The true Masters of Dark Arts,
Ruskean Reian Ritarit Kauhu-Division presents
Malevolent Creations VI
Released 03.Mar.1995
1. General
Malevolent Creations is a twisted horror package for all who think
they'll dare to watch it through.
Anyway, we are most certain that this production will remain unknown,
it's secrets will only be understood by a few Chosen Ones, for it's
logic and geometry is "from Between", too much for spiritually weak
earthlings to understand. Well, it's not our fault that you're deranged. ;)
This production should be totally multitasking and system friendly.
Malevolent Creations is copyrighted material. Distribute freely for
non-profit purposes. Displaying in public (especially schools,
parties, libraries, etc) is allowed.
2. Requirements
- An Amiga that can run Amigaguide and/or MultiView. (KS2.04 atleast?)
- A drive with approximately one megabyte free.
- A harddrive with recent Workbench installed is recommended.
- A little bit of Amiga knowledge to get this running.