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Short:World War II strategy war game
Author:Steven Solie
Uploader:Steven Solie <ssolie telus net>
Download:game/board/ww2.lha - View contents


This is a free computer version clone of the "Axis & Allies" board game
distributed by Milton Bradley.

The biggest difference between this version and all the other attempts
(both commercial and non-commercial) is that this implementation is
exclusively for the Amiga!

The game is now complete with all the 2nd Edition rules implemented.
Please see the included AmigaGuide file for more details.

The next stage in development will be to expand the Lua client functions
to enable a fully automated robot player. I'm also considering implementing
some of the other versions of the various other A&A games available
including the revised edition, Europe, Pacific and D-Day. Your input will
help determine what will be done next so do not hesitate to contact me
with your requests.


3.4  2008-05-06  - Added many Lua functions and callbacks which makes it
                   possible to play against the computer now
                 - GUI changes to improve the look including alpha support
                 - Fixed some more rule violations
                 - GUI now displays marker overflows using a heavy line
                   extending from the last unit placed
                 - Many files converted to XML-based formats for future
                   game expansion capabilities

3.3  2007-05-06  - GUI now defaults to moving one unit at a time
                 - GUI introduced a new "move wheel" which is used to
                   change the size of a move
                 - Fixed several GUI rendering glitches
                 - Fixed several bridged move rule violations
                 - Changed to use Deja Vu typefaces
                 - Changed to GUI to display overflow units differently
                 - Removed algorithmic placement of units on gamespaces
                 - Exported several data sets from internal to XML-based
                 - Changed GUI prefs file from IFF to XML
                 - Replaced most bitmapped graphics with new graphics by
                   Kenneth Lester

3.2  2007-02-04  - Added choice of human or robot players
                 - Added many new Lua function calls
                 - Added network chatting capability
                 - Robot player status is displayed in the chat browser
                 - Game map is now rendered faster and more efficiently
                 - Territory outlines are shown when scrolling and zooming
                 - Remote players can join or leave a game at any time now
                 - Now requires AmigaOS 4.0 final

3.1  2006-02-25  - Completed entire 2nd Edition rule set.
                 - Replaced ARexx client with a Lua client.
                 - GUI should now be a bit more user friendly and stable.
                 - Improved look of GUI a bit.

3.0  2005-07-02  Implemented basic head-to-head internet play.
                 GUI now runs in either host or remote mode at startup.
                 Windows can now be dragged offscreen.
                 Greatly improved robustness in error situations.
                 Added entropy seed to the random number generator.
                 Fixed bugs reported by John Chandler.
                 Fixed various obscure rule violations.
                 Improved file requesters.

2.1  2005-02-12  Improved graphics with the Anti-Grain Geometry package.
                 Continent contours are displayed while panning & zooming.
                 Added battleship support attacks.
                 Added Panama and Suez canal rules.
                 Now requires ARGB or BGRA colour modes.
                 Completed transport rules with allies.

2.0  2004-10-11  Ported to AmigaOS 4.0 and enhanced.
                 Implemented full transport rules except with allies.
                 Implemented full amphibious assult rules except
                 battleship support attacks.
                 Transport bridge moves are fully supported.

1.5  2004-01-23  Implemented full fighter/carrier interaction rules.
                 Renamed to simply "WW2".

1.4  2003-01-27  Added strategic bombing raids & completed antiaircraft
                 gun rules.

1.3  2002-06-12  Added transports and aircraft carriers.

1.2  2002-06-02  Added battleships and submarines.

1.1  2002-04-05  Added fighters and bombers.

1.0  2002-02-07  First public release.


This program uses Anti-Grain Geometry package for some rendering.

The Anti-Grain Geometry Project
A high quality rendering engine for C++

Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4 
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem) 

Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software 
is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. 
This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

