ADS File Description
Program Name: TeleText v1.20 Registration Fee: $15 US
Author: Jan Leuverink
Files / Size: TT120.lha - 323.234 byte
Released: 01-Jan-94
TeleText V1.20
Long Description:
This project makes it possible to view Teletext (also know
as Teletekst, Videotext, Ceefax, Skytext, Supertext etc.)
on your Amiga. It is suitable for any PAL Amiga, because
it uses the parallel port to interface with the hardware.
An electronic switch is provided to easily switch between
the TeleText decoder and a printer. The project consists
of a small piece of hardware and some software.
The software is Shareware. This means that if you use to
program longer than 3 weeks, you have to register or stop
using it. Some features will only be available to registered
Some features:
- fully localized
languages currently supported:
* nederlands
* deutsch
* dansk
* italiano
* francais
- needs KS2.04 or higher and a PAL Amiga to run
- can hold up to 4 teletext-pages, each page can
contain a maximum of 50 subpages
- saves pages in IFF, ASCII, ANSI and its own TT format
- loads pages in TT format
- uses reqtools.library (included in archive) for
- the hardware needs a PAL-encoded CVBS-videosignal
containing teletext-information (can be obtained
from the SCART/AV connector of a TV/VCR)
The PAL-system is used in the following countries:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark,
Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Holland,
Hong Kong, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand,
Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and Thailand.
Future support :
- Graphics-hardcopy of currently displayed page.
- more Arexx commands
- unlimited Catalogs (only depending on available memory)
- iconify
- Screenmode- and palette-requesters
Some of these features/enhancements will only be available
to registered users.
New in V1.20:
- AREXX support
* This will allow you to write Arexx scripts,
that can fetch specified pages, save them, etc.
- ANSI save function
- The ability to click on a number on a page,
so that that page is being looked for. Handy for
index-pages etc., just click on the pagenumber you
want to read.
- A fullscreen display for displaying the TeleText pages
- lots of keyboard shortcuts
- some minor bugfixes
Required Dos: WB 2.04 or higher
Computer: Amiga (PAL)
Ram: approx. 200 kb (incl. 80kb CHIP mem)
Suggested Hardware: -
Other: -
ADS Zone: Zone 2
ADS Hatch Site: Peter Smink
ADS Position: ADS Region 28 DHub
BBS Name: BBS The Experiment/The Amiga Shop
Phone Number(s): +31-1150-15245/14498/30679
Network Address: 2:285/1@fidonet (HST/V32b)
Network Region: 28, The Netherlands
BBS Hours: 24h
BBS Software: Remote Access
BBS Storage Space: 1850Mb
File Requestable : <x> Y < > N
File Request Hours : 24h except ZMH
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