DTKoala - Convert a (datatype) picture to Koala painter format
Written by Lars Malmborg (glue@df.lth.se).
The rendition is based on code by Pasi 'Albert' Ojala.
DTKoala is simply a converter for any 320x200 picture loadable by
a datatype of the AmigaOS 3.x. The color remapping isn't perfect,
but who cares? You can however help it by using only the following
colors in the picture you want to convert:
Black (0,0,0)
White (240,240,240)
Red (192,0,64)
Cyan (0,208,192)
Purple (192,0,192)
Green (0,176,0)
Blue (0,0,208)
Yellow (224,240,96)
Orange (208,96,0)
Brown (112,48,0)
LightRed (240,112,144)
DarkGray (80,80,80)
Gray (128,128,128)
LightGreen (144,240,160)
LightBlue (112,144,240)
LightGray (192,192,208)
This palette can be extracted from any picture shown by the Koala
painter datatype or you can use the supplied palette for PPaint.
As the actual resolution of a Koala painter picture is 160x200 with
a ratio of 2:1, the remapper uses the medium of even and odd pixels
in the original 320x200 picture. Pixel 0 on a row in the Koala
painter matches pixel 0 and 1 in the original picture, pixel 1
matches pixel 2 and 3, ...
If you want sharp edges in the resulting picture you must make sure
that the color of the original pixels are the same to disable the
effect of the medium calculation. This is easilly done in a paint
program by scaling the picture to 160x200 and back to 320x200. Keep
in mind that if you resize a brush twice, most programs use the
initial brush even for the secont resize.
To convert a picture simply state:
DTKoala <infile> <outfile>
where <infile> is any 320x200 picture loadable with with datatypes
and <outfile> is the resulting Koala painter file. The default
background color is black, but you can decide which color to use
as background and if this color is to be transparent.
F.ex. to convert the file "foo.iff" to a Koala painter file
"bar.pic" where the background is to be set to light blue, state:
DTKoala foo.iff bar.pic LightBlue
If you use a picture f.ex. on your home page and you have a grayish
background pattern, you can make the gray part transparent:
DTKoala food.iff bart.pic Gray Transparent
You can of course also use the british spelling of the colours:
DTKoala food.iff bart.pic Grey Transparent
This is kind of the counter part of my Koala painter datatype
(Aminet:util/dtype/KoalaDT.lha), which you'll probably want if are
going to watch the pictures you've converted.
Put "DTKoala" anywhere in your path.
Amiga running AmigaOS 3.x
* Initial Aminet release.
* Corrected weights for color approximation.
* Stack problems fixed.
* No longer depends on V43 picture.datatype.
Only pictures with a color LUT works, i.e. no true color pictures
such as jpeg or IFF24.
Freeware as always!