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Short:Simple AnimGif Decompiler
Author: x_satan_666 at (SATAN aka Michael Woods)
Uploader:x_satan_666 Hotmail com (SATAN aka Michael Woods)
Download:gfx/conv/G-DEC.lha - View contents

Simple AnimGif Decompiler With a customizable export system

pLUG tYME > visit and see the weird Sh*t that goes on
in my head, and don't forget to sign my guestbook.
 ###   ###  ###  ###   ###    |
## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ##   |    CD32 + SX32 Pro 50, 030/50
## ## ## ##  #  ## ## ## ##   |    2Mb chip, 16Mb fast, 2X CDrom
## ## ## ##  #  ## ## ## ##   |    120Mb HD, C= 1085S monitor
###   ## ##  #  ## ## ## ##   |    Epson Stylus Color IIs, 
 ###  #####  #  ##### ## ##   |    140W Pc PSU ( Rescued )
  ### #####  #  ##### ## ##   |    
## ## ## ##  #  ## ## ## ##   |    A1500i, 020EC/14, 2Mb chip 
## ## ## ##  #  ## ## ## ##   |    SCSI II on board, Zorro III  x 5
## ## ## ##  #  ## ## ## ##   |    ( new system - Work in progress )
 ###  ## ##  #  ## ## ## ##   |    
 ###  ## ##  #  ## ## ## ##   |    

Readme created with ARC 3.0 - Copyright (c)1996-98 by Jens Weyer.

============================= Archive contents =============================
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    3290     839 74.4% 01-Sep-97 11:37:48
      38      38  0.0% 01-Sep-97 06:14:22 +GIF.FRMT
    3304     363 89.0% 01-Sep-97 06:16:16
      51      51  0.0% 01-Sep-97 06:14:30 +ILBM.FRMT
    3304     362 89.0% 01-Sep-97 08:14:24
      31      31  0.0% 01-Sep-97 09:14:54 +LJPG.FRMT
    3303     362 89.0% 01-Sep-97 09:12:42
      37      37  0.0% 01-Sep-97 09:16:20 +OS2BMP.FRMT
    3303     358 89.1% 01-Sep-97 09:16:00
      29      29  0.0% 01-Sep-97 09:18:52 +PCX.FRMT
    3303     359 89.1% 01-Sep-97 09:17:26
      38      38  0.0% 01-Sep-97 06:14:36 +PNG.FRMT
    3304     362 89.0% 01-Sep-97 06:33:10
      25      25  0.0% 01-Sep-97 09:28:40 +PNM.FRMT
    3304     363 89.0% 01-Sep-97 09:28:24
      27      27  0.0% 01-Sep-97 09:19:30 +TARGA.FRMT
    3303     358 89.1% 01-Sep-97 09:19:16
      30      30  0.0% 01-Sep-97 09:14:24 +TIFF.FRMT
    3303     358 89.1% 01-Sep-97 09:14:24
      40      40  0.0% 01-Sep-97 09:17:02 +WBMP.FRMT
    3303     363 89.0% 01-Sep-97 09:15:10
   82132   49069 40.2% 01-Sep-97 09:06:32 +G-Dec
    4252    1717 59.6% 01-Sep-97 11:34:48
    2810     618 78.0% 01-Sep-97 11:46:58
   30440   16108 47.0% 01-Sep-97 11:47:32 +pnmtoljpg
   35028   18482 47.2% 01-Sep-97 11:44:04 +giftopnm
    1206     565 53.1% 01-Sep-97 11:51:00
   34684   17807 48.6% 01-Sep-97 11:46:40 +pnmtoljpg
    2538    1116 56.0% 01-Sep-97 11:47:40 +pnmtoljpg.txt
   53436   27474 48.5% 01-Sep-97 11:47:58 +pnmtopng
    1914     893 53.3% 01-Sep-97 11:48:08
  245532   55754 77.2% 01-Sep-97 11:49:20 +pnmtotiff
    2918    1156 60.3% 01-Sep-97 11:50:40
   23852   13139 44.9% 01-Sep-97 11:44:08 +ppmtobmp
     862     392 54.5% 01-Sep-97 11:50:42
   30340   16600 45.2% 01-Sep-97 11:49:22 +ppmtogif
    1785     761 57.3% 01-Sep-97 11:50:42
   66132   30589 53.7% 01-Sep-97 11:46:26 +ppmtoilbm
   11839    3648 69.1% 01-Sep-97 11:45:58
   22444   12397 44.7% 01-Sep-97 11:46:14 +ppmtopcx
     520     248 52.3% 01-Sep-97 11:50:46
   23404   12771 45.4% 01-Sep-97 11:44:18 +ppmtotga
    3290     835 74.6% 01-Sep-97 12:21:20
    3303     485 85.3% 01-Sep-97 12:21:20
    3290     608 81.5% 01-Sep-97 12:21:20
     264     173 34.4% 01-Sep-97 12:21:06 +Installation
    3303     361 89.0% 01-Sep-97 12:21:20
    3290     707 78.5% 01-Sep-97 12:21:20
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  731478  289266 60.4% 01-Sep-97 12:21:52   48 files

