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Amiga Patience

This program is provided as Shareware.  It is a disabled program, allowing 
only 3 games before locking up with a message and requiring a reset.  Apart 
from that, it is a complete program.  For just $30 Australian, I will send 
a registered complete version.  Send the registration fee to the address
below, postage is included to anywhere in the world, you basically get a 
bootable disk with on-disk documentation (better than this documentation).


This program may be redistributed in the form supplied (executable, music,
and documentation), for a minimum copying fee.  Patience may not be used in
any commercial without written permission from the author.  Patience remains
the property of Robert Lang, and is released as a disabled Shareware product,
requiring registration via the nominated fee for a complete version.

Patience was initially written because my girlfriend asked for it....easy as
that.  Since then, we have seen many friends get very addicted to the game, and
decided we were onto a good thing.  Graphics were improved, a few options added,
and music written.  Credits for each part are available in the game, all work
in Patience is original as indicated.

This IS an addictive game.  Play it a few times and you'll grow to love it.
The high score table adds a little competition, and the preferences allow
some personalisation.

Patience works fine on a hard drive, placed in a partition (ie. or assignment)
called 'PATIENCE:' with the sound files and patience. files in that partition.
Patience requires 'medplayer.library' in LIBS: and garnet.font in fonts: to 
work.  In the event that memory is low (usually on a 512k only machine), the
music is disabled, but gameplay is fine.

Patience was developed in SAS C 5.10a on an Amiga 3000 running WB2.04, 
Kickstart V37.175.  It works fine under any Kickstart version after 1.3, 
or any machine with greater than 512k RAM.  For machines with low memory, 
music and sound is disabled.

GamePlay DOCS (well, NOTES, really !)

- Gameplay is along the rules of 'Klondike' Solitaire (or Patience).  You draw
  3 cards off the deck at a time, and can only use the upper visible card in
  gameplay.  Blacks on reds, reds on blacks, and a smaller card on the next
  card higher than it (ie. a black 3 on a red 4, but not a red 4 on a black 3).
  When possible, you can move cards to the 'stack' starting from ACE, the
  objective of the game being to get the whole cardset over onto the stack 
  in the shortest time possible.

- On 'Patience' the screen is divided into the playing area on the left of the
  screen, the 'hand' in the top right, and the stack in the bottom right.

- To move cards, click the left mouse button once on the 'source' and then
  once on the 'destination'.  Patience will work out how many cards can be
  moved etc, or beep if an error (if sound is on !).

- To deal 3 new cards, click in the 'hand' area twice quickly.

- You can move a card to the stack by double clicking it -> NOTE ! Don't 
  confuse this with the above double click ! If you try and double click 
  a card in the 'hand' hoping to move it to the 'stack' then 3 new cards 
  are dealt, the card is NOT moved to the stack.

- Menu options :

    - Restart - as it suggests, restart the game -> note you can only do this
                twice with the demo, the third time shows the crippled message.
      About   - Displays info message, the space that indicates that this is
                a demo version is reserved for the address of the distributor.
      Quit    - Exit out of Patience.

    - Reveal Cards     - In case of frustation, simply flips the cards that
                         are face down over, to help you realise we aren't
                         cheating with dealing/shuffling !
      View Best Times  - Display the high score table.  Note that best times
                         are stored in the file 'patience:patience.scores' !
      CleanUp          - Only becomes active when there are no more cards
                         in the deck.  If all cards in the playing area
                         are faceup, selecting this will move them to the 
                         'stack', completing the game for you.
      Pause Timer      - In case you need to leave the game for a second.
      Reset Best Times - Restores all BUT the highest score on the table,
                         in case the scores are just TOO hard to beat, so you
                         can bring some competition back in, without losing
                         the all-time best score.  

    - Music       - Plays a neat, original song by Rodney Coleman.
      Sound       - Plays some sound samples at various times in the game,
                    specifically a card flipping sound and an error indicator.
      Card Back   - Lets you select between 9 different card backs, just for 
                    a little variety.
      Palette     - Set up your favourite colour combination with this.
      King Rule   - A little rule variation, with this ON, then you can only
                    move a King into a blank column, with it OFF, then you
                    may move any card into a blank column.
      Save Config - Saves all the above 'preference' options to the 
                    file 'Patience:patience.config'.


That is about all I think an advanced user will need to get patience running.
It is setup on a bootable disk, tested under 1.3 & 2.x (written under V37.175
of Wb2.x on an Amiga 3000 in SAS/C 5.10a) and has been tested on a wide range
of machines with varying memory and peripherals.

We would be interested in any programming projects, just contact us ! (Music,
graphics, C/Assembly programming).

Contact me with distribution proposals :

        Robert Lang
        P.O. Box 127
        CARDIFF NSW 2285

or alternatively phone : 049-508189.

Contents of game/board/patience_demo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   44     524   8.4% -lh5- ec4b Jul 16  1991 fonts/garnet.font
[generic]                 3001    5380  55.8% -lh5- 569c Jul 16  1991 fonts/garnet/16
[generic]                 2426    3732  65.0% -lh5- a1bd Jul 16  1991 fonts/garnet/9
[generic]                  316     698  45.3% -lh5- 0082 Jul  6  1992 Installing.doc
[generic]                 4827    7576  63.7% -lh5- 077d Jan 20  1992 libs/medplayer.library
[generic]                44183  194328  22.7% -lh5- aa67 Jul  6  1992 Patience
[generic]                   24      24 100.0% -lh0- 069f Apr  7  1992 patience.config
[generic]                 2682    6009  44.6% -lh5- 6d4b Jul  6  1992 patience.doc
[generic]                  912    6058  15.1% -lh5- c018 Jul  6  1992
[generic]                   34     150  22.7% -lh5- 1376 Apr  7  1992 patience.scores
[generic]                 3103   12338  25.1% -lh5- ccfb Apr  7  1992 P_CardFlip.MEDmod
[generic]                92692  130936  70.8% -lh5- d768 Apr  7  1992 P_Music.MEDmod
[generic]                 7591   15240  49.8% -lh5- d426 Apr  7  1992 P_TryAgain.MEDmod
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        13 files  161835  382993  42.3%            Jul  6  1992
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