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Short:Disk two of blobz
Author:dave reed
Uploader:phil ware5d demon co uk
Download:game/demo/Blobz_2.lha - View contents

Disk two of Blobz AGA from Apex Systems.

    Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
        8810    5241 40.5% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/001
        4368     531 87.8% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/002
       31100   15405 50.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/003
         108     103  4.6% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/ap1b
         108     103  4.6% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/ap1f
         108     101  6.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/ap2b
         108      99  8.3% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/ap2f
         108     103  4.6% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/ap3b
         108     100  7.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/3/ap3f
         108     101  6.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/ap1f
         108     100  7.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/ap2f
        9150    5380 41.2% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/001
        4224     685 83.7% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/002
         108      98  9.2% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/ap1f
         108      93 13.8% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/ap2f
        9192    7022 23.6% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/001
        2806     685 75.5% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/002
       34574   14472 58.1% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/003
         108     106  1.8% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/ap1b
         108     106  1.8% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/ap2b
         108     107  0.9% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/ap3b
         108      97 10.1% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/5/ap3f
       36816   14911 59.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/003
         108      97 10.1% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/ap1b
         108     101  6.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/ap2b
         108      93 13.8% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/ap3b
         108      89 17.5% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Backdrops/2/ap3f
        1572     489 68.8% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
        1520     416 72.6% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
        1422     390 72.5% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
        1542     523 66.0% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
        1428     382 73.2% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
        1550     497 67.9% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
        1564     513 67.1% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
        1566     509 67.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
        1394     339 75.6% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Maps/
       20296    9856 51.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  mods/music.1
       31648   10833 65.7% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  mods/music.4
       26496   13669 48.4% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  mods/music.7
       20296    9941 51.0% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  mods/music.8
       20540   10083 50.9% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  mods/Music.9
        2782     472 83.0% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Screens2/blob.iff
        9834    4742 51.7% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Screens2/options
       10698    7125 33.3% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Screens2/panel.but
       10642    7579 28.7% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Screens2/
       19686   15249 22.5% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Screens2/texture
        7808    2818 63.9% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Screens2/panel.gfx
       52904    7302 86.1% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Sprites/blobz.spr
        2332     934 59.9% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Sprites/numfont4x5.ab
        1040     286 72.5% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Sprites/panel1.ab
         858     267 68.8% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Sprites/panel2.ab
         806     413 48.7% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Sprites/pointers.ab
       11792    6017 48.9% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Sprites/target.1
        4876     931 80.9% 25-Oct-96 14:42:58  Sprites/target.2
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
      411876  178704 56.6% 25-Oct-96 14:45:18   54 files


Contents of game/demo/Blobz_2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 5241    8810  59.5% -lh5- 5a7a Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/001
[generic]                  531    4368  12.2% -lh5- d3fd Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/002
[generic]                15405   31100  49.5% -lh5- afb9 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/003
[generic]                  103     108  95.4% -lh5- f525 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/ap1b
[generic]                  103     108  95.4% -lh5- 3422 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/ap1f
[generic]                  101     108  93.5% -lh5- b412 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/ap2b
[generic]                   99     108  91.7% -lh5- d64f Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/ap2f
[generic]                  103     108  95.4% -lh5- 8ae3 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/ap3b
[generic]                  100     108  92.6% -lh5- 99c0 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/3/ap3f
[generic]                  101     108  93.5% -lh5- 4b69 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/ap1f
[generic]                  100     108  92.6% -lh5- 6388 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/ap2f
[generic]                 5380    9150  58.8% -lh5- f3d7 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/001
[generic]                  685    4224  16.2% -lh5- 84e6 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/002
[generic]                   98     108  90.7% -lh5- 8c8d Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/ap1f
[generic]                   93     108  86.1% -lh5- a6a2 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/ap2f
[generic]                 7022    9192  76.4% -lh5- 2a73 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/001
[generic]                  685    2806  24.4% -lh5- 1e0f Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/002
[generic]                14472   34574  41.9% -lh5- c829 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/003
[generic]                  106     108  98.1% -lh5- 0d1d Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/ap1b
[generic]                  106     108  98.1% -lh5- 2db7 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/ap2b
[generic]                  107     108  99.1% -lh5- 979b Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/ap3b
[generic]                   97     108  89.8% -lh5- 4b4c Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/5/ap3f
[generic]                14911   36816  40.5% -lh5- 279a Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/003
[generic]                   97     108  89.8% -lh5- d485 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/ap1b
[generic]                  101     108  93.5% -lh5- fa73 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/ap2b
[generic]                   93     108  86.1% -lh5- 2bb0 Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/ap3b
[generic]                   89     108  82.4% -lh5- 768f Oct 25  1996 Backdrops/2/ap3f
[generic]                  489    1572  31.1% -lh5- 1cc8 Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                  416    1520  27.4% -lh5- 7721 Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                  390    1422  27.4% -lh5- 4a86 Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                  523    1542  33.9% -lh5- 79e5 Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                  382    1428  26.8% -lh5- 8ef3 Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                  497    1550  32.1% -lh5- a483 Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                  513    1564  32.8% -lh5- 84b1 Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                  509    1566  32.5% -lh5- dfb6 Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                  339    1394  24.3% -lh5- 116f Oct 25  1996 Maps/
[generic]                 9856   20296  48.6% -lh5- ec8a Oct 25  1996 mods/music.1
[generic]                10833   31648  34.2% -lh5- 1608 Oct 25  1996 mods/music.4
[generic]                13669   26496  51.6% -lh5- cf53 Oct 25  1996 mods/music.7
[generic]                 9941   20296  49.0% -lh5- b024 Oct 25  1996 mods/music.8
[generic]                10083   20540  49.1% -lh5- c357 Oct 25  1996 mods/Music.9
[generic]                  472    2782  17.0% -lh5- b5b1 Oct 25  1996 Screens2/blob.iff
[generic]                 4742    9834  48.2% -lh5- 9ffb Oct 25  1996 Screens2/options
[generic]                 7125   10698  66.6% -lh5- 76ab Oct 25  1996 Screens2/panel.but
[generic]                 7579   10642  71.2% -lh5- 1372 Oct 25  1996 Screens2/
[generic]                15249   19686  77.5% -lh5- 0031 Oct 25  1996 Screens2/texture
[generic]                 2818    7808  36.1% -lh5- a0ba Oct 25  1996 Screens2/panel.gfx
[generic]                 7302   52904  13.8% -lh5- 88e2 Oct 25  1996 Sprites/blobz.spr
[generic]                  934    2332  40.1% -lh5- 811c Oct 25  1996 Sprites/numfont4x5.ab
[generic]                  286    1040  27.5% -lh5- 8f0b Oct 25  1996 Sprites/panel1.ab
[generic]                  267     858  31.1% -lh5- c6fa Oct 25  1996 Sprites/panel2.ab
[generic]                  413     806  51.2% -lh5- 45f0 Oct 25  1996 Sprites/pointers.ab
[generic]                 6017   11792  51.0% -lh5- e07c Oct 25  1996 Sprites/target.1
[generic]                  931    4876  19.1% -lh5- 12d1 Oct 25  1996 Sprites/target.2
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        54 files  178704  411876  43.4%            Oct 25  1996
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