Land of Genesis AMIGA Demo v2.5GT
Original soundtrack separately sold via !
Ask them, they have some on stock. Otherwise, ask me ;)
This demo can't be sold. It's freeware.
Land of Genesis a Platform/Shoot'em'up game published by Clearwater Interactive - which isn't anymore :(
Changes in v2.5GT:
- Fixed the intro bug on A4000
- Difficulty calibrated
- The "Easy" option make the game more easy
- Support for joystick with two buttons
- Lower SoundFX volume
- Implemented missile collision with the walls
You can change the CD-Rom preferences and paths, but it may be dangerous for
the AmigaOS system and the game. The syntax is:
<devicename> <devicenumber> <path of animation> <version> <speed> <intro> <sound>
devicename = CD-Rom name device (es: atapi.device )
devicenumber = CD-Rom unit number (es: 1 )
path of animation = path of the intro animation followed by backslash
version = check (default), basic, extend
speed = normal (default), fast , turbo
intro = play , null
sound = device , hardware (suggested)
(remember to separate each command with one space)
*** Running Other Programs in the Background
Generally, we have found that it is not a good idea to run any other programs in the background while playing Land of Genesis. Please turn off any active programs while running Land of Genesis, as they may interrupt the game and cause problems. Various video, sound, or memory problems may occur if other programs are running, including virus-detection utilities. You may also need to disable or close programs that start from your Startup-sequence which were added to load programs automatically when Workbench is started. If you have iconized programs on your workbench screen, click on each of them and select the option to disable, unload, or close them before running Land of Genesis. If you cannot disable them and you experience problems running Land of Genesis, you may want to remove the programs.
The best way to run the game is without workbench screen and disabling startup-sequence.
*** Workbench Color Palette and Resolution
If you experience problems running the game, we recommend that you set your Screen Colors to 4 colours and the Workbench or Screen Area to 640x256. When playing Land of Genesis with your Workbench set to a color palette other than 4 colors, You may have memory problems. some video cards may experience problems launching the game, difficulty when task switching, or other graphics problems. In most cases disabling the graphic card solves these problems.
*** Possible Performance Problems in Land of Genesis
You may experience frame rate drops or graphics problems while playing Land of Genesis, especially on a low-end system. Some of the problems you may see are:
- It may be difficult to change screenshoots or there may be long pauses.
- You may experience intermittent pauses in the game, especially during high-action.
- You may have problems maneuvering.
*** Improving Performance in Land of Genesis
The following are a few things that may increase performance in Land of Genesis:
Make sure no other programs are running. This includes virus scanning programs and e-mail programs. Simply disabling your virus program still uses resources that are needed while playing the game. Land of Genesis is a graphically intensive game and needs to use most of your available resources.
Maurizio Gemelli (Game / GFX)
Andreas Stürmer (Music) |