1. Description
This is a MorphOS-native driver for built-in Pegasos floppy drive.
2. Usage.
In order to use this driver copy it into DEVS: directory and write a mountlist
for the device. Here is an example for fat95 filesystem:
/* MS0: fat95 PC file system for floppy #0 */
/* $VER: fat95 file system 3.06 (08-Aug-2002) by Torsten Jager */
FileSystem = l:fat95
Device = trackdisk.device
Unit = 0 /* change drive number here */
Flags = 0
LowCyl = 0
HighCyl = 79
Surfaces = 2 /* bootblock values have priority over these */
BlocksPerTrack = 18
Buffers = 20
BufMemType = 1
BootPri = 0
Stacksize = 4096
Priority = 5
GlobVec = -1
DosType = 0x46415400
This driver comes with the preferences program which allows you to set number of
track read retries and turn on "No click" mode.
NOTE: Remember that in "No click" mode you need to issue a DiskChange command on
the drive in order to detect disk insertion! You can turn on and of this mode
using the supplied preferences program. The only exception is complete
(non-quick) formatting a blank disk - the driver will forcibly check for the
disk presence before formatting.
NOTE 2: This driver is intended to operate Pegasos hardware. It will not work on
classic Amigas with MorphOS!
3. Limitations
1. Unfortunately Pegasos has the same floppy controller as common IBM
PC-compatible computer so it can't read native Amiga-formatted floppy disks.
Only standard PC format is accepted (1.44M for high density disks).
2. "NoClick" mode requires to issue DiskChange command on the drive after you
insert a disk for the driver to detect it. Automatic insertion detection in
this mode is impossible with this floppy controller. However you don't need
to issue DiskChange command before Format command when doing full format.
3. Raw encoded track reading and writing is also impossible. So you'll be unable
to read and write for example old Apple GCR-encoded disks.
4. Reading and writing sector label area with ETD commands is impossible,
supplied sector label buffer will be ignored.
5. Precompensation values and step delays specified in unit structure are
Making use of these values is impossible.
6. Only high density (1.44 mb) disk format is supported.
4. Version history
41.3 - Formatting now works.
- Implemented forgotten TD_SEEK and ETD_SEEK commands.
- Preferences program is now more portable.
- Preferences program now supports locale.
41.2 - Added all missing commands.
- Preferences program now displays correctly with vector images set up in
- Window close gadget in preferences program now works.
- New icon for preferences program.
- Writing now works.
41.1 - Initial release.
5. Legal issues
This code is based on trackdisk.device version 1.18 taken from AROS operating
system <http://www.aros.org> and thus it is distributed under the terms of AROS
Public License.
Author of this version is Pavel Fedin <sonic_amiga@rambler.ru>
6. Thanks
1. All authors of AROS and MorphOS operating systems for their amazing work.
2. Genesi and BPlan gmbh for so nice Pegasos machine.