will be given.
Minimum requirements:-
ROM 2.x 68000 CPU
ROM 3.x emulated 68040 CPU
See the following archives on the aminet for example usage of SmartScale:-
Anim2mpegS.lha, Anim2mpegB.lha, Anim2gif.lha, Anim2qt.lha, Mp2anim.lha,
Gif2anim.lha, dctv2anim.lha & dctv2anim2.lha
You may also wish to update these script/progs with this new version of
SmartScale [con/env/ask/loc/askl] [file name]
eg. SmartScale con pic.iff
SmartScale ask pic.iff
ENV or local outputs:
XIN & YIN input size of picture
DIN depth of picture
FT file type
QUIT close gadget notification when using the [ask] parameter.
XOUT & YOUT calculated size of picture when using the [ask] parameter.
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Contents of gfx/conv/SmartScale.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 26478 26684 99.2% -lh5- 8e47 Oct 22 18:07 SmartScale
[generic] 1058 2089 50.6% -lh5- 197e Oct 22 18:04 SmartScale.doc
[generic] 242 487 49.7% -lh5- 917b Mar 11 2001 SmartScale.doc.info
[generic] 351 660 53.2% -lh5- 522c Mar 11 2001 SmartScale.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 28129 29920 94.0% Oct 24 16:26
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