MKANIM 1.1 05.01.93
MKANIM is a program that packs ILBM picture files into an IFF ANIM
file, based on a list given in a control file. This is a KS2.0
MKANIM is Copyright © 1993 by John Bickers.
KS2.0 and Christian Weber's iff.library are essential. The latter
is available from and its mirrors, or from
Fish disk #674.
The usage template is:
The USING option specifies the control file to build the animation
from. It is a normal text file, with one line per frame. The first
word on the line must be the jiffy value for the frame, while the
rest of the line must contain the filename for the picture that
represents the frame. For example, a control file could contain:
3 j01.iff
3 j02.iff
3 j03.iff
3 j04.iff
If you want the animation to loop seamlessly, you can do so by
repeating the first two lines at the end of the file. For example:
3 j01.iff
3 j02.iff
3 j03.iff
3 j04.iff
# repeated to make the animation loop smoothly
3 j01.iff
3 j02.iff
The use of the jiffy value is a little tricky. Some players treat
it as the delay before displaying the associated frame, while
other's treat it as the delay after displaying the frame. I
personally think the former action is the correct one. In the
latter case, it is impossible to insert a pause between frame 1
and frame 2, because the jiffy value for frame 1 is always
The TO option gives the name that you want the animation created
The HAM, HALFBRITE, HIRES and LACE options specify which if any of
these modes you want to use in the animation. The corresponding
bits will be saved in the CAMG chunk of the anim. If you use none
of these modes, and you also do not use the CAMG option, then the
animation will use the same mode as the first picture in the
control file.
The CAMG option gives more direct control of the modes used by the
animation. The word CAMG must be followed by a hexidecimal number
representing the modes you want to use. For example, "CAMG 800" is
equivalent to "HAM". CAMG can also be used to force no modes at
all, with "CAMG 0".
The JIFFIES option can be used to override the jiffy values in the
control file.
Finally, the ANNO option lets you define what comment to place in
the animation file. If you do not use this option, then MKANIM
will write its own version string into the file. To prevent any
ANNO chunk being written, use an empty string, as in 'ANNO ""'.
MKANIM is written by John Bickers using SAS C 6.1.
Jim Kent's public domain code module "skip.c" from Fish disk #185
is used to do the compression of DLTA chunks.
Christian A. Weber's iff.library is used for loading ILBM files.
Dr. Gerald Hull's code module "apack.asm" from the NewIFF archive
is used for compressing rows of data.
MKANIM is Copyright © 1993 by John Bickers.
Distribution is via normal channels. That is, distribute it for
free, or for Fred Fish like costs, but not more. And remember to
include the documentation.
This program is not shareware in the sense that you should pay for
it if you use it a lot, but suggestions or demands will be
received in a spirit of pronounced no-enthusiasm unless
accompanied by a donation of some sort.
If you have one lying around, why not send me an R18 animation?
If you're having problems, I can be reached at:
John Bickers
214 Rata St
Naenae 6301
New Zealand
It works on my machine.