This is the german-only adaption of an ancient african board game.
The rules are so easy and it makes great fun.
- Done with CanDo (© Inovatronics) but runs without it
- Nearly styleguide compatible
- Human v Human, Human v Amiga, Amiga v Amiga
- Unlimited undo of moves
- Loading and saving of running games
- Rerun a game at any board position
- Printing and saving of movelists
- Context-sensitive online help
- ARexx support, can be controlled completely with ARexx
- Supports playing via null-modem/modem
- You can actually use self-programmed computer-players !
This feature requires cando.library but still works without CanDo.
You can do tournaments with self-programmed players, program
against your friends !!!
- and much more...