Contents of game/board/ww2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 9184    9834  93.4% -lh5- afb2 May  7 08:22
[generic]                 3631    8142  44.6% -lh5- 6ac1 May  7 08:22 WW2/Catalogs/english/WW2.catalog
[generic]                 3630    8146  44.6% -lh5- f020 May  7 08:22 WW2/Catalogs/french/WW2.catalog
[generic]                 1374    3084  44.6% -lh5- 9cf7 May  7 08:22 WW2/CHANGES.txt
[generic]                 8311    8904  93.3% -lh5- bb1d May  7 08:22 WW2/
[generic]                 7971    8210  97.1% -lh5- 585f May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Backfills/Banner.png
[generic]                  133     168  79.2% -lh5- eef2 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Cursors/MoveEast.ilbm
[generic]                  148     172  86.0% -lh5- c7a4 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Cursors/MoveFrom.ilbm
[generic]                  141     172  82.0% -lh5- 9ddf May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Cursors/MoveTo.ilbm
[generic]                  133     168  79.2% -lh5- cdf0 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Cursors/MoveWest.ilbm
[generic]                  120     168  71.4% -lh5- 99c7 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Cursors/Select.ilbm
[generic]                  147     172  85.5% -lh5- b089 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Cursors/UnloadTo.ilbm
[generic]                 2940    2959  99.4% -lh5- 8ba0 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-AAGun.png
[generic]                 2879    2903  99.2% -lh5- 7de9 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Armor.png
[generic]                 2151    2184  98.5% -lh5- 1e0a May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Battleship.png
[generic]                 3173    3199  99.2% -lh5- 88a6 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Bomber.png
[generic]                 3750    3786  99.0% -lh5- e870 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Capital.png
[generic]                 2259    2279  99.1% -lh5- 96f1 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Carrier.png
[generic]                 3174    3197  99.3% -lh5- 3c50 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Complex.png
[generic]                 3114    3131  99.5% -lh5- 7c4e May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Fighter.png
[generic]                 2713    2728  99.5% -lh5- 50c7 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Infantry.png
[generic]                 1292    1292 100.0% -lh0- 301d May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Laded-AAGun.png
[generic]                 1155    1155 100.0% -lh0- 77c6 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Laded-Armor.png
[generic]                 1315    1315 100.0% -lh0- 6b5b May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Laded-Fighter.png
[generic]                 1114    1114 100.0% -lh0- e594 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Laded-Infantry.png
[generic]                 3174    3197  99.3% -lh5- 3c50 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-New-Complex.png
[generic]                 1661    1661 100.0% -lh0- 0e2a May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Small-Flag.png
[generic]                 2152    2191  98.2% -lh5- 6a6b May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Submarine.png
[generic]                 2222    2242  99.1% -lh5- 77a1 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/DE-Transport.png
[generic]                  208     384  54.2% -lh5- a3a0 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/Error.ilbm
[generic]                 3221    3259  98.8% -lh5- 1246 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-AAGun.png
[generic]                 3238    3281  98.7% -lh5- c752 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Armor.png
[generic]                 2250    2283  98.6% -lh5- 5e5f May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Battleship.png
[generic]                 3385    3424  98.9% -lh5- 8c0b May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Bomber.png
[generic]                 5854    5906  99.1% -lh5- 8df6 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Capital.png
[generic]                 2422    2449  98.9% -lh5- 8b2c May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Carrier.png
[generic]                 3613    3673  98.4% -lh5- 7ac1 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Complex.png
[generic]                 3405    3440  99.0% -lh5- d54c May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Fighter.png
[generic]                 2878    2892  99.5% -lh5- e121 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Infantry.png
[generic]                 1337    1337 100.0% -lh0- de9e May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Laded-AAGun.png
[generic]                 1237    1237 100.0% -lh0- d4ce May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Laded-Armor.png
[generic]                 1359    1380  98.5% -lh5- afa6 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Laded-Fighter.png
[generic]                 1143    1143 100.0% -lh0- 19ed May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Laded-Infantry.png
[generic]                 3613    3673  98.4% -lh5- 7ac1 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-New-Complex.png
[generic]                 2257    2257 100.0% -lh0- 9b04 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Small-Flag.png
[generic]                 2280    2325  98.1% -lh5- 2795 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Submarine.png
[generic]                 2342    2369  98.9% -lh5- 18f5 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/JP-Transport.png
[generic]                 3139    3169  99.1% -lh5- 329d May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-AAGun.png
[generic]                 3148    3187  98.8% -lh5- 1cf5 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Armor.png
[generic]                 2237    2263  98.9% -lh5- c037 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Battleship.png
[generic]                 3319    3348  99.1% -lh5- 9564 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Bomber.png
[generic]                 5331    5394  98.8% -lh5- 070a May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Capital.png
[generic]                 2381    2415  98.6% -lh5- fbee May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Carrier.png
[generic]                 3453    3493  98.9% -lh5- b356 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Complex.png
[generic]                 3342    3370  99.2% -lh5- 3a6f May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Fighter.png
[generic]                 2827    2851  99.2% -lh5- 3de6 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Infantry.png
[generic]                 1317    1317 100.0% -lh0- d371 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Laded-AAGun.png
[generic]                 1204    1204 100.0% -lh0- e6a7 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Laded-Armor.png
