84782 packages online
game/demo/tritus_demo.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Superb 3-player Tetris Clone |
Author: | d.pearson ext.canterbury.ac.nz (Davin Pearson) |
Uploader: | d pearson ext canterbury ac nz (Davin Pearson) |
Type: | game/demo |
Version: | 2.43 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-05-29 |
Requires: | Any 1meg amiga |
Download: | game/demo/tritus_demo.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/demo/tritus_demo.readme |
Downloads: | 454 |
Tritus is a way cool 3-player tetris-style game and more! Tritus is
shareware, although this demo is completely playable, apart from the
shareware message that appears from time to time. But if you like
this game then you MUST REGISTER because of your moral obligations to
poor independent programmers such as myself.
This demo version of the game is freely distributable.
Tritus was written on a crusty old amiga 2000, and has been tested on
amiga 500's, 1000's and 1200's, so it darn well should work on all
machines with at least 1 meg of ram.
Tritus can be run from the workbench, or if you don't like using the
workbench you should create a bootable floppy disk with this startup
; beginning of file: s/startup-sequence
CD Tritus
fastmemfirst >nil:
run >nil: Tritus
endcli >nil:
; end of file: s/startup-sequence
The disk must also contain the following files:
You can get these files from your own workbench disk --- they are not
included in this archive because they are copyright to some big nasty
multi-national company.
Read the in-game docs for instructions on how to play. The game can
be paused by pressing "P", the annoying theme tune can be toggled
on/off by pressing "M", and the game can be exited by pressing "ESC"
at the title screen.
The levels can be easily modified by loading the file
grafix/levels.iff into your favourite paint program and changing it.
If you find the theme tune just too annoying, then just find replace
the file sounds/music with your favourite med-module. The other sound
effects can be modified in a similar way.
If you register, not only will you get the full version of this great
game but you will also receive ANOTHER great game called R3. R3 is
much bigger than Tritus and you can take it from me that if you like
multi-player games then R3 is also a must. Bruce (who wrote R3) and I
play R3 even more than we play Tritus. Yes that's right we play it
for HOURS on end and you too can experience this together with the
associated joys of missing essays, missing out on precious hours of
sleep and perhaps your sanity, although I will not be held responsible
for this.
The registration fee is NZ$20 or 10 pounds sterling or 15 bucks US.
(WOW, how cheap!) My bank will exchange other major currencies too and
can accept overseas personal cheques. Cheques are probably the
safest/best option, but I'll take anything.
To register, send your (real) name and address and the registration
TO my U.K agent:
Tritus Registration
c/o Ellen Johnstone
11 Abbey Road
OR myself:
Tritus Registration
c/o Davin Pearson
29 Tika Street
Christchurch 8004
New Zealand
You will receive TWO disks - one containing Tritus and the R3 levels,
and the other containing R3 with its very fancy level editor. These
can (of course) be easily installed onto Hard-disk, if you have one.
You should definitely get your disks within a month - if they don't
arrive by then, please start complaining to me.
Davin Pearson.
e-mail: d.pearson@ext.canterbury.ac.nz
phone : +64-3-3484238
Contents of game/demo/tritus_demo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 262 628 41.7% -lh5- 3a1a Apr 19 1996 tritus.info
[generic] 271 628 43.2% -lh5- bd58 Oct 18 1995 tritus/Grafix.info
[generic] 1117 2172 51.4% -lh5- fa8e Nov 24 1995 tritus/Grafix/gamedata
[generic] 15714 37226 42.2% -lh5- 323b Jan 9 1980 tritus/Grafix/levels.iff
[generic] 277 454 61.0% -lh5- fa11 Apr 19 1996 tritus/Grafix/levels.iff.info
[generic] 106 156 67.9% -lh5- 1583 Apr 24 1994 tritus/Grafix/Palette12
[generic] 88 108 81.5% -lh5- ed7e Feb 21 1994 tritus/Grafix/Palette12b
[generic] 9414 37402 25.2% -lh5- 45e5 May 6 1994 tritus/Grafix/shapes12
[generic] 12410 50908 24.4% -lh5- b888 Jan 29 1994 tritus/Grafix/sprites9
[generic] 271 628 43.2% -lh5- 30aa Oct 18 1995 tritus/Sounds.info
[generic] 878 1180 74.4% -lh5- 0393 Jan 27 1994 tritus/Sounds/bounce0
[generic] 708 1002 70.7% -lh5- 9b1a Feb 6 1994 tritus/Sounds/bounce1
[generic] 943 1752 53.8% -lh5- 5c1f Feb 6 1994 tritus/Sounds/bounce2
[generic] 5501 7672 71.7% -lh5- adcf Dec 8 1993 tritus/Sounds/brick_crashes
[generic] 4251 5728 74.2% -lh5- 1617 Jun 2 1993 tritus/Sounds/brick_explode
[generic] 304 702 43.3% -lh5- b365 Feb 14 1994 tritus/Sounds/brick_landing
[generic] 2729 3608 75.6% -lh5- f3da Jan 19 1994 tritus/Sounds/brick_rotate1
[generic] 2542 3274 77.6% -lh5- 39a5 Jan 19 1994 tritus/Sounds/brick_rotate2
[generic] 3650 4996 73.1% -lh5- 9339 Jan 11 1994 tritus/Sounds/doh
[generic] 6661 11676 57.0% -lh5- ab86 Jun 2 1993 tritus/Sounds/game_over
[generic] 25833 44626 57.9% -lh5- ba61 Feb 23 1994 tritus/Sounds/music
[generic] 1573 1842 85.4% -lh5- 2a85 Feb 14 1994 tritus/Sounds/pushup1
[generic] 16221 21372 75.9% -lh5- 4857 Feb 16 1994 tritus/Sounds/pushup2
[generic] 2016 3346 60.3% -lh5- bc8a Dec 27 1993 tritus/Sounds/slime_hit
[generic] 5962 12822 46.5% -lh5- da15 Jan 19 1994 tritus/Sounds/slime_landing
[generic] 7749 13670 56.7% -lh5- 404a Jan 25 1994 tritus/Sounds/slime_licking
[generic] 4196 5902 71.1% -lh5- b5dc Jan 20 1994 tritus/Sounds/slime_squelch
[generic] 813 1256 64.7% -lh5- 312d Feb 14 1994 tritus/Sounds/slime_vanish
[generic] 15278 18766 81.4% -lh5- 566d Dec 27 1993 tritus/Sounds/trick1
[generic] 6914 10242 67.5% -lh5- b9dc Feb 16 1994 tritus/Sounds/trick2
[generic] 9387 10772 87.1% -lh5- 0a71 Feb 14 1994 tritus/Sounds/trick3
[generic] 50013 122308 40.9% -lh5- 4242 Apr 19 1996 tritus/Tritus_Demo
[generic] 172 422 40.8% -lh5- 09ce Nov 24 1995 tritus/Tritus_Demo.info
[generic] 1864 3722 50.1% -lh5- 6af8 Apr 19 1996 tritus/Tritus_Demo.readme
[generic] 299 563 53.1% -lh5- 8815 Apr 19 1996 tritus/Tritus_Demo.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 35 files 216387 443531 48.8% May 29 1996
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