Operation successful.

Contents of gfx/conv/G-DEC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  839    3290  25.5% -lh5- 1896 Sep  1  1997
[generic]                   38      38 100.0% -lh0- 1ae0 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/GIF.FRMT
[generic]                  363    3304  11.0% -lh5- b881 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- ba97 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/ILBM.FRMT
[generic]                  362    3304  11.0% -lh5- 107d Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   31      31 100.0% -lh0- ddfe Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/LJPG.FRMT
[generic]                  362    3303  11.0% -lh5- a45a Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   37      37 100.0% -lh0- 40b1 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/OS2BMP.FRMT
[generic]                  358    3303  10.8% -lh5- b2d5 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   29      29 100.0% -lh0- ffdc Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/PCX.FRMT
[generic]                  359    3303  10.9% -lh5- b053 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   38      38 100.0% -lh0- 740c Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/PNG.FRMT
[generic]                  362    3304  11.0% -lh5- 96f1 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   25      25 100.0% -lh0- cecf Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/PNM.FRMT
[generic]                  363    3304  11.0% -lh5- 9a29 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   27      27 100.0% -lh0- a34a Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/TARGA.FRMT
[generic]                  358    3303  10.8% -lh5- 68cd Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   30      30 100.0% -lh0- 7259 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/TIFF.FRMT
[generic]                  358    3303  10.8% -lh5- f3d7 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                   40      40 100.0% -lh0- 08db Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/WBMP.FRMT
[generic]                  363    3303  11.0% -lh5- 224a Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Format/
[generic]                49069   82132  59.7% -lh5- 69e2 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/G-Dec
[generic]                 1717    4252  40.4% -lh5- 0240 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/
[generic]                  618    2810  22.0% -lh5- 1c7f Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/
[generic]                16108   30440  52.9% -lh5- f656 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/020/pnmtoljpg
[generic]                18482   35028  52.8% -lh5- b96d Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/giftopnm
[generic]                  565    1206  46.8% -lh5- fd21 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/
[generic]                17807   34684  51.3% -lh5- 3472 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/pnmtoljpg
[generic]                 1116    2538  44.0% -lh5- 76a2 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/pnmtoljpg.txt
[generic]                27474   53436  51.4% -lh5- 2e1a Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/pnmtopng
[generic]                  893    1914  46.7% -lh5- 7637 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/
[generic]                55754  245532  22.7% -lh5- cb20 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/pnmtotiff
[generic]                 1156    2918  39.6% -lh5- 6978 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/
[generic]                13139   23852  55.1% -lh5- f1a3 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/ppmtobmp
[generic]                  392     862  45.5% -lh5- 68af Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/
[generic]                16600   30340  54.7% -lh5- 7f5f Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/ppmtogif
[generic]                  761    1785  42.6% -lh5- 1afd Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/
[generic]                30589   66132  46.3% -lh5- 2f83 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/ppmtoilbm
[generic]                 3648   11839  30.8% -lh5- f0d6 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/
[generic]                12397   22444  55.2% -lh5- 67b3 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/ppmtopcx
[generic]                  248     520  47.7% -lh5- 0134 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/
[generic]                12771   23404  54.6% -lh5- e824 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/PBM/ppmtotga
[generic]                  835    3290  25.4% -lh5- 3008 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/
[generic]                  485    3303  14.7% -lh5- 61fd Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/
[generic]                  608    3290  18.5% -lh5- 2e8b Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/
[generic]                  173     264  65.5% -lh5- 4e8a Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/Installation
[generic]                  361    3303  10.9% -lh5- d11b Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/
[generic]                  707    3290  21.5% -lh5- f8c8 Sep  1  1997 G-Dec/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        48 files  289266  731478  39.5%            May  6  1999
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