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Font2Raw v1.0
While working on my most recent effort, I suddenly needed a font for the
front end of that particular game. After playing an hour with Brilliance
and PicCon, I found that neither of them could fulfil my needs: what I
needed was simply a font from my FONTS: dir, in an easy to use format so
that I wouldn't need to resort to using system-friendly screens.
So I wrote a convertor, and this is it! Please don't expect too freaking
much, since I wrote it in about 4 hours total.... =)
It just does its job, grab a font and convert it to raw!
- Run the program with the supplied MagicWB icon (looks a bit like the
Intellifont icon! ;) or run it from CLI, any parameters will be ignored.
- Select a font in any size with the font requester.
- Enter the 'Convert string'. This defines which characters to convert in
what order. The leftmost character will be on top, while the last one
will, strangely, be the last.
- Now you're presented with the resulting raw char table. This can be prin-
ted using the 'Print List' button or ignored by clicking 'Continue'.
- At this point you're asked to select the size of the resulting data.
Since anyone using this program will be able to code I don't think it'll
be of use of I explain the terms.
- Select where to save the resulting file, and the program will quit.
The result:
The resulting file contains all the selected characters in their selected
order, arranged vertically to the left, and as wide as you selected.
The height of the characters is exactly the same as the original font,
without any additional spacing.
You selected 'Example.font' at 11 points high, and 'WORD' as the resulting
width. The conversion string is 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.
The resulting file is:
Word Contents
0 %0000100000000000
1 %0001110000000000
2 %0011011000000000
3 %0110001100000000 (this is just an example
4 %1100000110000000 I just whipped up with a
5 %1100000110000000 text editor... =)
6 %1111111110000000
7 %1100000110000000
8 %1100000110000000
9 %1100000110000000
10 %1100000110000000
11 %1111110000000000
12 %1100001000000000
13 %1100001100000000
14 %1100001100000000
15 %1100001000000000
16 %1111110000000000
17 %1100001000000000
18 %1100001100000000
19 %1100001100000000
20 %1100001000000000
21 %1111110000000000
22 %0011111000000000
23 %0110001100000000
24 %1100000000000000
25 %1100000000000000
26 %1100000000000000
27 %1100000000000000
etc. etc.
Comments or bugs:
Since I just wrote this program as my own development tool, it may or may not
contain lots of bugs (none that I know of anyway) and I may or may not decide
to develop it any further.
If you like this program, or have any comment, idea, question or anything,
please send me an email at:
One function I'll probably add anyway is the automatic calculation of a pro-
portions table, containing all the separate widths of all the characters.
If you'd like to see this function as well, send me a mail!
Niels Keurentjes, Twilite software
For more info see: http://www.iaehv.nl/users/marco
Contents of gfx/conv/Font2Raw.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1254 2296 54.6% -lh5- 7752 Jul 31 1996 Font2Raw
[generic] 985 1747 56.4% -lh5- 926f Jul 22 1996 Font2Raw.info
[generic] 1522 3284 46.3% -lh5- fa6d Jul 31 1996 Font2Raw.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 3761 7327 51.3% Aug 10 1996
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