This is the demoversion of 'Image Processing Revelations' (version 1.1), a
FAST and INTUITIVE image processing package. Especially its fast operation
and the easy intuitive way to control the image processing is IPR's major
advantage. IPR Demo Release gives you the chance to look and feel IPR's
smooth and intuitive operation.
- Supported fileformats of the Demo Release:
BMP, GIF, IFF, JPEG (only greyscale), TIFF, PCX, TARGA,
Multipic (*)
(*) Special Amiga-libraries, allowing further loading of PBM,
VLAB, YUVN, PGM, PPM, QRT, SunRaster, XIPaint, and others.
The full version of IPR also supports colour-JPEG, PhotoCD and
- Support for all amiga-chipsets (support for PAL, NTSC, DblPAL,
DblNTSC, VGA, MULTISCAN and others)
- Easy to master, intuitive, consistent interface.
- Color-manipulations on one of (or a combination of)
the red, green or blue components of the picture.
- Color-manipulations on specified color-registers.
- Real time color manipulation.
- Brightness, BroadCast, ColorFilter, ColorLimiter, Contrast,
GammaCorrect, GrayScale, Intensity Range, Negative, Palette,
Posterize, Solarize, Arc, Fisheye, Flip, Mirror, MultipleCopy,
Rotate, Shear, Sinewave, Pixelize, Spotlight, Zoom, LineArt,
Relief, ApplyPalette, ColorReduction, Palette optimization,
RenderHAM, CropRectangle, Scale, and more!
- Each function has a built-in demo-mode, showing the user the
possibilities of that function.
- Integrated viewer.
The Demo Release does NOT support 24-bit images, can't save images, can't
grab screens, does NOT handle AREXX-commands and does not come with a user
manual. The full version of IPR supports 24-bit images (with realtime
color manipulation!!), can save images in all of the above mentioned
fileformats, can grab screens, has a powerfull AREXX-interface and comes
with an extensive manual, covering a lot of examples (including a short
but complete introduction on the use of AREXX).