[generic]                 1330    1370  97.1% -lh5- 23ca May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Laded-Fighter.png
[generic]                 1132    1132 100.0% -lh0- 7de9 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Laded-Infantry.png
[generic]                 3453    3493  98.9% -lh5- b356 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-New-Complex.png
[generic]                 2238    2251  99.4% -lh5- 4b4c May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Small-Flag.png
[generic]                 2240    2280  98.2% -lh5- 250c May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Submarine.png
[generic]                 2308    2339  98.7% -lh5- 01ce May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/SU-Transport.png
[generic]                 3148    3175  99.1% -lh5- 3aa6 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-AAGun.png
[generic]                 3125    3170  98.6% -lh5- d85e May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Armor.png
[generic]                 2228    2251  99.0% -lh5- cda3 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Battleship.png
[generic]                 3326    3355  99.1% -lh5- 2827 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Bomber.png
[generic]                 5263    5316  99.0% -lh5- 4281 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Capital.png
[generic]                 2380    2405  99.0% -lh5- abe6 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Carrier.png
[generic]                 3432    3474  98.8% -lh5- e037 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Complex.png
[generic]                 3329    3359  99.1% -lh5- f82e May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Fighter.png
[generic]                 2829    2848  99.3% -lh5- 3b46 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Infantry.png
[generic]                 1331    1331 100.0% -lh0- 22a8 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Laded-AAGun.png
[generic]                 1213    1213 100.0% -lh0- 38fa May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Laded-Armor.png
[generic]                 1360    1367  99.5% -lh5- 5b50 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Laded-Fighter.png
[generic]                 1137    1137 100.0% -lh0- 9761 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Laded-Infantry.png
[generic]                 3432    3474  98.8% -lh5- e037 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-New-Complex.png
[generic]                 2148    2162  99.4% -lh5- 8395 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Small-Flag.png
[generic]                 2273    2314  98.2% -lh5- f17f May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Submarine.png
[generic]                 2315    2343  98.8% -lh5- 9fa7 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/UK-Transport.png
[generic]                 3084    3113  99.1% -lh5- 0766 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-AAGun.png
[generic]                 3078    3124  98.5% -lh5- 4395 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Armor.png
[generic]                 2219    2247  98.8% -lh5- 6f04 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Battleship.png
[generic]                 3300    3335  99.0% -lh5- 6d79 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Bomber.png
[generic]                 5269    5324  99.0% -lh5- 2472 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Capital.png
[generic]                 2371    2392  99.1% -lh5- 2bd9 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Carrier.png
[generic]                 3381    3411  99.1% -lh5- d1b7 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Complex.png
[generic]                 3263    3286  99.3% -lh5- 1a8d May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Fighter.png
[generic]                 2828    2843  99.5% -lh5- 7b51 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Infantry.png
[generic]                 1310    1310 100.0% -lh0- c210 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Laded-AAGun.png
[generic]                 1204    1204 100.0% -lh0- 3da0 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Laded-Armor.png
[generic]                 1351    1363  99.1% -lh5- 62de May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Laded-Fighter.png
[generic]                 1128    1128 100.0% -lh0- bfb7 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Laded-Infantry.png
[generic]                 3381    3411  99.1% -lh5- d1b7 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-New-Complex.png
[generic]                 2053    2065  99.4% -lh5- 4e87 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Small-Flag.png
[generic]                 2237    2270  98.5% -lh5- d0af May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Submarine.png
[generic]                 2274    2309  98.5% -lh5- 1abe May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Images/US-Transport.png
[generic]                 8516    8516 100.0% -lh0- ae67 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Logos/agg-logo.png
[generic]                 6308    6308 100.0% -lh0- 1660 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Logos/boost-logo.png
[generic]                 1673    1717  97.4% -lh5- 69de May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Logos/expat-logo.png
[generic]                 4240    4453  95.2% -lh5- 977a May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Logos/lua-logo.png
[generic]                20682   20835  99.3% -lh5- c3d4 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Logos/ww2-logo.png
[generic]                  249     903  27.6% -lh5- d517 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Map/CapitalLabels.ww2
[generic]                 6641   54420  12.2% -lh5- a4bf May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Map/MarkerLoci.ww2
[generic]                 3801   37254  10.2% -lh5- 2630 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Map/TerritoryCentroids.ww2
[generic]                 1699   13352  12.7% -lh5- 7ca0 May  7 08:22 WW2/Data/Map/TerritoryLabels.ww2
[generic]                 4148   22212  18.7% -lh5- 4674 May  7 08:22 WW2/PlayAxis.lua
[generic]              1489663 4630412  32.2% -lh5- 17d3 May  7 08:22 ww2/ww2-gui
[generic]                12180   12566  96.9% -lh5- 46f6 May  7 08:22 WW2/
[generic]               725025 2023140  35.8% -lh5- 2446 May  7 08:22 WW2/WW2-Lua
[generic]              1058422 3117212  34.0% -lh5- 9e60 May  7 08:22 WW2/WW2-Server
[generic]                11054   32523  34.0% -lh5- 354c May  7 08:22 WW2/
[generic]                 6471    6946  93.2% -lh5- 157a May  7 08:22 WW2/
[generic]                 2056    4913  41.8% -lh5- af41 May  7 08:22 WW2/WW2.readme
[generic]                 8304    8892  93.4% -lh5- 4f41 May  7 08:22 WW2/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       116 files 3624734 10274864  35.3%            May 28 07:36
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